[Publications] Y.Miyazaki,K.Tanaka and R.Chiba: "Analysis of Beam Wave Scattering by Recording Marks on Phase-Change Optical Disk Using Boundary Element Method with Finite Element Method" Jpn.J.Appl.Phys.38,1・3B(in press). (1999)
[Publications] N.Goto and Y.Miyazaki: "Optical Wavelength-Separation and Time-Response Characteristics of Collinear Acoustoop-tic Switches for Wavelength- Division- Multiplexing Photonic Switching Systems" Jpn.J.Appl.Phys.38(in press). (1999)
[Publications] Y.Tachibana,Y.Miyazaki and R.Bhandari: "Study and Analysis of an Improved Multi-Layered Optical-MSSW Functional Devices" Jpn.J.Appl.Phys.38(in press). (1999)
[Publications] 各務、宮崎、伊藤、杉本: "マルチモード屈曲テーパ導波路により構成された簡易型光擬似サーキュレータ" 電子情報通信学会論文誌(1999). (印刷中). (1999)
[Publications] Y.Miyazaki and S.Tujimoto: "BEM Analysis of X-ray Reflections and Scatterings due to Dielectric Periodic Boundary of Multiple Atoms" PIERS 1999 Symposium,Taipei,(Mar.26,1999). (1999)
[Publications] Y.Miyazaki and E.Ishii: "Electromagnetic Field Characteristic of Tapered Optical Waveguide Microprobe" PIERS 1999 Symposium,Taipei,(Mar.26,1999). (1999)
[Publications] R.Balasubramanian and Y.Miyazaki: "Ultrahigh Speed Response of Integrated Optical Amplifiers Using Channel Type Garnet Thin-Film Waveguides" Tech.Digest of International Topical Workshop on Contemporary Photonic Technologies(CPT'99),Sendai,Wep-27-1. 157-158 (1999)
[Publications] 宮崎: "分散性活性導波路における超短パルス電磁界の光増幅" 電気情報通信学会技術研究報告、OPE98-133,LQE98-126. PS98-84. 13-18 (1999)
[Publications] 山本、尾造、宮崎: "地中探査レーダの縮小モデルによるシミュレーション実験における検出特性" 電気学会論文誌C. 119・1. 91-96 (1999)
[Publications] 辻本、宮崎: "多重原子群モデルによる誘電体境界面におけるX線散乱のBEM解析" 電気学会論文誌C. 119・1. 105-110 (1999)
[Publications] P.Selormey、Y.Miyazaki: "Electromagnetic Compatibility Characteristics of Buildings in Mobile Radio Waves Propa-gation Channel" 電気学会論文誌C. 119・1. 97-104 (1999)
[Publications] 宮崎: "光機能性導波路における光モードと多重電磁波との非線形相互作用" 電気学会論文誌C. 118-C・1. 99-104 (1998)
[Publications] N.Goto and Y.Miyazaki: "Improvement of Switching Speed in Acoustooptic Switches for Multiple Optical Wavelength by Using Giga-Hertz SAWs" Jpn.J.Appl.Phys.,. 37,1・5B. 2947-2955 (1998)
[Publications] R.Balasubramanian and Y.Miyazaki: "Theoretical Transient Amplification Characteristics of Optical Waveguide Amplifiers Using Erbium Doped Garnet Crystalline Thin-Film" IEICE Trans.Electronics. E81-C・12. 1926-1935 (1998)
[Publications] X.Huang and Y.Miyazaki: "Statistical Properties of the Neuron Active Potential at Stable States in Hopfield Model" Proc.of Int.Joint conference on Neural Networks(IJCNN'98)AM-6. 497-502 (1998)
[Publications] N.Goto and Y.Miyazaki: "High-Speed Characteristics of Giga-Bit Acoustooptic Device for Optical ATM" Proc.of 3rd Optoelectronics and Communications Conference,Chiba,14p-28. 242-243 (1998)
[Publications] Y.Miyazaki: "Near Field Characteristics of Optical Cone Waveguide Probes" Proc.of Int.Symposium on Electromagnetic Theory,Aristotle Greece. 148-150 (1998)
