[Publications] M.Ohya: "Complexity,fractal dimension for quantum states" Open systems and Information Dynamics. 4. 141-157 (1997)
[Publications] L.Accardi, M.Ohya and N.Watanabe: "Dynamical entropy through quantum Markov chains" Open systems and Information Dynamics. 4. 71-87 (1997)
[Publications] 大矢雅則, 須鎗弘樹, 古市茂: "スクイズド真空状態による誤り確率の改善" 電子情報通信学会論文誌. 180-A,No.5. 809-817 (1997)
[Publications] 大矢雅則, 須鎗弘樹, 樋口慶: "対称コンタクトプロセスによる二義錯視図形の解析" 電子情報通信学会論文誌. 180-A,No.6. 1022-1029 (1997)
[Publications] M.Ohya, D.Petz and N.Watanabe: "On capacities of quantum channels" Probability and Mathematical Statistics. 17. 179-196 (1997)
[Publications] S.Furuichi, M.Ohya and H.Suyari: "Computation of mutual entropy in quantum amplifier processes" Quantum Communication,Computing,and Measurement. 147-155 (1997)
[Publications] M.Ohya and N.Watanabe: "Quantum capacity of noisy quantum channel" Quantum Communication,Computing,and Measurement. 213-220 (1997)
[Publications] M.Ohya: "Complexities and their applications to characterization of chaos" to appear in International Journal of Theoretical Physics.
[Publications] M.Ohya, D.Petz and N.Watanabe: "Numerical computation of quantum capacity" to appear in International Journal of Theoretical Phyasics.
[Publications] M.Ohya and N.Watanabe: "On mathematical treatment of Fredkin-Toffoli-Milburn gate" to appear in Physica D.
[Publications] K.Inoue, M.Ohya and H.Suyari: "Characterization of quantum teleportation processes by nonlinear quantum channel and quantum mutual entropy" to appear in Physica D.
[Publications] N.Kenmochi and A.Damlamian: "Evolution equations associated with non-isothermal phase transitions" Functional Analysis and Global Analysis. 62-77 (1997)
[Publications] N.Kenmochi, A.Ito and N.Yamazaki: "Global attractors of time-dependent double obstacle problems" Functional Analysis and Global Analysis. 288-301 (1997)
[Publications] N.Kenmochi, A.Ito: "Asymptotic behaviour of solutions to non-isothermal phase separation model with constraints in one-dimensional space" to appear in J.Math.Soc.Japan.
[Publications] N.Kenmochi, A.Ito and N.Yamazaki: "Attractors of nonlinear evolution systems generated by time-dependent subdifferentials in Hilbert spaces" to appear in Lecture Notes Pure Appl.Math.
[Publications] N.Kenmochi, T.Koyama: "Parabolic PDE´s with hysteresis and quasivariational inequalities" to appear in Nonlinear Anal.TMA.
[Publications] N.Kennmochi and A.Damlamian: "Evolution equations associated with non-isothermal phase separation:Subdifferential approach" to appear in Ann.Mat.Pura Appl.
[Publications] N.Kennmochi, K.Shirakawa, A.Ito and N.Yamazaki: "Asymptotic stability for evolution equations governed by subdifferentials" to appear in Gakuto Intern.Ser.Math.Sci.Appl.11. (1997)
[Publications] T.Ando and K.Okubo: "Holder type inequalities associated with operator radii and Schur products" Linear and Multilinear Algebra. 43. 53-61 (1997)
[Publications] M.Fujii and N.Nakamura: "An application of operator means arising from a study on Wazan" Math.Japon. 46. 385-386 (1997)
[Publications] T.Furuta: "Equivalence relations among Reid,Lοwner-Heinz and Heinz-Kato inequalities,and extensions of these inequalities" Integral equations and Operator Theory. 29. 1-9 (1997)
[Publications] K.Izuchi and S.Takagasi: "BKW-oparators on the interval" Rend.circ,Mat.Palcrmo (2). 46. 477-489 (1997)
[Publications] E.Kamei: "Complements to the Furuta inequality,II" Math.Japon. 45(1). 15-23 (1997)
[Publications] M.Kato and T.Takahashi: "On the von Neumann-Jordan constants to Banach spaces" Proc.Amer.Math.soc. 125. 1055-1062 (1997)
[Publications] T.Nakazi: "The commutator ideal in Toeplitz algebras for uniform algebras and the analytic structure" Arch Math.69. 221-226 (1997)
[Publications] S.Takahasi and O.Hatori: "A structure of ring homomorphidmd on commutative Banach alegebras" to appear in Proc.Amer.Math.Soc.
[Publications] T.Ando and F.Hiai: "Hοlder type inequalities for matrices" to appear in Math.Ineq.Appl.
