Research Abstract |
This project aims to study movements of population in different regions from the viewpoint of Modern World System, and to replace this phenomena in historical perspectives. The investigators, after three years of research, showed as follows. Kawakita, Yamamoto, Fujikawa and Kawamoto, studing migrations in British Empire, showed the important role of migrations not only in the imperial politics but in the formation of imperial consciousness. Sugimoto took the case of France, also a large empire, in order to examine the influence of migrations on French imperial consciousness. Takenaka, Harada and Yamada studied on Modern Germany, where the problems of race were at the center of historical research; they showed how and to what extent the immigration was related to racial and national consciousness. Fujimoto studied the case of Russia and the Soviet Union, whose ethnic diversity are often neglected by historians. Concerning the pre-modern periode, Kawase, Aisaka and Egawa, taking examples of Middle-East, Mediterranean World and France, showed the specificities of this period and continuity with the modern periode. These researches showed that the formation of Modern World System, which brought about economical unification of the world, changed radically population movements; that the formation of Modern Nation-States owed as much to the immigration from other countries, as to the intensification of internal migration which made the country homogeneous; that the problems of population movements are closely related to the problems of social status and gender, so that historians must have a point of view which comprehend generally these problems.