[Publications] Oyoshi,T.,Nishijo,H.,Asakura,T.,Takamura,Y.and Ono,T.: "Emotional and behavioral correlates of mediodorsal thalamic neurons during associative learning in rats." Journal of Neuroscience. 16. 5812-5829 (1996)
[Publications] Kobayashi,T.,Nishijo,H.,Fukuda,M.,Bures,J.and Ono,T.: "Task-dependent representations in rat hippocampal place neurons." Journal of Neurophysiology. (in press). (1997)
[Publications] Kondoh,T.,Nishijo,H.,Takamura,Y.,Kawanishi,C.,Torii,K. and Ono,T.: "Increased histidine preference during specific alteration of rhythm of environmental temperature stress in rats" Behavioral Neuroscience. 110. 1187-1192 (1996)
[Publications] Takenouchi,K.,Nishijo,H.,Uwano,T.,Takigawa,M.,and Ono,T.: "Neural representation of reward contingency in the rat anterior cingulate cortex" Society for Neuroscience Abstracts. 22. 548.15 (1996)
[Publications] Matsuyama,N.,Nishijo,H.,Uwano,T.,Tamura,R.,et al.: "Reward contingency-related neuronal responses in the rat lateral septal nuclei" Society for Neuroscience Abstracts. 22. 548.16 (1996)
[Publications] 西条寿夫,上野照子: "脳科学シリーズ5.扁桃体と認知" 臨床科学. 32. 1472-1486 (1996)
[Publications] Nishijo,H.,Tamura,R.,Eifuku,S.and Ono,T.: "Monkey hippocampal neuron responses during spatial moving and place-dependent conditional task.In : Perception,Memory and Emotion : Frontier in Neuroscience." Ono,T.,McNaughton,B.L.,Molotchnikoff,S.,Rolls,E.T.,and Nishijo,H.(Eds.) Elsevier,Tokyo, 251-267 (1996)
[Publications] Nishijo,H.,Eifuku,S.,Tabuchi,E. and Ono,T.: "Hippocampal neuronal responsiveness to complex and sinple conditional association tasks in monkeys.In : The Hippocampus : Functions and Clinical Relevance" N.Kato(Ed.),Elsevier,Tokyo, 325-328 (1996)
[Publications] Ono,T.,Nishijo,H.,Eifuku,S.,Kobayashi,T.,and Tamura,R.: "The role of the amygdala and the mediodorsal thalamic nucleus in emotional memory.In : Brain Processes and Memory." K.Ishikawa,J.L.McGaugh,and H.Sakata(eds.),Elsevier,Tokyo, 187-201 (1996)
[Publications] Nishijo,H.,Uwano,T.,Oyoshi,T.Yonemori,M.,and Ono,T.: "The role of the amygdala and the mediodorsal thalamic nucleus in emotional memory.In : Brain Processes and Memory." K.Ishikawa,J.L.McGaugh,and H.Sakata(eds.),Elsevier,Tokyo, 317-330 (1996)
[Publications] Tamura,R.,Kita,T.,Nishijo,H.and Ono,T.: "Responsiveness of monkey septal neruons during object discrimination based on place recognition.In : The Hippocampus : Functions and Clinical Relevance." N.Kato(Ed.),Elsevier,Tokyo, 329-332 (1996)
[Publications] 小野武年,西条寿夫: "大脳辺縁系と高次脳機能,小児神経学の進歩第25集" 日本小児神経学会卒後教育委員会編,診断と治療社, 66-83 (1996)