[Publications] T.Uragami,K.Ono,M.Mizuguchi,T.Mano,H.Fujioka,M.Oshima,M.Tanaka,Y.Watanabe: "″Growth of MnAs on S and Se-passivated GaAs Substrates″" J.Magn.Soc.Jpn.23. 694-696 (1999)
[Publications] K.Shimada,O.Rader,A.Fujimori,A.Kimura,K.Ono,N.Kamakura,A.Kakizaki,M.Tanaka,M.Shirai: "″Spin-Resolved Core-Level and Valence-Band Photoemission Spectroscopy of Ferromagnetic MnAs″" J.Electron Spectroscopy and Related Phenomena,in press(1999).
[Publications] M.Tanaka(Invited paper): "″Ferromagnet/Semiconductor Hybrid Structures Grown by Molecular Beam Epitaxy″" J.Crystal Growth,in press(1999).
[Publications] T.Hayashi,H.Shimada,and M.Tanaka: "″Tunneling Spectroscopy and Magnetoresistance in(GaMn)As/AlAs/(GaMn)As Ultrathin Magnetic Semiconductor Heterostructures″" J.Crystal Growth,in press(1999).
[Publications] Masakatsu Umehara: "″Bound magnetic exciton polaron accompanied by large lattice displacement and luminescence in EuSe″" Journal of Magn.Magn.Mater.187. 177-191 (1998)
[Publications] H.Akinaga,J.De Boock,G.Borghs,S.Miyanishi,A.Asamitsu,W.VanRoy,Y.Tomioka,and L.H.Kuo: "″Negative Magnetoresistance in GaAs withmagnetic MnAs nanoclusters″" Appl.Phys.Lett.Vol.72,No.25. 3368-3370 (1998)
[Publications] M.Nakamura,M.Shuzo,K.Ono,H.Fujioka,M.Tanaka,T.Nishinaga,Y.Watamabe,M.Oshima: "″The Evidence for a Preferencial Growth of a MnAs Thin Film on an As-Preadsorbed Si(001)Surface″" Applied Surface Science. 130-132. 128-132 (1998)
[Publications] M.Tanaka,K.Saito,and T.Nishinaga: "″Epitaxial MnAs/GaAs/MnAs Trilayer Magnetic Heterostructures″" Appl.Phys.Lett.74. 64-66 (1999)
[Publications] R.Shioda,K.Ando,T.Hayashi,M.Tanaka: "″Local Structures of III-V Diluted Magnetic Semiconductor GaMnAs Studied by Extended X-ray Absorption Fine Structure″" Phys.Rev.B. 58. 1100-1102 (1998)
[Publications] Masaaki Tanaka(Invited paper): "″Epitaxial Ferromagnetic Thin Films and Heterostructures of Mn-based Metallic and Semiconducting Compounds on GaAs″" Physica. E2. 372-380 (1998)
[Publications] T.Hayashi,M.Tanaka,K.Sato,T.Nishinaga,and H.Shimada: "″Magnetotransport Properties of New III-V Based Magnetic(GaMnAs)/Nonmagnetic(AlAs)Semiconductor Superlattices″" Physica. E2. 404-407 (1998)
[Publications] Masaaki Tanaka(Invited paper): "″Epitaxial Growth and Properties of III-V Based Ferromagnetic Semiconductor(GaMn)As and Its Heterostructures″" J.Vac.Sci.& Technol.B16. 2267-2274 (1998)
[Publications] J.Okabayashi,A.Kimura,A.Fujimori,T.Hayashi,and M.Tanaka: "″Core-level Photoemission of(Gal-xMnx)As″" Phys Rev.B. 58. R4211-R4214 (1998)
[Publications] K.Shimada,O.Rader,A.Fujimori,A.Kimura,N.Kamakura,A.Kakizaki,K.Ono,M.Tanaka,M.Shirai: "″Spin and Angle-Resolved Photoemission Spectroscopy of Ferromagnetic MnAs″" J.Electron Spectroscopy and Related Phenomena. 88-91. 207-212 (1998)
[Publications] H.Shimizu,T.Hayashi,T.Nishinaga and M.Tanaka: "″Magnetic and Transport Properties of III-V Based Magnetic Semiconductor(GaMn)As : Growth Condition Dependence″" Appl.Phys.Lett.74. 398-400 (1999)
[Publications] H.Shimizu,T.Hayashi,T.Nishinaga and M.Tanaka: "″Properties of III-V Based Ferromagnetic Semiconductor(Gal-xMnx)As : As Pressure Dependence″" J.Magn.Soc.Jpn.23. 96-98 (1999)
[Publications] 吉田博、西松毅、山本哲也、織田望: "解説「半導体における第一原理計算からの物質設計」" 日本金属学会誌「まてりあ」. Vol.38,No.2. (1999)
[Publications] H.Katayama-Yoshida: "Materials Design and Prediction of Physical Properties of Amorphpus Silicon for High Efficiency Solar Cells by ab initio Molecular Dynamics Simulation" Ultra Precision. Vol.8. 111-119 (1998)
[Publications] T.Yamamoto and H.Katayama-Yoshida: "Role of n-type Codoping on Enhancing p-type Dopants Incorporation in p-type Codoped ZnSe" MRS Symposium Series,1999,in press.
