[Publications] K.Amaya (M.Uragou and S.Aoki): "Boundary Element Analysis of Eddy Current Thickness Sensor" Proc.Boundary Element Method. 18. 141-150 (1996)
[Publications] 松永 圭樹(殷 春浩,安福精一): "磁気的応力測定における保持力の活用に関する研究" 1996年度日本物理学会・応用物理学会中国四国支部例会講演予稿集. Cp-6 (1996)
[Publications] 松永 圭樹(殷 春浩,安福精一): "塑性域における磁気的応力測定の問題点" 日本非破壊検査協会 平成8年度秋季大会講演概要集. 121-124 (1996)
[Publications] 飯野 豊: "SUS304鋼箔の繰返応力による磁性の変化" 日本機械学会 材料力学部門講演会 講演論文集(Vol.B). 96-10. 392-393 (1996)
[Publications] M.Enokizono (M.Morikawa, K.Kawamura and J.Sievert): "Distribution of Two-Dimensional Magnetic Properties in Three-Phase Induction Motor Model Core" IEEE Trans.on Magnetics. 32・5. 4968-4970 (1996)
[Publications] T.Kanada (M.Enokizono, K.Kawamura and J.Sievert): "Two-Dimensional Magnetic Properties of a Three-Phase Amorphous Transformer Core" J.Magnetism and Magnetic Materials. 160. 77-78 (1996)
[Publications] M.Enokizono (T.Todaka and K.Shibao): "Inverse Analysis by Boundary Element Method with Laplace Transform" Nonlinear Electromagnetic Systems. 206-209 (1996)
[Publications] R.Ohtani (T.Kitamura, N.Toda and W.Zhou): "Characterization of Creep Fatigue Cracking in Type 304 Stainless Steel" Proc.Fatigue under Thermal and Mechanical Loading : Mechanisms, Mechanics and Modelling. 199-208 (1996)
[Publications] 多田直哉(福田哲史,北村隆行,大谷隆一): "SUS304のクリープ疲労条件下における粒界キャビティ分布の測定と損傷パラメータの評価" 材料. 46・1. 39-46 (1997)
[Publications] 多田直哉(林 義仁,北村隆行,大谷隆一): "内部ランダムき裂群の電位場解析" 日本機械学会 第73期通常総会講演会講演論文集. 96-1. 260-261 (1996)
[Publications] A.Saito (M.Nakamura, J.N.Nderu and J.Yamasaki): "The Effect of Heat Treatment on the Stress-Magnetization Properties of Amorphous Wires" Nonlinear Electromagnetic Systems. 386-389 (1996)
[Publications] M.Shiratori (Q.Yu): "Fatigue-Strength Prediction of Microelectronics Solder Joints under Thermal Cyclic Loading" Proc.InterSociety Conf.Thermal Phenomena in Electronic Systems. 151-157 (1996)
[Publications] H.Fukutomi (M.Hashimoto, T.Takagi and J.Tani): "Performance Assessment of Mutual Induction Type ECT Probe by 3-D Eddy Current Analysis" Nonlinear Electromagnetic Systems. 724-727 (1996)
[Publications] K.Muramatsu (T,Nakata, N,Takahashi,他): "Linear AC Steady-State Eddy Current Analysis of High Speed Conductor Using Moving Coordinate System" IEEE Trans.on Magnetics. 32・3. 749-752 (1996)
[Publications] K.Matsubara (T,Nakata, N,Takahashi,他): "Effect of Staircase Output Voltage Waveform of D/A Converter on Iron Losses Measured using H Coli" J.Magnetism and Magnetic Materials. 160. 185-186 (1996)
[Publications] T.Nakata (N.Takahashi, K.Fujiwara and M.Nakano): "Analysis of Flux and Eddy Current Distribution in Wound Cores and Experiments" Software for Electrical Engineering Analysis and Design. 255-264 (1996)
