[Publications] 木塚徳志、平原佳織、出口俊二、成瀬幹夫: "カーボンナノチューブの疲労の原子過程"日本金属学会会報 37(1997)(5). (1997)
[Publications] S. Shimada, K. Nakajima and M. Inagaki: "Oxidation of Single Crystals of Hafnium Carbide in a Temperature Range of 600 to 900゜"J. Am. Ceram. Soc.. 80 [7]. 1749-1756 (1997)
[Publications] S. Shimada: "Microstructural Observation of ZrO2 Scales Formed by Oxidation of ZrC Single Crystals with Formation of Carbon"Solid State Ionics. 101-103. 749-753 (1997)
[Publications] H. Noguchi, Y. Kubota and T. Takarada: "Diamond/SiC Double Layer Membrane for X-Ray Mask"J. Electrochem. Soc.. 144 [8]. 2909-2912 (1997)
[Publications] H. Noguchi, Y. Kubota and T. Takarada: "Fabrication and Evaluation of Diamond/SiC Double Layer Membrane for X-Ray Mask"J. Electrochem. Soc.. 144 [9]. 3304-3308 (1997)
[Publications] H. Kajiura, Y. Tanabe and E. Yasuda: "Carbonization and Graphitization Behavior of Iodine-Treated Coal Tar Pitch"Carbon. 35 [2]. 169-174 (1997)
[Publications] K. Hoshi, Y. Tanabe and E. Yasuda: "Effects of Sonication on Curing Process in Furan Resin"Tanso. 1997 [184]. 199-201 (1997)
[Publications] 小野孝、梶正己、平田好洋: "Si-Ti-C-O繊維/ムライトマトリックス系複合材料の鞍状曲げ試験における破壊挙動"106[11]. 1147-1150 (1998)
[Publications] 弥富政享、北條正樹、田中基嗣、落合庄治郎、澤田吉裕、高橋淳: "C/C複合材料の破壊機構に及ぼす熱処理温度の影響"材料. 47[9]. 939-945 (1998)
[Publications] T. Kizuka: "Atomic Process of Point Contact in Gold Studied by High-resolution t Transmission Electron Microscopy"Phys. Rev. Lett.. 81. 4448-4451 (1998)
[Publications] T. Kizuka: "Atomistic Visualization of Deformation in Gold"Phys. Rev.. B57. 11158-11163 (1998)
[Publications] K. Hirahara, N. Tanaka, S. Deguchi, M. Naruse and T. Kizuka: "Direct Atomistic Observation of Deformation of Carbon Nanotubes by Time-resolved High-resolution Transmission Electron Microscopy"Proc. 4th Special Symposium on Advanced Materials, 1998. 31-34 (1998)
[Publications] T. Kizuka, N. Tanaka, S. Deguchi and M. Naruse: "High-resolution Transmission Electron Microscopy using a Piezo-driving Specimen Holder for Atomic Mechanics-I. Method and Resolutions"Proc. 14th Int. Conf. Electron Microsc., 1998. 491-492 (1998)
[Publications] T. Kizuka, K. Hirahara, N. Tanaka, S. Deguchi and M. Naruse: "High-resolution Transmission Electron Microscopy using a Piezo-driving Specimen Holder for Atomic Mechanics-VII. Fatigue of Carbon Nanotube"Proc. 14th Int. Conf. Electron Microsc., 1998. 535-536 (1998)
[Publications] D. Huang, Y. Ikuhara, M. Narisawa, K. Okamura: "Characterizations of β-Silicon Carbide Powders Synthesized by the Carbothermal Reduction of Silicon Carbide Precursors"J. Am. Ceram. Soc.. 81 [12]. 3173-3176 (1998)
[Publications] S. Shimada, M. Yoshimatsu, M. Inagaki and S. Otani: "Formation and Characterization of Carbon at the ZrC/ZrO2 Interface by Oxidation of ZrC Single Crystals"Carbon. 36 [7-8]. 1125-1131 (1998)
[Publications] S. Shimada: "TEM Observation of the ZrC/ZrO2 Interface Formed by Oxidation of ZrC Single Crystals"J. Mater. Synthesis and Processing. 6 [3]. 191-195 (1998)
[Publications] O. Yamamoto, T. Sasamoto, T. Sogabe and M. Inagaki: "Oxidation Behaviour of Carbon Materials with a Couple Consisting of a SiC Gradient and a Tantalum Oxide Film Coating"J. Mater. Sci. Lett.. 17. 327-329 (1998)
[Publications] 山本修、花井孝子、笹本忠、鏑木裕、金野英隆、稲垣道夫: "低分子量有機化合物を原料としたCVD法による炭素薄膜の合成と電気的性質"炭素. 1998[185]. 256-261 (1998)
[Publications] A. Kaiho, I. Shiota, S. Yamada, H. Kajiura, T. Tanabe and E. Yasuda: "Microstructural Control of Pitch Matrix Carbon-carbon Composite by Iodine Treatment"J. Mater. Res.. 13 [2]. 302-307 (1998)
[Publications] S. Kimura, E. Yasuda: "Advances in Research of CF/C Composites"Science and Engineering of Composite Materials. 7 [4]. 333-340 (1998)
[Publications] Y. Hirata, T. Matsura and M. Shibuya: "Reaction between Mullite and Polytitanocarbosilane"Key Engineering Materials. 159-160. 417-222 (1999)
[Publications] Y. Hirata, T. Matsura and S. Hori: "Mechanical Properties of TiC-Coated Graphite"Key Engineering Materials. 161-163. 279-282 (1999)