[Publications] M.Choda and T.Natsume: "Reduced C'-crossed products by free shifts" to appear in Ergod,Th.and Dynam.Sys.
[Publications] M.Fujii, F.Jiang,and E.Kamei: "Characterization of chaotic order and its application to Furuta inequality" to appear in Proc.Amer.Math.Soc.
[Publications] Y.Gotoh: "On global integrability of BMO functions on general domains" to appear in J.Anal.Math.
[Publications] O.Hatori and K.Izuchi: "Apostol algebras and decomposition in Douglas algebras" to appear in Michigan Math.J.
[Publications] M.Hayashi and T.Kato: "Point separation of a two-sheeted disc by bounded analytic functions" to appear in Hokkaido Math.J.
[Publications] F.Hiai: "Standard invariants for crossed products inclusions of factors" Pacific J.Math.177. 237-267 (1997)
[Publications] F.Hiai and M.Izumi: "Amenability and strong amenability for fusion algebras with applications to subfactors" to appear in Internat.J.Math.
[Publications] Y.Iida and N.Mochizuki: "Isometries of some F-algebras of holomorphic functions" to appear in Arch. Math.
[Publications] K.Izuchi: "Sequential type Korovkin theorem on 1^∞ for QC-test functions" Proc.Amer.Math.Soc.125. 1153-1159 (1997)
[Publications] K.Izuchi and Y.Matsugu: "A^φ invariant subspaces on the torus" to appear in Canad.J.Math.
[Publications] K.Izuchi and S.Ohno: "Selfadjoint commutators and invariant subspaces on the torus II" Integral Eq.Op.Th.27. 208-220 (1997)
[Publications] M.Izumi: "Subalgebras of infinite C^*-lagebras with finite Watatani indices:II.Cuntz-Krieger algebras" to appear in Duke Math.J.
[Publications] T.Kajiwara, C.Pinzari and Y.Watatani: "Ideal structure and simplicity of the C^*-algebras generated by Hilbert bimodules" to appear in J.Funct.Anal.
[Publications] Y.Katayama, K.Matsumoto and Y.Watatani: "Simple C^*-algebras arizing from β-expansion of real numbers" to appear in Ergod.Th.and Dynam.Sys.
[Publications] Y.Kawahigashi: "Classification of approximately inner automorphisms of subfactors" Math.Ann.308. 425-438 (1997)
[Publications] S.Kawamura: "Covariant representations associated with chaotic dynamical systems" Tokyo J.Math.20. 205-217 (1997)
[Publications] H.Kosaki, A.Munemasa,and S.Yamagami: "On fusion algebras associated to finite group actions" Pacific J.Math.177. 269-290 (1997)
[Publications] H.Kurose and Y.Nakagami: "Compact Hopf *-algebras quantum enveloping algebras and dual Woronowicz algebras for quantum Lorentz groups" to appear in Internat.J.Math.
[Publications] T.Nakazi and Y.Watatani: "Invariant subspace theorems for subdiagonal algebras" J.Operator Theory. 37. 379-395 (1997)
[Publications] T.Kobayashi: "Discrete decomponsability of the restriction of Aq(λ) with respect to reductive subgroups II--microlocal analysis and asymptotic K-support" to appear in Annals of Math.
[Publications] T.Kobayashi: "Discrete decomponsability of the restriction of Aq(λ) with respect to reductive subgroups III--restriction of Harish-Chandra modules and associated varieties" to appear in Invent.Math.
[Publications] T.Kobayashi: "Discrete series representations for the orbit spaces arising from two involutions of real reductive Lie groups" to appear in J.Funct.Anal.
[Publications] K.Nishiyama: "Redyctuve dual pair and Weil representation" Proceding of Summer School on Number Theorey. 63-88 (1997)
[Publications] T.Umeda: "Newton's formula for gl_n" to appear in Proc.Amer.Math.Soc.
