[Publications] YONEKURA Yosinori, DOBASHI Kazuhito, HAHASHI Yoshikazu, SATO Fumio, OGAWA Hideo, and FUKUI Yasuo: "A Head-Tail Structured Molecular Cloud and a CO Outflow Associated with IRAS 22103+5828 in S134" Astronomical Journal. (in press). (1998)
[Publications] DOBASHI Kazuhito, YONEKURA Yoshinori, HAHASHI Yoshikazu, SATO Fumio, and OGAWA Hideo: "Interaction Between a Massive Molecular Outflow and Dense Gas Associated with IRAS 22142+5206" Astronomical Journal. 115. 777-786 (1997)
[Publications] YONEKURA Yoshinori, DOBASHI Kazuhito, MIZUNO Akira, OGAWA Hideo, and FUKUI Yasuo: "Molecular Clouds in Cepheus and Cassiopeia" Astrophysical Journal Suppl.110. 21-69 (1997)
[Publications] Jiang, B.W., Deguchi S., Hu, J.Y., Yamashita, T., Nishihara, E., Matsumoto, S., and Nakada, Y.: "Identification of IRAS Sources in the Outer Disk of the Galaxy" Astronomical Journal. 113. 1315-1327 (1997)
[Publications] Deguchi, S., Matsumoto, S., Shiki, S, .Jiang, B.W., Nakada, Y., and Wood, P.: "Infrared Indification of the SiO Master Sources toward the Sgr B2 Moleculer Cloud" PASJ. 49. 561-569 (1997)
[Publications] Izumiura, H., Deguchi, S., and Fujii, T.: "SiO Maser Forest at the Galactic Center" Astrophys.J.Letters. 494. L89-92 (1998)
[Publications] Takano, S., Masuda, A., Hirahara, Y., Suzuki, H., Ohishi, M., Ishikawa, S., Kaifu, N., Kasai, Y., Kawaguchi, K., and Wilson, T.L.: "Observations of 13C isotopomers of HC3N and HC5N in TMC-1:evidence for isotopic fractionation" A & Ap.329. 1156-1169 (1998)
[Publications] Minowa, H., Satake, M., Hirota, T., Yamamoto, S., Ohishi, M., and Kaifu, N.: "Laboratory Microwave Spectroscopy of HDCS and Its Astronomical Detection toward TMC-1" ApJL. 491. L63-L66 (1997)
[Publications] Dickens, J.E., Irvine, W.M., Ohishi, M., Ikeda, M., Ishikawa, S., Nummelin, A., and Hjalmarson, A.: "Detection of Interstellar Ethylene Oxide(c-C2H4O)" ApJ. 489. 753-757 (1997)
[Publications] M.Abe, I.Sato, and H.Araki: "Photometric Observation of Near-Earth-Asteroid 1989ML" Abstract of 32nd COSPAR. 7.12-19(In press). (1998)
[Publications] Y.Ishibashi, M.Abe, and Y.Takagi: "Photometric Observation of (4660)Nereus,A Candidate of MUSES-C Mission Target" Abstract of 32nd COSPAR. 7.12-19(In press). (1998)
[Publications] Tamura, M., Hough, J.H., Chrysostomou, A., Itoh, Y., Murakawa, K., & Bailey, J.A.: "Exciting Source of Spectacular Herbig-Haro Objects 135 and 136" MNRAS. 287. 894-898 (1997)
[Publications] Sogawa, H., Tamura, M., Gatley, I., & Merrill, K.M.: "Infrared Polarimetry of Star Forming Regions:The Serpens Molecular Cloud Core" AJ. 113. 1057-1065 (1997)
[Publications] Chrysostomou, A., Menard, F., Gledhill, T.M., Clark, S., Hough, J.H., McCall, A., & Tamutra, M.: "Polarimetry of Young Stellar Object II.Circular polarization of GSS 30" MNRAS. 285. 750-758 (1997)