Research Abstract |
In this studies improvements of the analysis methods for KANSEI evaluation data and on are performed. The results of the studies are as follows : 1)Present state and movement of KANSEI Engineering and KANSEI information processing and the relation between them and the bases of them are discussed. 2)Though "paired comparison", which is one of the method in psychometrics, is considered to be useful as an analysis method for evaluation data of KANSEI quality, the actual practice of experiment becomes difficult when there are too much samples because the number of combination of paired comparison increases geographically. The method applying the BIBD (balanced incomplete block design) of the experimental design is proposed which the number of paired comparison is the same as that of samples. Furthermore the method to separate the complete paired comparison are proposed. 3)The absolute evaluation by amount of money is employed in the stage of the function evaluation in the VE (Value Engineering). But fuzziness constituent of this method. The investigator proposes therefore, to introduce the fuzzy theory into the evaluation in order to address such fuzziness. 4)Quality to be assured and the creation of new value in new product development are discussed. 5)The relation among marketing, Quality control and new product development and quality in marketing are declared. 6)The method to analyze the preference structure of evaluation of KANSEI product is proposed. And the conditions of excellent facade of condominia are declared by the proposed method. 7) "The seven tools for new product planning", which is one of the prototypes of the Marketing Information System for KANSEI Design is poposed and the efficiency of them is discussed.