[Publications] Y.Miyazaki,K.Tanaka and R.Chiba: "A Scattering Analysis of Beam Wave by Recording Marks on Phase-change Optical Disk Using BEM with FEM" ISOM,WE-K-04,Tsukuba. 96-97 (1998)
[Publications] Y.Miyazaki: "Statistical Characteristics of Optical Wave Propagation in Oversize Multimode Plastic Fiber with Random Imperfections" Proc.of 1998 Korea-Japan AP/EMC/EMT Joint Conference KJJC-AP/EMC/EMT'98,Korea. 69-72 (1998)
[Publications] N.Goto and Y.Miyazaki: "High-Speed Characteristics of Giga-Bit Acoustooptic Device for Optical ATM" Tech.Digest of 3rd Optoelectronics and Communications Conference(OECC'98),Chiba,14P-28. 242-243 (1998)
[Publications] Y.Miyazaki and N.Goto: "High-Speed Collinear Acoustooptic Switches for Wavelength Division Multiplexing Photonic Switching by Gigahertz SAWs" Proc.of 1998 IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium,NN-3. 266-267 (1998)
[Publications] 黄、宮崎: "光バンドルファイバを用いた2次元空間CDMAの光ニューラルプロセッシング" 電気情報通信学会技術研究報告、. OCS98-36. 1-6 (1998)
[Publications] Y.Miyazaki: "Electromagnetic Fields in a Uniformly Curved X-Ray Dielectric Gardient Waveguides" Proc.of 1998 China-Japan Joint Meeting on Microwaves(CJMW'98),Beijing. 319-322 (1998)
[Publications] 高橋、宮崎: "ランダム表面における地中レーダパルス波散乱のウェーブレット解析" 電気学会論文誌C. 118・1. 93-98 (1998)
[Publications] 増田、宮崎: "地上構造物による電磁波の散乱に関する電磁環境特性" 電気学会論文誌C. 118・1. 112-117 (1998)
[Publications] Y.Miyazaki and Paul Selormey: "The Electromagnetic Compatibility Characteristics of Buildings in Mobile Radio Waves Propagation Channel" Proc.of 14th annual review of progress in applied computational electromagnetics,Monterey,USA,. 911-918 (1998)
[Publications] Y.Miyazaki and S.Tsujimoto: "Multiple Scattering and Diffractin of X-ray Gaussian Beam by Many Atom Distributions" PIERS'98,A03,Nautes,France. 1. 290-290 (1998)
[Publications] Y.Miyazaki and T.Masuda: "Scattering Characteristics by an Elliptic Cylinder near a Ground Plane using FD-TD Method" Proc.of 1998 China-Japan Joint Meeting on Microwaves(CJMW'98),Beijing. 235-238 (1998)
[Publications] Y.Miyazaki and K.Takahashi: "Wavelet Analysis of Subsurface Radar Response by Target Objects in Random Media and Rough Surface" Proc.of 1998 International Conference on Microwave and Millimeter Wave Technology(ICMMT'98),Beijing,. 423-426 (1998)
[Publications] Y.Miyazaki and Paul Selormey: "Electromagnetic Scattering Characteristics of Concrete Buildings in Mobile Radio Wave Propagation Channel" 1998 Korea-Japan AP/EMC/EMT Joint Conference, KJJC-AP/EMC/EMT'98,Korea. 205-208 (1998)
[Publications] S.Li and Y.Miyazaki: "A Performance Analysis of Buffered DQDB Network with Request Arrivlal Process Depend-ing on Its Request Counter Value and Its Location on the Buses" IEICE Trans.Commun.,. E81-B・3. 493-502 (1998)
[Publications] R.Balasubramanian and Y.Miyazaki: "Femto Second Dynamic Characteristics of Integrated Optical Amplifiers Using Er-doped Garnet Film Waveguides" PIERS'98,G05,Nautes,France. 1. 354-354 (1998)
[Publications] 宮崎保光(共著): "磁気工学ハンドブック" 朝倉書店, (1998)