[Publications] T.Nakajima and H.F.Yamda: "On reduced Q-functions" Hiroshima M.J.27. 407-414 (1997)
[Publications] T.Tanisaki and S.-J.Kang: "Universal R-matrices and the center of the quantum generalized Kac-Moody algebras" Hiroshima Mathematical Journal.27・2. 347-360 (1997)
[Publications] K.Hasegawa: "Ruijsenaars' commuting differnce operators as commuting transfer matrices" Comm.Math.Phys.187. 289-325 (1997)
[Publications] A.Antonov, K.Hasegawa and A.Zabrodin: "On trigonometric intertwining vectors and non-dynamical R-matrix for the Ruijsenaars model" Nuclear Physics B. 503. 747-770 (1997)
[Publications] K.Kumahara: "On non-unitary induced representations of a generalized Heisenberg group" Mathematica Japonica. 46. 5-14 (1997)
[Publications] K.Kikuchi: "K-spherical representations for Gelfand pairs associated to solvable Lie groups" J.Math.Soc.Japan. 49. 469-486 (1997)
[Publications] T.Hashimoto: "Integrability of one-parameter groups generated by the Virasoro operators" J.Funct.Anal.149. 178-199 (1997)
[Publications] T.Kobayashi: "Invariant measures on homogeneous manifolds of reductive type" J.reine und angew.Math.490. 37-53 (1997)
[Publications] T.Aoki: "Multiple-scale analysis for Painleve´ transcendents with a large parameter" Differential Geometry and Mathmatical Physics. 39. 11-17 (1997)
[Publications] A.Arai: "A class of representations of the *-algebra of the canonical commutation relations over a Hilbert space and instability of embedded eigenvalues in quantum field models" J.Nonlinear Math.Phys.4. 338-349 (1997)
[Publications] K.Fujita and M.Morimoto: "Spherical Fourier-Borel transformation" Functional analysis and global analysis. 78-87 (1997)
[Publications] T.Hishida: "On a class of stable steady flows to the exterior convection problem" Journal of Differential Equations. 140.
[Publications] T.Ichinose and T.Satoshi: "Estimate of the difference between the Kac operator and the Schrodinger semigroup" Commun.Math.Phys.186. (1997)
[Publications] Y.Ito: "Theory of Fourier microfunctions of several types (III)" to appear in Journal of Mathematics,Tokushima University. 31. 29-61 (1997)
[Publications] T.Kako and L.Deng: "Finite element approximation of eigenvalue problem for a coupled vibration berween acoustic field and plate" J.Comput.Math.15・3. 265-278 (1997)
[Publications] J.Kamimoto: "Singularities of the Bergman kernel for certain weakly pseudoconvex domains" to appear in Journal of Mathematical Sciences,the University of Tokyo.
[Publications] T.Kawai and H.P.Stapp: "On infrared singularities" New Trends in Microlocal Analysis,Springer. 117-123 (1997)
[Publications] T.Kobayashi: "Invariant measures on homogeneous manifolds of reductive type" J.reine und angew.Math.490. 37-53 (1997)
[Publications] K.Kurata: "A unique continuation theorem for the Schrodinger equation with singular magnetic field" Proc.A.M.S.125. 853-860 (1997)
[Publications] A.Miyachi: "Atomic decomposition for Sobolev spaces and for the C^a_p spaces on general domains" Tsukuba J.Math.21. 59-96 (1997)
[Publications] S.Moritoh: "Wavelet transforms and operators in various function spaces" New Trends in Microlocal Analysis. 59-68 (1997)
[Publications] T.Oaku: "Algorithms for b-functions,reductions,and algebraic local cohomology groups of D-modules" Advances in Appl.Math.19. 61-105 (1997)
[Publications] S.Omata, T.Okamura and K.Nakane: "Numerical analysis for the discrete Morse semiflow related to the Ginzburg Landau functional" to appear in Nonlinear World.
[Publications] T.Suzuki and N.Mizoguchi: "Equations of gas combustion:S-shaped bifurcation and mushrooms" J.Differential Equations. 134. 183-215 (1997)
[Publications] H.Tahara and R.Gerard: "Formal power series solutions of nonlinear first order partial differential equations" to appear in Funkcialaj Ekvacioj.
[Publications] K.Taira: "Feller semigroups and Maarkov processes" Computational and Applied Mathematics. 16. 53-96 (1997)
[Publications] S.Tajima: "Direct image of the de Rham system associated with a rational double point" Differential Geometry and Mathematical Physics. 39. 155-160 (1997)
[Publications] K.Takasaki: "Dual isomonodromic problems and Whitham equations" to appear in Lett.Math.Phys.
[Publications] Y.Takei and T.Kawai: "WKB analysis of Painleve transcendents with a large parameter.III---Local reduction of 2-parameter Painleve transcendents" to appear in Adv.in Math.
[Publications] K.Takeuchi: "Edge-of-the-Wedge type theorems for hyperfunction solutions" Duke Math.J.89・1. 109-132 (1997)
[Publications] Y.Tsutsumi, J.Ginibre and G.Velo: "On the Cauchy problem for the Zakharov system" to appear in J.Funct.Anal.
