Research Abstract |
1) We have proposed a new mechanism for the decay processes of the B meson, so as to explain why the decay rate observed is extremely large for the B meson. Our mechanism includes non-spectator diagrams, and supports the experimental results for the decay rates of the B meson in the processes of the inclusive decay and the exclusive decay. For a verification of the mechanism, we have predicted the decay rate of the B meson going to the K^* meson. We have also studied the process B*pi+eta' in which the same mechanism is applicable as in the process B*K+eta'. In this process, we found that there is possibility of observing a very large violation on CP due to another diagram. 2) For the supersymmetric (SUSY) model, we found that the coupling of WWy induces the electric dipole moments of the neutron and the electron at least 10% of the upper bound in the recent experimental results. We also found that the coupling constant of WWZ is so large that it will be observable in future experiments for e+ + e-*W+ +W-. 3) We have studied the decay rate asymmetries of the top quark and the B meson, considering the constraints from the electric dipole moments of the neutron and the electron. 4) Assuming that only the light Higgs boson will be observed at a future e+e- linear collider, we have shown that values of M_<SUSY> and tan beta are restricted within a narrow region in their plane. 5) We have developed an algorithm for treating the minimal SUSY standard model (MSSM) for the automatic calculation, and implemented it into such a system GRACE.With FORTRAN source codes originated from the GRACE SUSY system, we have constructed an event-generator SUSY23 v2.0. We have also developed a utility software for treating composite particles with the GRACE system.