[Publications] Kobayashi,T., Nishijo,H., Fukuda,M., Bures,J., and Ono,T.: "Task-dependent representations in rat hippocampal place neurons." J.Neurophysiol.78. 597-613 (1997)
[Publications] Fukuda,M., Tamura,R., Kobayashi,T., Nishijo,H. and Ono,T.: "Relationship between change of movement direction and activity of hippocampal place cells." NeuroReport. 8. 3207-3211 (1997)
[Publications] Nishijo,H., Ono,T., Eifuku,S. and Tamura,R.: "The relationship between monkey hippocampus place-related neural activity and action in space." Neurosci.Lett.226. 57-60 (1997)
[Publications] Nishijo,H., Kita,T., Tamura,R., Uwano,T., Terasawa,K. and Ono,T.: "Septal neuronal responses related to spatial representation in monkeys." Hippocampus. 7. 460-464 (1997)
[Publications] Kawanishi,C., Fukuda,M., Tamura,R., Nishijo,H. and Ono,T.: "Effects of repeated cold stress on feeding,avoidance behavior and pain related nerve fiber activity." Physiology & Behavior. 62. 849-855 (1997)
[Publications] Nishijo,H., Yamamoto,Y., Ono,T., Uwano,T., Yamashita,J. and Yamashima,T.: "Single neuron responses in the monkey anterior cingulate cortex during visual discrimination." Neurosci.Lett.227. 79-82 (1997)
[Publications] Tamura,R., Tanebe,K., Kawanishi,C., Torii,K. and Ono,T.: "Effects of lentinan on abnormal ingestive behaviors induced by tumor necrosis factor." Physiology & Behavior. 61. 399-410 (1997)
[Publications] 小野武年,永福智志: "海馬体・扁桃体の機能解剖." 医学のあゆみ. 183. 31-37 (1997)
[Publications] 田村了以,小野武年: "快感のメカニズム:脳内自己刺激." 神経研究の進歩. 41. 532-542 (1997)
[Publications] 西条寿夫,小野武年: "大脳辺縁系・視床下部と情動." クリニカルニューロサイエンス. 15. 1226-1229 (1997)
[Publications] Morita,M. and Murakami,S.: "Recognition of spatiotemporal patterns by nonmonotone neural networks" Proceedings of ICONIP'97. 1. 6-9 (1997)
[Publications] 森田昌彦,村上 聡: "非単調神経回路網による時系列パターンの認識" 電子情報通信学会論文誌(D-II). 印刷中. (1997)
[Publications] Aonishi,T., Kurata,K.: "Deformation theory of the dynamic link matching." Neural Computation. (in press). (1998)
[Publications] Aonishi,T., Kurata,K.: "A phase locking theory of matching between rotated images by a dynamic link matching." Biol.Cybern.(in press). (1998)
[Publications] 白倉準,倉田耕治: "入力情報の連続的対応による自己組織多重マップの引き込み" 電子情報通信学会論文誌D-II. (印刷中). (1998)
[Publications] Shibata,K., Osawa,M., Iwata,M.: "Pattern reversal visual evoked potentials in classic and common migraine." J.Neurol.Sci.145. 177-181 (1997)
[Publications] Tei,H., Miyazaki,A., Iwata,M., Osawa,M., Nagata,Y., Maruyama,S.: "Early-stage Alzheimer′s disease and multiple subcortical infarction with mild cognitive impairment:Neuropsychological comparison using an easily applicable test battery" Dement.Geriatr.Cogn.Disord.8. 353-358 (1997)
[Publications] Shibata,K., Osawa,M., Iwata,M.: "Simultaneous recording of pattern reversal electroretinograms and visual evoked potentials in migraine" Cephalalgia. 17. 742-747 (1997)
[Publications] 宮崎晶子,鄭秀明,永田陽子,大澤美貴雄,岩田誠: "パーキンソン病と前頭葉皮質下梗塞例における実行機能の障害の比較-ストループ・テストとウィスコンシン・カード・ソーティング・テストによる検討-" 神経心理. 13. 64-70 (1997)
[Publications] 大澤美貴雄,飯嶋睦,柴田興一,松村美由起,岩田誠: "痴呆疾患における大脳誘発電位と事象関連電位" 臨床脳波. 39. 795-802 (1997)
[Publications] Hasegawa,R., Sawaguchi,T. and Kubota,K.: "Monkey prefrontal neuronal activity coding the forthcoming saccade in an oculomotor delayed matching-to-sample task" J.Neurophysiol. 79. 322-333 (1998)
[Publications] Sawaguchi,T.: "Attenuation of preparatory activity for reaching movements by a D1-dopamine antagonist in the monkey premotor cortex." J.Neurophysiol.78. 1769-1774 (1997)
[Publications] Fukui,T., Sugita,K., Kawamura,M., Takeuchi,T., and Hasegawa,Y.: "Difference in factors associated with silent and symptomatic MRI T2 hyperintensity lesions." J.Neurology. 244. 293-298 (1997)
[Publications] Takahashi,N., Kawamura,M., Shiota,J., Kasahata,N., and Hirayama,K.: "Pure topographic disorientation due to right retrosplenial lesion." Neurology. 46. 464-469 (1997)
[Publications] Shiota,J., Kawamura,M., Takahashi,N., Isono,O., and Sugita,K.: "Prosopagnosia:a clinical,neurological and pathological study." Cortex. (in press). (1998)
[Publications] Morita,M.: "Computational study on the neural mechanism of sequential pattern memory." Brain and Mind(M.Ito ed.),Elsevier, 255-272 (1997)
[Publications] 森田昌彦: "学習・記憶の神経回路モデル" 脳と計算論(外山敬介,杉江昇編),朝倉書店, 54-69 (1997)
[Publications] 山本純,松田広則,門司廣之,佐々木寛,水野真,塚田稔: "第12回生体・生理工学シンポジウム論文集(BPES'97-東京)" 海馬神経活動による聴覚情報処理課程への効果, 293-296 (1997)
[Publications] Yamamoto,J., Matsuda,H., Monji.H., Sasaki.H., Mizuno,M., Tsukada,M., Fukunishi.K.: "Proceedings of Second International Tamagawa-Bochum'Brain Forum." A spatio-temporal interaction between the information processing between the information processing in auditory cortex and the hippocampal stimulation, 36 (1997)
[Publications] Kawamura,M., and Mochizuki,S.: "Primary progressive apraxia." Pick's Disease and Pick Complex,Kertez,A.,Munoz,D.(Eds.),John Wiley and Sons:New York.(in press), (1997)
[Publications] Kawamura,M.: "Neurobehavioral stroke syndromes,chronic syndromes:perceptual aspects" Cerebrovascular Disease,Ginsberg,M.D.,and Bogousslavski,J.(Eds.),Blackwell:Cambridge(in press), (1998)