[Publications] Nishijo,H.,Ono,T.,Uwano,T.,Kondoh,T.,and Torii,K.: "Hypothalamic and amygdalar neuronal responses to various sapid solutions during ingestive behavior in rats." J.Nutrition. (in press). (1999)
[Publications] Matsumura,N.,Nishijo,H.,Tamura,R.,Eifuku,S.,Endo,S.,and Ono,T.: "Spatial and task-dependent neuronal responses during real and virtual translocation in the monkey hippocampal formation." J.Neurosci.(in press). (1999)
[Publications] Nishijo,H.,Uwano,T.,Tamura,R.and Ono,T.: "Gustatory and multimodal neuronal responses in the amygdala during licking and discrimination of sensory stimuli in awake rats." J.Neurophysiol.79. 21-36 (1998)
[Publications] Kondoh,T.,Mori,M.,Ono,T.,and Trii,K.: "Mechanisms of umami taste preference and aversion in rats." J.Nutrition. (in press). (1999)
[Publications] 西条寿夫,小野武年: "ニューロン活動慢性記録法." 医学のあゆみ. 184. 625-633 (1998)
[Publications] Ono,T.,and Nishijo,H.: "Active spatial information processing in the septo-hippocampal system." Hippocampus. (in press). (1999)
[Publications] 森田昌彦,村上聡: "非単調神経回路網による時系列パターンの認識." 電子情報通信学会論文誌(D-II),. 81. 1679-1688 (1998)
[Publications] 森田ひろみ,森田昌彦: "形と色の統合における局所結合の働き." 心理学研究. 69. 358-366 (1998)
[Publications] Aonishi,T.,Kurata,K.: "A phase locking theory of matching between rotated images by a dynamic link matching." Biol.Cybern.(in press). (1998)
[Publications] 白倉準,倉田耕治.: "入力情報の連続的対応による自己組織多重マップの引き込み." 電子情報通信学会論文誌D-II. J81. 2421-2429 (1998)
[Publications] 堤由紀子,岩田誠: "経頭蓋ドップラー脳血流測定." Brain Medical. 10. 183-189 (1988)
[Publications] 小泉英明,牧敦,山下優一,山本剛,岩田誠,吉沢浩志,渡辺英寿: "光トポグラフィーの原理と応用" Brain Medical. 10. 191-195 (1988)
[Publications] Hagino,H.,Tabuchi,E.,Kurachi,M.,Saitoh,O.,Sun,Y.,Kondoh,T.,Ono,T.and Torii,K.: "Effects of D_2 dopamine receptor agonist and antagonist on brain activity in the rat assessed by functional magnetic resonance imaging." Brain Res.813. 367-373 (1998)
[Publications] Ikeda,H.,Nishijo,H.,Miyamoto,K.,Tamura,R.,Endo,S.and Ono,T.: "Generators of visual evoked potentials investigated by dipole tracing in the human occipital cortex." Neuroscience. 84. 723-739 (1998)
[Publications] Shibata,K.,Osawa.M.,and Iwata,M.: "Pattern reversal visual evoked potentials in migraine with aura and migraine aura without headache." Cephalalgia. 18. 319-323 (1998)
[Publications] Sakurai,Y.,Murayama,S.,Fukusako,Y.,Bando,M.,Iwata,M.,Inoue,K.: "Progressive aphemia in a patient with Pick's disease: a neuropsychological and anatomic study." J.Neurol.Sci.159. 156-161 (1998)
[Publications] Murakami,S.,Morita,M.,and Sakamoto,N.: "Effects of D_2 dopamine receptor agonist and antagonist on brain activity in the rat assessed by functional magnetic resonance imaging." Brain Res.813. 367-373 (1998)
[Publications] Murakami,S.,Morita,M.,and Sakamoto,N.: "Effects of D_2 dopamine receptor agonist and antagonist on brain activity in the rat assessed by functional magnetic resonance imaging." Brain Res.813. 367-373 (1998)
[Publications] Aonishi,T.,and Kurata,K.: "Deformation theory of the dynamic link matching." Neural Computation. 10. 651-669 (1998)
[Publications] Aonishi,T.,and Kurata,K.: "A phase locking theory of matching between rotated images by a dynamic link matching" Biol.Cybern.78. 253-264 (1998)
[Publications] Mimura,K.,Okada,M.,and Kurata,K.: "Robustness to noise of associative memory using nonmonotonic analogue neurons." IEICE Transaction on Information and Systems,E81-D. No.8. 928-932 (1998)
[Publications] Hasegawa,R.,Sawaguchi,T.and Kubota,K.: "Monkey prefrontal neuronal activity coding the forthcoming saccade in an oculomotor delayed matching-to-sample task." J.Neurophysiol.79. 322-333 (1998)
