[Publications] S. Sakamoto, T. Hasegawa, M. Hayashi, J. I. Morino, K. Sato: "An Extensivve High-resolution ^<12>CO Imaging of L1641 in Orion" Astrophys.J. 481. 302-312 (1997)
[Publications] S. Sakamoto, T. Hasegawa, M. Hayashi, T. Handa, T. Oka: "An Out-of-plane CO(J=2-1)Survey of the Milky Way. II. Physical Conditions of Molecular Gas" Astrophys. J. 486. 276-290 (1997)
[Publications] T. Oka, T. Hasegawa, M. Hayashi, T. Handa, S. Sakamoto: "CO (J=2-1) Line Observations of the Galactic Center Molecular Cloud Complex, II. Dynamical Structure and Physical Conditions" Astrophys. J. 493. 730-761 (1997)
[Publications] J. -L. Morino, T. Yamashita, T. Hasegawa, T. Nakano: "Infrared Spectrum of the Massive Protostar Orion-KL IRc2 Revealed in Refflection" Nature. (in press).
[Publications] T. Oka, T. Hasegawa, E. Sato, M. Tsuboi, A. Miyazaki, H. Yamasaki, K. Sunada: "A Large-scale CO Imaging of the Galactic Center" Proc, IAU SYmp. 179, "New Horizons from Multi-wavelength Sky Surveys. 65-67 (1997)
[Publications] T. Hasegawa, J. -I. Morino, K. Sorai, T. Handa, K. Sato, T. Oka, M. Seta, S. Sakamoto, M. Hayashi, R. Booth. I., A. Nyman, I., Broonfman, M. Rubio, P. Shaver: "The CO-2-1/1-0 Radio in the Southern Milky Way and the Large Magellanic Cloud" in "Diffuse Infrared Radiation and the IRTS", eds. H. Okuda, T. Matsumoto & T. Roelling, ASP Conf. Ser.124. 244-250 (1997)
[Publications] K. Sato, T. Hasegawa, G. J. White: "First Detection of [CI] Absorption Lines toward Sgr B2 and W49A" in "Diffuse Infrared Radiation and the IRTS", eds. H. Okuda, T. Matsumoto & T. Roelling, ASP Conf.Ser.124. 251-254 (1997)
[Publications] T. Hasegawa, T. Oka, E. Sato, M. Tsuji, A. Miyazaki: "A Large-scale CO Imaging of the Galactic Center with the Nobeyyama 45-m Teleccope : Shell Statics and Star Formation History" Proc. IAU Symp. 184, "The Central Regions of the Galaxy and Galaxies". (in press).
[Publications] T. Hasegawa, J. I. Morino, T. Sawada, T. Handa, K. Sato, T. Oka, S. Sakamoto, K. Sorai, M. Seda, M. Hayashi, I., Broothman, J. May, R. Booth, I., A. Nyman, P. Shaver.: "The CO2-1/1-0 Ratio in the Disk Center of the Milky Way Galaxy" Proc. IAU Symp. 184,"The Central Regions of the Galaxy and Galaxies". (in press).
[Publications] E. Sato, T. Hasegawa, J. B. Whiteoak, R. Miyawaki: "Structure of the Molecular Cloud and Star Forming Activity in the Sagittarius B2 Region" Proc. IAU Symp. 184, "The Central Regions of the Galaxy and Galaxies". (in press).
[Publications] E. Sato, T. Hasegawa, J. B. Whiteoak, M. Shimizu: "Distribution of C^<18>O and HNCO Emission in the Sagittarius B2 Molecular Cloud" Proc. IAU Symp. 184, "The Central Regions of the Galaxy and Galaxies". (in press).
[Publications] T. Oka, T. Hasegawa, E. Sato, M. Tsuboi, A. Miyazaki: "A Molecular Cloud Interacting with the Vertical Filaments of the Galactic Radio Arc" Proc. IAU Symp. 184, "The Central Regions of the Galaxy and Galaxies". (in press).
[Publications] T. Oka, T. Hasegawa, G. J. White, E. Sato, M. Tsuboi, A. Miyazaki: "A High Velocity Molecular Cloud near the Center of the Galaxy" Proc. IAU Symp. 184, "The Central Regions of the Galaxy and Galaxies". (in press).
[Publications] M. Seta, G. Winnewisser, T. Hasegawa, G. J. White, T. Oka: "Molecular Shell Formation by Supermova Remnants in the Galactic Center- What We Learn fro the Case of W44" Proc. IAU Symp. 184, "The Central Regions of the Galaxy and Galaxies". (in press).
[Publications] M. Tsuboi, N. Ukita, T. Handa: "An Expanding Shell-like Moleular Cloud near the Galactic Center Arc" Astrophys. J.481. 263-266 (1997)
[Publications] S. Sakamoto, T. Handa, Y. Sofue, M. Honma, K. Sorui: "An Isotope Study of Carbon Monoxide in the Edge-on Galaxy NGC891" Astrophys. J.475. 134-143 (1997)