[Publications] 塚田和彦: "ワイヤロープの保守検査技術に関する研究の現況" 検査技術. 97・2. 7-14 (1997)
[Publications] K.Hanasaki (K.Tsukada): "Application of Image Pestoration Filter to Two-Dimensional Measurements of Magnetic Flux Leakage Field Around Surface Flaw" Proc.First US-Japan Symposium on Advances in NDT. 183-186 (1996)
[Publications] 福岡克弘(橋本光男): "パルス磁場によるバルク高温超電導磁石の磁化特性" 電気学会論文誌B. 116・7. 825-830 (1996)
[Publications] K.Fukuoka (M.Hashimoto): "Measurement of magnetization Property of High-Tc Superconductor by Pulse Magnetic Field" Nonlinear Electromagnetic Systems. 116-119 (1996)
[Publications] M.Hashimoto (H.Fukutomi and H.Sato): "3D Numerical Analysis Method for Natural Cracks on ECT" Nonlinear Electromagnetic Systems. 772-775 (1996)
[Publications] T.Yamasaki (S.Yamamoto and M.Hirao): "Effect of Applied Stresses on Magnetostriction of Low Carbon Steel" NDT & E International. 29・5. 263-268 (1996)
[Publications] 小川智恵(久保貴博,古村一朗): "渦電流法を用いたガスタービン動翼の劣化評価" 日本非破壊検査協会 平成8年度秋季大会講演概要集. 273-276 (1996)
[Publications] 小川智恵(古村一朗): "渦電流法を用いた導電性多孔質体の気孔率評価装置" 日本非破壊検査協会 平成8年度秋季大会講演概要集. 363-368 (1996)
[Publications] 陳 鋼珠(山口篤憲): "ウェーブレット変換を用いた渦電流探傷信号の特徴解析" 日本非破壊検査協会 平成8年度秋季大会講演概要集. 133-136 (1996)
[Publications] 神村武男(後藤 徹,熊野信太郎,竹内五輪男,前田宣喜,山口篤憲): "中性子照射された低合金鋼の電磁気的性質の変化" 日本非破壊検査協会 平成8年度秋季大会講演概要集. 281-286 (1996)
[Publications] J.H.Lee (M.Saka and H.Abe): "The Effect of Magnetic Field on the Experimental Determination of K_I by Meams of ACPD Technique" 1996 SEM Post-Conference Proceedings. (掲載予定). (1997)
[Publications] 坂 真澄(佐藤智之,阿部博之): "外部磁束密度計測による強磁性鋼の応力-透磁率関係の周波数依存性" 日本機械学会論文集(A編). 63・606(掲載予定). (1997)
[Publications] 松永圭樹(殷春浩,安福精一): "塑性変形材料で磁気的に測定される残留応力の一解釈" 第44回応用物理学関係連合講演会. (発表予定). (1997)
[Publications] 河口英二(志宇知章,小西亮介,斉藤晧彦,H.Pfutzner): "方向性けい素鋼板の応力印加による磁区構造変化" 日本応用磁気学会誌. 21・2(掲載予定). (1997)
[Publications] 藤井 淳(永田恒廣,小西亮介,斉藤晧彦,J.N.Nderu,山崎二郎): "Co基アモルファスワイヤの特異な応力磁化特性" 日本応用磁気学会誌. 21・2(掲載予定). (1997)
[Publications] 坂 真澄(佐藤育子,阿部博之): "直流磁場を用いた三次元多重き裂の簡易非破壊評価" 日本機械学会東北支部 第32期総会・講演会講演論文集. (掲載予定). (1997)
[Publications] J.H.Lee (M.Saka and H.Abe): "Loading Effect on ACPD for a Crack in Ferromagnetic Material" Experimental Mechanics. (掲載予定). (1997)
[Publications] T,Yamasaki (M.Hirao): "Nondestructive Residual Stress Measurement in Butt Welded Steel Plates Using Stress Dependence of Magnetostrictoin" Studies in Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics. (掲載予定). (1997)
[Publications] Y.Watanabe (Y.Nakamura and Y,Fukui): "Fabrication of Magnetic Functionally Graded Material by Martensitic Transformation Technique" Proc.Fourth International Symposium on Functionally Graded Materials. (掲載予定). (1997)