[Publications] Sawaguchi,T.: "Attenuation of delay-period activity of prefrontal cortical neurons by an a2-adrenergic antagonist during an oculomotor delayed-response task in monkeys." J.Neurophysiol.80. 2200-2205 (1998)
[Publications] Sawaguchi,T.,and Yamane,I..: "Properties of neuronal activity for visuospatial memory in the monkey dorso-lateral prefrontal cortex." J.Neurophysiol.(in press). (1999)
[Publications] Kawamura,M.,and Mochizuki,S.: "Primary progressive apraxia." Neurology. (in press). (1999)
[Publications] Shiota,J.,Kawamura,M.,Takahashi,N.,Isono,O.,and Sugita,K.: "Prosopagnosia: a clinical,neuroradiological and pathological study." Cortex. (in press). (1999)
[Publications] 永井知代子、岩田 誠: "記憶の脳科学" 心療内科. 2(6). 441-447 (1998)
[Publications] 岩田 誠: "言語の脳機構" 音声言語医学. 39. 215-220 (1998)
[Publications] 田村了以,小野武年: "記憶と扁桃体.最新 脳と神経科学シリーズ,第8巻.高倉公明,宮本忠雄,監修.高橋徹,設楽信行,清水輝夫,編集." メジカルビュー社,東京., 142-150 (1998)
[Publications] Ono,T.,and Nishijo,H.: "Neurophysiological basis of emotion in primates: neuronal responses in the monkey amygdala and anterior cingulate cortex.(in press)" The Cognitive Neurosciences,2nd ed.,by M.S.Gazzaniga(Ed.),MIT Press, (1999)
[Publications] 末光厚夫,森田昌彦: "第13回生体・生理工学シンポジウム論文集" 対連合記憶の形成機構のモデル化, 169-172 (1998)
[Publications] Murakami,S.,Morita,M.,and Sakamoto,N.: "Proceedings of the 1998 International Conference on Neural Information Processing" Recognition of spatiotemporal patterns using a nonmonotone neural network with hidden neurons., 287-290 (1998)
[Publications] Zhong Y.M.,Nishijo H.,Uwano T.,Yamaguchi H.,and Ono T.: "Red ginseng ameliorates place learning deficits in aged rats and in young rats with selective hippocampal lesions." Advances in Ginseng Research-Proc.of 7th Int.Symp.on Ginseng,by Huh H.,Choi K.J.,and Kim Y.C.(Eds.),The Korean Society of Ginseng,Korea, 1-11 (1998)
[Publications] 小野武年,田村了以,中田恭史,栗本博昭: "脳虚血ラットの場所学習・記憶障害に対するT-588の改善効果." 「虚血性神経細胞死」金澤一郎,吉岡亨,山下純宏監修,サイメッド・パブリケーションズ,東京,1998., 132-146 (1998)
[Publications] Kikuchi,M.,Osawa,M.,Usjijima,R.,and Iwata,M.: "Topographic mapping of midlatency auditory responses depends on actual cognitive task." Brain Topography Today,by Koga,Y.,Nagata,K.,Hirata,K.(Eds.),Elsevier Science B.V.,Amsterdam., 141-145. (1998)
[Publications] Sakurai,Y.,Iwata,M.,and Momose,T.: "PET activation studies on neural mechanism of reading in the Japanese language." Brain Topography Today,by Koga,Y.,Nagata,K.,Hirata,K.(Eds.),Elsevier Science B.V.,Amsterdam., 209-213. (1998)
[Publications] 永井知代子、岩田 誠: "一過性全健忘.最新 脳と神経科学シリーズ,第8巻.高倉公明,宮本忠雄,監修.高橋徹,設楽信行,清水輝夫,編集." メジカルビュー社,東京., 190-200. (1998)
[Publications] Yamamoto,J.,Okanda,M.,Sasaki,H.,Tsukada,M.and Anzai,Y.: "The effect of hippocampal activity to auditory evoked responses in guinea pig revealed by optical imaging." Proc.of The 5th Int.Conf.on Neural Information Processing ICONIP'98, 1547-1550 (1998)
[Publications] Osawa,M.,Usjijima,R.,and Iwata,M.: "A comparison of topographic mapping(TP)of auditory and visual NA and its age-related changes." Brain Topography Today,by Koga,Y.,Nagata,K.,Hirata,K.(Eds.),Elsevier Science B.V.,Amsterdam., 558-562. (1998)
[Publications] Iijima,M.,Osawa,M.,Kubota,M.,Sawada,K.,Komaki,R.,and Iwata,M.: "Effects of perfume on cognitive function evaluated by event-related potentials." :Brain Topography Today,by Koga,Y.,Nagata,K.,Hirata,K.(Eds.),Elsevier Science B.V.,Amsterdam., 744-749. (1998)
[Publications] Takahashi,S.,Yamamoto,J.and Anzai,Y.: "Visualization tools for Firing Correlation based on the Joint PSTH" Proc.of The 5th Int.Conf.on Neural Information Processing ICONIP'98, 1555-1558 (1998)
[Publications] Kawamura,M.: "Neurobehavioral stroke syndromes,chronic syndromes: perceptual aspects" Cerebrovascular Disease,Ginsberg,M.D.,and Bogousslavski,J.(Eds.),Blackwell: Cambridge., 1160-1164 (1998)