Research Abstract |
The genomic gene structures of the waxy genes in polyploid wheats and related diploid species were analyzed using PCR method. 1. In hexaploid wheat (AABBDD genomes), the nucleotide sequences of waxy genes located on each genome, WX-A,Wx-B and Wx-D,were determined using nullisomic-tetrasomic lines (N7A/T7B and N7D/T7B) of Triticum aestivum cv. Chinese Spring. The determined areas of these three genes were : in Wx-A,-12 bps up-stream from start codon (ATG) to stop codon (TGA) and base pairs were 2,793 ; in Wx-B,-148 bps up-stream to stop codon and base pairs were 2,942 ; in Wx-D,-355 bps to stop codon and base pairs were 3,217. 2. In tetraploid wheat (AABB), T.turgidum var.durum cv. Stewart was used. The determined area of two waxy genes was -12 bps from start codon to stop codon in both Wx-A and Wx-B,2,793 bps and 2,804 bps, respectively. 3. In diploid species, T.monococcum (AmAm) and T.urartu (AuAu) were used for the putative progenitor species of A genome ; Aegilops speltoides (SS), Ae.longissima (SlSl) and Ae.searsii (SsSs) for B genome ; Ae.Squarrosa var.strangulata (DsDs), Ae.Squarrosa var.typica (DtDt) and Ae.squarrosa var.meyeri (DmDm) for D genome. The determined areas were : 2,566 bps in Wx-Am, 2,547 bps in Wx-Au, 2,584 bps in Wx-S,2,576bps in Wx-Sl, 2,580 bps in Wx-Ss, 2,627 bps in Wx-Ds, 2,629 bps in Wx-Dt, and 2,628 bps in Wx-Dm. 4. Based on the nucleotide sequences determined in the present study, the evolution of homoeologous waxy genes present in polyploid wheats from the putative progenitor species was discussed.