[Publications] 平田好洋: "SiC繊維/ムライトマトリックス複合材料"セラミックス. 34[4]. 274-277 (1999)
[Publications] T. Kizuka: "Direct Atomistic Observation of Deformation in Multiwalled Carbon Nanotubes"Phys. Rev.. B59. (1999)
[Publications] Y. Matsuo, S. Kumagai and K. Yasuda: "Mechanical Properties of Carbon Fiber-Reinforced hBN Matrix Composites at Elevated Temperature"Key Engineering Materials. 164-165. 137-140 (1999)
[Publications] H. Nakagawa, K. Watanabe, Y. Harada, K. Miura: "Control of Micropore Formation in the Carbonized Ion Exchange Resin by Utilizing Pillar Effect"Carbon. 37. 1455-1461 (1999)
[Publications] 三浦孝一、中川浩行、渡邉邦夫: "廃イオン交換樹脂からの多孔質炭素の製造"炭素. 1999[186]. 25-29 (1999)
[Publications] M. Narisawa, Y. Okabe, K. Okamura and Y. Kurachi: "Effect of Heat Treatment on Crystallite Size and Grain Morphology of Silicon Carbide Synthesized from Carbon-Silica Hybrid Precursors"Journal of the Ceramic Society of Japan. 107 [3]. 285-289 (1999)
[Publications] M. Li, M. Tsujimura and M. Sakai: "Crack-Face Grain Interlocking/Bridging of a Polycrystalline Graphite : The Role in Mixed Mode Fracture"Carbon. 37. 1633-1639 (1999)
[Publications] M. Li, R. Matsuyama and M. Sakai: "Interlaminar Shear Strength of C/C-Composites : The Dependence on Test Methods"Carbon. 37. 1749-1757 (1999)
[Publications] 鈴木昇、田川文武、押久保順一、島田美佳、飯村兼一、加藤貞二: "ポリイミドLB膜からの炭素長薄膜調製と評価"炭素. 1999[190]. 241-245 (1999)
[Publications] 鈴木昇、加藤貞二: "キャスト法およびLB膜の熱分解による炭素薄膜"炭素素原料科学と材料設計. 33-38 (1999)
[Publications] O. Yamamoto, J. Sawai, T. Sasamoto, H. Nakagawa and K. Miura: "Antibacterial Characteristic of Spherical Carbon Containing No"TANSO. 1999 [189]. 176-178 (1999)
[Publications] 山本修、菅野和幸、太田直人、曽我部敏明、笹本忠: "ケイ化モリデンプレス体と炭素繊維/炭素複合材料の間の界面反応により得られたカーボンアロイの相同定と熱伝導率"炭素. 1999[190]. 246-251 (1999)
[Publications] O. Yamamoto, Y. Dote, T. Vasomotor and M. Inagaki: "Formation Mechanism of Sic Gradient in Carbon Materials"炭素. 1999[190]. 282-285 (1999)
[Publications] O. Yamamoto and M. Inagaki: "Antioxidation Coating of Carbon Materials Coupled with Sic Concentration Gradient"New Carbon Materials. 44 [1]. 1-6 (1999)
[Publications] T. Yano, Y. Yamamoto and K. Yoshida: "TEM Investigation and Facture Behavior of SiC/SiC Composites Fabricated by Hot-Pressing"Key Engineering Mater.. 166. 135-138 (1999)
[Publications] K. Hoshi, T. Iiyama, T. Akatsu, Y. Tanabe, E. Yasuda: "Characterization of Cured Furan Resin Prepared by High Power Ultrasonic Irradiation"Tanso. 1999 [190]. 289-292 (1999)
[Publications] 山本修、澤井淳、中越恭子、中川浩行、三浦孝一、笹本忠: "種々の温度で炭素化された亜鉛イオン交換樹脂の抗菌性"炭素. 2000[191]. (2000)
[Publications] 山本修、中越恭子、澤井淳、笹本忠: "イオン交換樹脂から調製された炭素球における細菌の吸着"炭素. 2000[191]. (2000)
[Publications] Osamu Yamamoto, Tadashi Sasamoto, Michio Inagaki: "Effect of Mullite Coating Film on Oxidation Resistance of Carbon Materials with SiC-gradient"J. Mater. Sic. Lett.. (2000)
[Publications] Osamu Yamamoto, Kyoko Nakakoshi, Jun Sawai, Tadashi Sasamoto, Hiroyuki Nakagawa, Kouichi Miura: "Antibacterial Activity against Staphylococcus aureus of Carbon Materials Dispersed with ZnO"Electrochemistry. 68 [4]. (2000)
[Publications] K. Yoshida, M. Imai and T. Yano: "Room and Elevated-Temperature Mechanical Properties of Sic Fiber-Reinforced SiC Composite Fabricated by CVI and PIP Methods"J. Ceram. Soc. Jpn. 108 [3]. (2000)
[Publications] K. Yoshida, M. Imai and T. Yano: "Room and High-Temperature Mechanical and Thermal Properties of SiC Fiber-Reinforced SiC Composite Sintered under Pressure"J. Nuclear Materials. (2000)
[Publications] 小野孝、京田享博、平田好洋: "Si-Ti-C-O繊維/ムライト積層材料の鞍状曲げ試験に及ぼす繊維節の影響"Journal of the Ceramic Society of Japan.
[Publications] Y. Hirata, T. Matsura nd K. Hayata: "In filtration and Pyrolysis of Polytitanocarbosilane in the Si-Ti-C-O Fabrics/Mullite Porous Composite"Journal of the American Ceramic Society (revised version).
[Publications] S. Shimada: "Formation of Mechanism of Carbon-Containing Oxide Scale by High Temperature Oxidation of Carbides"The Electrochem. Soc. Inc., NJ.. 98-99. 334-348