[Publications] H.Watanabe: "The initial-boundary value problems for the heat operator in non-cylindrical domains" J.Math.Soc.Japan. 49・3. 399-430 (1997)
[Publications] S.Takahashi, Y.Takahashi, O.Hatori and K.Tanahashi: "Commutative Banach algebras and BSE-norm" Math.Japonica.46(2). 273-277 (1997)
[Publications] Y.Takahashi and M.Kato: "On the von Neumann-Jordan constant for Banach apaces" Proc.Amer.Math.Soc.125(4). 1055-1062 (1997)
[Publications] N.Tanaka and H.Oka: "Abstract quasilinear integrodifferential equations of hyperbolic type" Nonlinear Anal.29. 903-925 (1997)
[Publications] K.Yanagi and H.W.Chen: "On the Cover's conjecture on capacity of Gaussian channel with feedback" IEICE Trans.Fundamentals.80-A(11). 2272-2275 (1997)
[Publications] K.Yoneda: "An application of Walsh Fourier analysis to weakly stationary processes" Acta Math.Hungar.76(4). 303-335 (1997)
[Publications] H.Arai: "Morrey apaces and applications to hypoelliptic equations on Cauchy-Riemann manifolds" to appear in Proc.intern.Conf.on Aspects of Math.
[Publications] S.Hasegawa and R.Sato: "On a d-parameter ergodic theorem for continuous semigroups of operators satifying norm conditions" Comment.Math.Univ.Carolinae. 38. 433-462 (1997)
[Publications] S.Igari: "The Kakeya maximal operator with a special base" Approx.Theory and Appl.13. 1-7 (1997)
[Publications] Y.Kanjin: "Hardy's inequalities for Hermite and Laguerre expansions" Bill.London Math.Soc.29. 331-337 (1997)
[Publications] H.Kita: "On Hardy-Littlewood maximal functions in Orlicz spaces" Math.Nach.183. 135-155 (1997)
[Publications] A.Miyachi: "Atomic decomposition for Sobolev spaces and for the C^a_p spaces on general domains" Tukuba Journal of Mathematics. 21(1). 59-96 (1997)
[Publications] I.Miyamoto and Y.Okuyama: "On the double Norlund Summability of double Fourier series" Tamkang J.Math.22(2). 133-144 (1997)
[Publications] H.Mizumachi and H.Sato: "Absolute continuity of similar translations" Journal of Kyoto University. 37. 317-326 (1997)
[Publications] E.Nakai and K.Yabuta: "Pointwise multipliers for functions of weighted bounded mean oscillation on spaces of homogeneous type" Mathematica Japonica. 46. 15-28 (1997)
[Publications] T.Nishishiraho: "Korovkin sets and mean ergodic theorems" to appear in I.Convex.Anal.
[Publications] N.Ogata: "On the absolute convergence of lacunary Fourier series" to appear in Mathematica Japonica.48. (1998)
[Publications] 大矢 雅則 編: "第36回実函数論・函数解析学合同シンポジウム講演集録" 147 (1998)
[Publications] 佐藤亮太郎 編: "実解析学シンポジウム 1997仙台" 214 (1997)
[Publications] 剣持 信幸 編: "第23回 発展方程式研究会報告集" 95 (1997)
[Publications] 井上 純治 編: "第6回関数空間セミナー報告集" (1998)
[Publications] 竹中 茂夫 編: "1997年度表現論シンポジウム報告集" 153 (1997)
[Publications] 辛崎 秀樹 編: "「作用素論・作用素環論」研究集会報告集" 51 (1997)
[Publications] 辛崎 秀樹 編: "「関数環論」研究集会報告集" (1997)
[Publications] R.S.Ingarden, A.Kossakowski and M.Ohya: "Information Dynamics and Open Systems" Kluwer Academic Publishers, 320 (1997)
[Publications] 堀田良之: "環と体1 岩波講座 現代数学の基礎15" 岩波書店, (1997)
[Publications] 新井朝雄: "ヒルベルト空間と量子力学" 共立出版, (1997)
[Publications] 新井朝雄, 杉浦光夫 編: "物理学の諸公理の数学的扱い(担当部分,pp.57--70)" 日本評論社, (1997)
[Publications] 新井朝雄, 荒木不二洋 編: "数理物理への誘い「ゲージ理論における正準交換関係の表現とアハラノフボ-ム効果」(担当部分,pp.165--190)" 遊星社, (1997)
[Publications] 石村隆一: "層の超局所理論と微分方程式" 千葉大学数学セミナリーノートNo1, (1997)
[Publications] 倉田和浩, 村田實: "偏微分方程式1" 岩波講座現代数学の基礎, (1997)
[Publications] K.Taira: "Brownian motion and index formulas for the de Rham complex" Mathematical Research,WILEY-VCH Verlag, (1998)
[Publications] S.Tajima: "Geometric Phases and Bloch Electrons" SPS-DOST Lecture Notes in Mathematics,vol5,63, (1997)