Research Abstract |
In the first year, an innovative method of analysis was developed, based on a combined multidisciplinary approach in technology management, technoeconomics, technology policy, sociology of innovation, complex system theory. A complementary relationship was built among the three groups based on their relative advantages. The main data gathering was conducted in the second year. We conducted a comparative study on the system of innovation in robotics and the changing paradigms using a framework of technoeconomic network. Based on our framework of analyzing complex systems, we analyzed the diffusion of telemedicine in Japan in the pre-paradigmatic phase, as a case study of diffusion of a complex system which is developed through collaboration between different actors, such as government, firms and the medical community. We were able to find out the factors preventing the wide spread diffusion of telemedicine, which were mainly non-technological. An UK-Japan comparative analysis of telecommunications system development was carried out. Our team focused on an analysis of the technology strategies of mobile phone and equipment makers centered around NTT Docomo. In addition, a study on the Japanese, US European aircraft manufacturers' technology strategies was carried out. At the macro level, an analysis of the government policies related to complex system development was carried out. The findings from the various analyses at the macro, meso, micro, and theoretical level were integrated, and recommendations on technology management strategies to develop complex systems were made. The final conference, inviting the collaborators, plus an audience of about 70 people, took place at Tokyo Institute of Technology on Nov 25-26, 1999 and we were able to obtain positive feedback on our project.