[Publications] K.Sai, B.L.Upham, K.-S.Kang, R.Hasegawa, J.E.Trosko, T.Inoue: "Inhibitory effects of pentachlorophenol on gap junctional intercellular communication in rat liver epithelial cells in vitro." Cancer Letters.(in press). (1998)
[Publications] T.Inoue, Y.Hirabayashi, , H.Sasaki, M.Matsuda, Y.Furuta, S.Aizawa: "Model of Myelodysplastic Syndrome-like Myelodyaplasia that transforms into single lineage hemopoietic malignancies upon transplantation" International Journal of Pediatric Hematology/Oncology. 4. 221-230 (1997)
[Publications] J.E.Trosko and T.Inoue: "Oxidative stress,signal transduction,nd intercellular communication in radiation carcnogenesis." Stem Cell. 15. 59-70 (1997)
[Publications] K.S.-Kang, I.Morita, A.Cruz, Y.J.Jeon, J.E.Trosko, C.C.Chang: "Expression of estrogen receptors in a normal human breast epithelial cell type with luminal and stem cell characteristics and its neoplastically transformed cell lines." Carcinogenssis. 18. 251-257 (1997)
[Publications] H.Sasaki, M.Matsuda, Y.Lu, T.Inoue et al.: "A fraction unresponsive to growth inhibition by TGF-beta among the high-proliferafive potential progenitor cells in bone marrow of p53-deficient mice." Leukemia. 11. 239-244 (1997)
[Publications] Y.Hiyabayashi, M.Matsuda, T.Matsuda, T.Inoue et al.: "The p53-deficient hemopoietic stem cells:resistance to radiation-apoptosis,but lasted transiently." Leukemia. 11 Suppl.489-492 (1997)
[Publications] M.Mishimura-Morita, M.Nose, T.Inoue et al.: "Amelioration of systemic autoimmune disease by the stimulation of apoptpsis-promoting receptor Fas with anti-Fas mAb." International Immunology. 9. 307-316 (1997)
[Publications] T.Inoue, E.P.Cronkite, Y.Hirabayashi, et al.: "Lifetime treatment of mice with azidothymidine(AZT)produces myelodysplasia." Leukemia. 11 Suppl.123-127 (1997)
[Publications] K.Yoshida, T..Inoue, K.Nojima, et al.: "Calorie restriction reduces the incidence of myeloid leukemia induced by a single whole-body radiation in C3H/He mice." Proc.Natil.Acad.Sci.USA. 94. 2615-2619 (1997)
[Publications] K.Yoshida, T.Inoue, Y.Hiyabayashi, et al: "Radiation-inducedmyeloid leukemia in mice under caloric restriction." Leukeimia. 11 Suppl. 410-412 (1997)
[Publications] T.Hayashi, D.F.Matesic, K.S.Kang, J.E.Trosko: "Stimulation of cell proliferation and inhibition of gap junctional intercellular communication by linoleic acid." Cancer Letters. 112. 103-111 (1997)
[Publications] B.L.Upham, K, S, Kang, H.Y.Cho, J.E.Trosko: "Hydrogen peroxide inhibits gap junctional intercellular communication via hyper-phosphorylation of connexin 43in glutathione sufficient but not glutathione deficient cells" Carcinogenesis. 18. 37-42 (1997)
[Publications] J.E.Trosko: "Challenge to the simple paradigm that ‘carcinogens' are ‘mutagens' and to the in vitro and in vivo assays used to test the paradigm." Mutation Research. 3. 245-249 (1997)
[Publications] K.S.Kang, C.C.Chang, J.E.Trosko: "Modulation of gap junctional intercellular communication during human breast stem cell differentiation and immortalization.In Gap Junctions" IOS press,R.Werner(ed.), 358(347-351) (1998)
[Publications] M.R.Wilson, U.Ifeanyi, K.S-Kang, J.E.Trosko: "A role for mitogen activated protein kinase(MAKP)during ras-induced down regulation of gap junctional intercellular communication In:Gap Junctions" IOS press,R.Werner(ed.), 385(239-243) (1998)