Research Abstract |
19% : 1.1 ordered the microfilms of medieval German animal epic and world chronicle from the European libraries, rushed forward with making of the electronic texts of "Der altdeutsche Physio1ogus" and Rudolf's "Weltchronik", with produce of concordances of two works based on CONTEX program. 2. At the International Raynard Society (July, University Keio) I presented a paper about "Intertextueller Vergleich der PhysioIogus-Versionen" was published in official proceedings (1997). 3. At the symposium of Society of international German Philologists (GIG) (September, Istanbul) I presented a paper ", Imago mundi' irn europaischen und japanischen Mittelalter" was published in official proceedings (1998). 1997 : 1. At the Society of Japanese German Philologists (June, University Keio) I read a paper about the Image of heterogeneity in the German Middle Ages was published in the Bulletin of University Hiroshima, 2. At the International Raynard Society (September, Archives Twin) I presented a pape
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r, compared the views of nature in "Physiologus' and in Friedrich Il's "De arte venandi cum avibus". 3.1 made five kinds of electronic texts of "Physiologus", applying CONVEX program I produced concordances of four kinds of "Physiologus". 4. In February 1 published a book "Bilder fremder Existenzen in der mittelalterlichen deutschen Naturkunde und Weltchronik subsidized by Grant-in-Aid for Publication of Scientific Research Result. 1998 : 1.1 made a concordance of Millstatt manuscript of "Physiotogus". 2. In September 1 visited Prof. Dr.Haubrichs (University Saarland) and Prof. Dr.Muller (University Salzburg) for the review of philological analysis. 3. At the symposium of the Society of GiG (September, Kaprun)I read a paper about "Die Kanonbildung in der japanischen Germanistik". 4. (1) Produce of the electronic text of Rudolf's "Weltchrorik", (2) Produce of the concordance of "Weltchronik". The last report contains the two concordances of the manuscript of Millstatt "Physiologus" and Rudolf's "Weltchronik". Less