[Publications] Yawata, A., et al: "A markedly disrupted skeletal network with abnormally distributed intramembrane particles in complete protein 4.1-deficient red blood cells(allele Madrid):Implications regarding a critical role of protein 4.1 in maintenance of the integrity of the blood cell membrane." Blood. 90. 2471-2481 (1997)
[Publications] Kanzaki, A., et al: "Total absence of protein 4.2 and partial deficiency of band 3 in hereditary spherocytosis." Brit J Haematol. 99. 522-530 (1997)
[Publications] Yawata, Y., et al: "Hereditary xerocytosis is a phenotypically different entity from hereditary high red cell membrane phosphatidylcholine hemolytic anemia." Blood. 90(Supple.1). 5a (1997)
[Publications] Kanzaki, A., et al: "Molecular and genetic characteristics in Japanese patients with hereditary spherocytosis:Frequent band 3 mitations and rarer ankyrin mutations." Blood. 90(Supple.1). 6b-7b (1997)
[Publications] Yawata, Y., et al: "Quantitative electron microscopy demonstrates an excellent correlation with the extent of truncation of C-terminal region of human erythroid β-spectrins by exon skipping." Blood. 90(Supple.1). 8b (1997)
[Publications] Yawata, Y., et al: "The methylation state of the genomic DNA of red cell membrane protein (protein 4.2,band 3 andβ-spectrin) during erythroid defferentiation." Blood. 90(Supple.1). 8b (1997)
[Publications] 八幡 愛弓,他: "M^kM^k,En(a-),Miltenberger V血液型におけるglycophorin A完全欠損症による細胞骨格蛋白網および構造蛋白のin situ膜立体構造障害" Int J Hematol. 65(Supple.1). 212 (1997)
[Publications] 賀来 万由美,他: "赤血球膜蛋白band 4.2異常症;P4.2doubletにおける異常蛋白発現機序の検討" Int J Hematol. 65(Supple.1). 212 (1997)
[Publications] 和田 秀穂,他: "赤血球膜の糖蛋白異常(glycophorin A/band 3)と膜スペクトリン骨格構造異常を呈する先天性溶血性貧血の一症例" Int J Hematol. 65(Supple.1). 213 (1997)
[Publications] 竹園 雅美,他: "わが国における遺伝性球状赤血球症の赤血球膜蛋白band3遺伝子異常に関する研究" 臨床血液. 38(10). 982 (1997)
[Publications] 神崎 暁郎: "遺伝性赤血球膜異常症の分子解析" 臨床血液. 38(10). 957 (1997)
[Publications] 八幡 愛弓,他: "分子電顕から見たウシband3完全欠損症赤血球の膜病態" 生化学. 69(7). 854 (1997)
[Publications] 八幡 義人: "わが国の赤血球膜異常症:その特質と診断" 臨床病理. 45. 367-376 (1997)
[Publications] 八幡 義人: "溶血性貧血-最近の知見-赤血球膜異常症を中心に" 日本内科学会雑誌. 86. 481-490 (1997)
[Publications] Wada, H., et al: "Late expression of red cell membrane protein 4.2 in normal human erythroid maturation with five isoforms of the protein 4.2 gene." Exp Hematol. in press (1998)
[Publications] Yawata, Y.: "Hereditary stomatocytosis and protein 4.2 abnormalities." Proceedings of Cologne Spring Meeting 1998. 37 (1998)
[Publications] Inoue, T., et al: "Homozygous missense mutation (band 3 Fukuoka:G130R):A mild form of hereditary spherocytosis with nearly normal band 3 conent,and minimal changes of membrane ultrastructure despite moderate deficiency of protein 4.2." Brit J Haematol. in press (1998)
[Publications] 八幡 義人,他: "専門医のための血液学レビュー'97" 総合医学社,東京, 7 (1997)
[Publications] 八幡 義人: "新臨床内科学第7版" 医学書院,東京, 3 (1997)
[Publications] 八幡 義人: "新臨床内科学第7版" 医学書院,東京, 4 (1997)
[Publications] 八幡 義人: "現代内科学" 金芳堂,京都, 7 (1997)
[Publications] 山田 治,他: "内科治療ガイド'97" 文光堂,東京, 9 (1997)
[Publications] 八幡 義人: "大学病院における診断と治療:貧血・出血傾向・白血病" 真興交易,医書出版,東京, 8 (1998)