Research Abstract |
Chemical state analysis sulfur in Calyptogena soyae (Shirourigai) from Sagami Bay and Vestimentifera sp. (Haorimushi) has been carried out to reveal dynamics of materials in deep sea hydrothermal deposits. S K-XAFS spectra of these animals were measured at beam line 8B of Photon Factory, KEK, Tsukuba. A comparison of the spectra with standard specimens shows that both animals contain elemental sulfur, and Vestimentifera sp. Contains additional tetravalent or hexavalent sulfur in their bodies. The analysis of chemical forms of sulfur by infrared spectra was unsuccessful and such information could be revealed only by XANES analysis. SEM-EDX analysis has disclosed existence of spherules of elemental sulfur in the samples. It is found that chimney products are composed of amorphous silica. The effusive materials at Iheya contain Si, Mn, Ca, Fe, Cl and S ; calcite and kutnohorite are identified as minerals, while those at Izena contain Si, Ba, S, Fe, Zn, Cl and B ; minerals identified are barite and α-sulfur. Quantitative analyses of EXAFS oscillation were difficult to do because of the serious interference from chlorine ion, whose origin was sea water. We have started to introduce solid NMR technique into our research of biomineralization, because many biominerals contain Si and P as amorphous phases. We have also studied biomineralization of the teeth of Chiton, Acanthopleura Japonica and revealed the existence of difference in biomineralization among the species. The analysis of the trace elements in otolith of eels revealed the migration characteristics of the eels.