Research Abstract |
1 Lifestyle, diet, and health condition of infants, junior high school students, high school students, as well as college students were surveyed, and the correlation from all of these were studied. The results revealed that all the four subjective groups showed a relation between the diet and the lifestyle, and that this mutual relation between them, closely relates with the health condition. In other words, the relation clarified that the better the diet and lifestyle become, the more favorable the health condition becomes. 2 The caracteristics of the relation between the diet and the health condition were obtained from different life stages such as infant, junior high school, high school. and college periods. As a result, the infant stage shows that what and when infants eat for meals and snacks between meals and how they play, affect their dietary needs as well as their health condition. Moreover, there are some differences seen between the infants in nursery school and those in kind
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ergarden, It is also found out that no meal at breakfast, unbalanced diets, irregular meal time and length of sleep, affect the junior high school student. On the other band, for high school and college students, phycological issues such as changes in their feelings with their living situation, the way of eating such as skipping meals, unbalanced diets, and dieting, as well as how they exercise, largely affect their nutritional balance and health condition. Furthermore, in a group of college students, part time jobs, smoking habits, and living situations also largely related with their diet and health condition. 3 An education programs on health issues for people in their youth was developed, and the effect of this was studied. The results revealed that the people who answere that they took the advide and actually carried through, showed a favorable change in their nutritional balance in one year. That is to say, it is clarified that the advice gave using the program has a great effect on the health education of the subjects. 4 Two kinds of computer programs of health diagnosis and education for young people from junior high school on as well as instructive leaflets for people in their youth have been made. Less