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[Publications] Nakano,M.: "Identification,chracterization and mapping of the human ZIS(zinc-finger,splicing)gene." Gene. (in press).
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[Publications] Sugimoto,J.: "Isolation and mapping of a polymorphic CA repeat sequence at the human VRK1 locus." J.Hum.Genet.(in press).
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[Publications] Yamakawa,H.: "Identification of a 100-kb region of common allelic loss on chromosome bands 10q25-q26 in human endometrial cancer." Genes.Chrom.Cancer.23. 74-77 (1998)
[Publications] Kimura,M.: "Identification of two common regions of allelic loss in chromosome arm 12q in human pancreatic cancer." Cancer Res.58. 2456-2460 (1998)
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[Publications] Sasaki,N.: "Identification of stable RNA hairpins causing band compression in transcriptional sequencing and their elimination by use of inosine triphosphate." Gene. 222. 17-24 (1998)
[Publications] Yoshikawa,H.: "A novel human gene located on Xp11.2-p11.4 which escapes X-inactivation detected and isoland using a two-dimensional DNA mapping method." Genomics. 49. 237-246 (1998)
[Publications] Abe,T.: "Infantile leukemia and soybeans-a hypothesis." Leukemia. (in press).
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[Publications] Akiyama,Y.: "Anplification on double-minute chromosomes and partial-tandem duplication of the MLL gene in leukemic cells of a patient with acute myelogenous leukemia." Genes.Chrom.Cancer. 23. 267-272 (1998)
[Publications] Kishi,T.: "Hematopoietic cytokine-dependent differentiation to eosinophils and neutrophils in a newly established acute promyelocytic leukemia cell line with t(15;17)." Experimental Hematol.26. 135-142 (1998)
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[Publications] Shiina,T.: "Nucleotide sequencing determination of the 1.8 Mb entire HLA class 1 region." Monduzzi Editore.Bologna, 5 (1998)
[Publications] Shimizu,N.: "Human Genome Project: Current Status,Keio Strategy and Prospects." Springer/Verlag,Tokyo, 6 (1998)
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