Research Abstract |
Before we gave a fast decoding algorithm for one-point algebraic geometric codes up to the designed distance, which can be implemented in serial form on conventional computers of von Neumann type. Now we have etablished a method for implementing the decoding algorithm in parallel form with a sytolic array architecture for the parallel processing. Parts of our results were presented in several international conferences : (1) Our bsic idea for paralleliztion of the original fast decoding algorithm at the conference IMAX-ACA,Line, Austria, in July, 1996 ; (2) A vector version of the fast algorithm which is the kernel of our parallel decoding method at the conference AAECC-12, Toulouse, France, June, 1997 ; published in Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNSC), Vol.1255 (Eds.Mora et al.), Springer, 1997 ; (3) A method for efficient scheduling of the whole cells (processors) in implementing our parallel decoding algorithm with a systolic array architecture at the IEEE International Symposiu
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m on Information Theory, Ulm, Germany, July, 1997. For the codelength n, our method has time complexity of order O (n), which is better than O (n^2) obtained by [R.Kotter, A fast parallel implementation of a BM algoritm for AG codes, On Algebraic Decoding of AG Godes and Cyclic Codes, Dissertation, Linkoping Univ., (section) 3,1996]. In addition, we have proceeded to investigate several relevant themes such as a soft decision decoding method for correcting both erasures and errors, which can be parallelized (Part is contained in the paper published in LNSC-1255). A fast generalized minimum distance (GMD) decoding method was presented in the Allerton Conference on Communication, Control and Computation, Illinois, USA,September, 1997, and a lecture on the Berlekamp-Massey-Sakata algorithm was given at the special conference BlahutFest just before the Allerton Conference. A tutorial paper on Grobner bases and coding theory is published in Grobner Bases and Applications (Eds.Buchberger et al.), Cambridge Univ.Press, 1998. Less