[Publications] K.Shirai and H.Katayama-Yoshida: "The narrow Raman linewidth of a librational mode of a-rhombohedral boron and its anharmonic effects" J.Phys.Soc.Jpn.67. 3801-3808 (1998)
[Publications] T.Hayashi,M.Tanaka,K.Seto,T.Nishinaga,H.Shimada,and K.Ando: "″Hall Effect and Magnetic Properties of III-V Based(Gal-xMnx)As/AlAs Magnetic Semiconductor Superlattices″" J.Appl.Phys.83. 6551-6553 (1998)
[Publications] K.Ando,T.Hayashi,M.Tanaka,A.Twardowski: "″Magnetooptic Effect of Ferromagnetic Diluted Magnetic Semiconductor Gal-xMnxAs″" J.Appl.Phys.83. 6548-6550 (1998)
[Publications] K.Ono,T.Uragami,M.Mizuguchi,H.Fujioka,M.Oshima,M.Tanaka,H.Akinaga,Y.Watanabe: "″Formation of Low-dimensional Structures of Manganese Pnictides″" J.Magn.Soc.Jpn.23. 688-690 (1999)
[Publications] K.Ono,M.Mizuguchi,T.Uragami,T.Mano,H.Fujioka,M.Oshima,M.Tanaka,Y.Watanabe: "″Forrnation of MnAs Dots on S-passivated GaAs(100)Substrates″" J.Magn.Soc.Jpn.23. 691-693 (1999)
[Publications] T.Yamamoto and H.Katayama-Yoshida: "A Codoping Method of Fabricating High-conductivity p-type Semiconductors with a Wide-Band Gap by ab-initio Electronic Structure Calculation" To be published in the Proceedings of ICPS-24,Israel,1998.in press.
[Publications] H.Katayama-Yoshida T.Yamamoto and T.Nishimatsu: "Co-doping Method in Wide Band-gap Semiconductors : Application to GaN,AlN,ZnSe,CuInS2 and Diamond" To be published in the Proceedings of 25-th International Symposium on Compound Semiconductors(ISCS,98)in press.[Invited Paper].
[Publications] T.Yamamoto and H.Katayama-Yoshida: "A Codoping Method in CuInS2 Proposed by ab initio Electronic Structure Calculations" Inst.Phys.Conf.Ser.No 152. (1998)
[Publications] T.Yamamoto and H.Katayama-Yoshida: "Electronic Structure of p-type GaN Codoped with Be or Mg as the Acceptor and Si or O as the Donor Codopants" J.Crystal Growth. 189/190. 532-536 (1998)
[Publications] T.Yamamoto and H.Katayama-Yoshida: "Role of Cl or Codoping on Enhancing Li Doping in ZnSe" Jpn.J.Appl.Phys.37. L910-L912 (1998)
[Publications] T.Yamamoto and H.Katayama-Yoshida: "Solution Using a Codoping Method to Unipolarity for the Fabrication of p-type ZnO" Jpn.J.Appl.Phys.38. L166-L169 (1999)
[Publications] H.Tanaka,H.Harima,T.Yamamoto,H.Katayama-Yoshida,Y.Nakata and Y.Hirotsu: "Theoretical study of electronic band structure and magnetic property of Fel6N2 based on FLAPW calculation" J.Magn.Mgn.Mater.102. 1468-1469 (1998)
[Publications] S.B.Zhang,S-H.Wei,A.Zunger,H.Katayama-Yoshida: "Defect Physics of the CuInSe2 Chalcopyrite Semiconductor" Phys.Rev.B. 57. 9642 (1998)
[Publications] J.De Boeck,H.Akinaga,C.Bruynseraede,H.Bender,and G.Borghs: "″Superlattices of III-V semiconductor and heterogeneous magnetic layers for CPP magnetotransport″" IEEE Trans.Magn.,. Vol.34,No.4. 891-893 (1998)
[Publications] H.Akinaga,S.Miyanishi,A.Asamitsu,W.Van Roy,L.H.Kuo,Y.Tomioka,J.De Boeck,and G.Borghs: "″Manganese-based magnetic compoundsgrown on III-V semiconductors : Growth technique,Magnetic Properties,and Applications″" Conference Proceedings of 2nd Int.Conf.Advanced Semiconductor Devices and Microsystems IEEE Catalog. 98EX172. 145-154 (1998)
[Publications] Y.Fukuma,I.Doi,F.Hiyama,H.Asada and T.Koyanagai: "″Preparation of Gel-xMnx Te Films by RF Spittering″" Extended Abstracts of the 4th Symposium on the Physics and Application of Spin-Related Phenomena in Semiconductors. 134-137 (1998)
[Publications] T.Nishimatsu,H.Katayama-Yoshida,and N.Orita: "How to Produce Low-resistivity n-type Diamond : Codoping Method" The Proceedings of the 5-th NIRIM International Symposium on Advanced Materials,. [Invited Paper]. 253-256 (1998)
[Publications] H.Katayama-Yoshida,T.Yamamoto and T.Nishimatsu: "Comparison between the Theoretical Prediction of Codoping and the Recent Experimental Evidences in p-type GaN,AlN,ZnSe,CuInS2,and n-type Diamond" phys.stat.Sil. (b)210. 429-436 (1998)
[Publications] T.Nishimatsu,H.Katayama-Yoshida and N.Orita: "Hydrogen and Phosphor Codoping and Boron and Nitrogen Codoping for the Fabrication of Low Resistivity n-type Diamond : Materials Design from the First Principles Calculation" To be published in the Proceedings of ICPS-24,Israel,1998.
[Publications] Y.Motoshiromizu,T.Nishimatsu H.Katayama-Yoshida and N.Orita: "Nitrogen and Carbon-Vacancy Direct Exchange Mechanism for the Diffusion of Nitrogen in Diamond Studied by ab initio Molecular Dynamics Simulation" To be published in the Proceedings of ICPS-24,Israel,1998.(in press).