Research Abstract |
A seudo-continuous operation and the high utilization of adsorbent have been realized for adsorption separation by a periodic adsorption-desorption cycle or swing process in which adsorption and desorption are repeated in the same columns at a relatively short period. The present investigation was focussed on pressure swing adsorption (PSA) and temperature swing adsorption (TSA) to separate gaseous mixtures. Discussion on pressure swing adsorption covers the operation and performance of various types such as a) Stripping reflux PSA, b) Enriching reflux PSA, c) Dual reflux PSA with intermediate feed inlet, d) Petlyuk ytpe PSA for multi-component mixtures and e) Non-isothermal adiabatic PSA.Main theoretical contributions to PSA design are new proposals of a) Short cycle time approximation, b) Concept of height equivalent to a theoretical plate (HETP) and c) Enthalpic approach for adiabatic PSA. Discussion on temperature swing adsorption covers honeycomb type rotary adsorbers applied to various fields such as in a) Air dehumidificatio, b) VOC abatement, c) Total heat exchanger, d) Heat pump or thermal upgrading, e) Adsorption desiccant cooling and f) Reversible redox reaction. Main theoretical contributions to TSA design are new proposals of a) Correlation and prediction of optimal rotation speed, b) Presentation of the simultaneous heat and mass transfer on a humidity chart, c) Rigorous determination of mass transfer coefficient and d) Extension of the short cycle time approximation to non-isothermal adsorption.