Research Abstract |
The space block is a notation system of a void surrounded by walls and floors with people and trees in it. We developed this notation for education tools for architectural students, during these years. In this research, using this concept of space block, spatial design method for wayfinding is proposed. We apply this method for the wayfinding in shopping spaces. For this purpose, observation and questionnaire surveys were conducted as follows. In 1996, we observed people's behaviors in some major department stores in Tokyo area. This shows that there are some standing patterns of wayfinding behaviors in the shopping space. In 1997, we conducted questionnaire surveys about the image of the spatial composition of department stores on university students in Tokyo and Nagoya. From this survey, schema for actions, spaces and their relationships are made clear. For visually describing action schema, we introduce event icons, which mean actions and happenings. Event icons during wayfinding are classified into three types : to do something, to get information, and to move. Waydinding data from observation survey were well described using the sequence of pairs, an event icon and a space block. This notation system is well able to explain not only observed scenes, but planned and remembered scenes of wayfinding as well. We began to develop this method for more general design about scenes.