Research Abstract |
The purpose of this research project was to perform these contents as follows ; 1. We will establish the method which a pseudo-cell space made of micelle or polymer micro-capsule is sat up under microscope. 2. We will establish the technique which solvent, liquid crtstal or polymer mixtures are poured into a pseudo-cell space operated by micromanipulator. 3. We will establish the system which the phase transition phnomena in pseudo-cell space could be measured by microscope graphics, spectroscopy, and time-resolved decay curve. 4. We will establish an analytical method in order to discuss the phase transition phenomena in pseudo-cell space. based on reaction field in pseudo-cell space. In 1997, we made the experimental system for this research project, for example, CCD camera graphics under microscope controlled our original theermo-controllor, DSC data under microscope, ultra-fast time-resolved spectrascopy under microscope, etc.. Hence in 1998, we made the analytical system for this research project, for example, computer analysis for CCD graphics under microscope, computer analysis for time-resolved decay curves under miceoscope, analysis of diffusion coefficient of small mollecules in gel under microscope, etc.. We studied to clarify the volume phase transition process of PNIPA gels and the structural phase transtion process of liquid crysstals in pseudo-cell space. At this research, we could find out the facts as follows ; 1. In volume phase transition process of PNIPA gels, the phase separation process is coupling with one, We found out to be able to analyze this phenomenon using power law. 2. In volume phase transition process of PNIPA gels, there are two type's domains. 3. The values of diffusion coefficeint of a smaI molecule is decreasing with shrinking of PNIPA gels. In this research project, it will be possible to discuss the dynamical mechanism in pseudo-cell space.