[Publications] Minoru Okada: "A new nonlinear distortion compensator for OFDM signals in a multipath fading channel"Proceedings of PIMRC'97. 3・1. 1100-1104 (1999)
[Publications] Katsutoshi Tsukamoto: "Fiber-Optic Microcellular Communication System using Frequency Modulated LD and Optical Discriminator and Its Nonlinear Distortion Suppression"Proceedings of PIMRC'97. 1・2. 984-988 (1997)
[Publications] Sangjo Park: "Radio Highway Networks Using Optical CDMA With Optical Polarity Reversed Correlator"Microwave photonics(MWP)'97. 1・3. 227-230 (1997)
[Publications] Yozo SHOJI: "A Consideration on Radio Highway Networks using FDM-TDM Conversion Scheme"Proceeding of Microwave photonics(MWP'97). 1・4. 219-222 (1997)
[Publications] Minoru Okada: "A novel diversity lecepticn scheme for OFDM system"Proceedings of the 4-th MoMuC97. 1・5. 560-563 (1997)
[Publications] 岡田実: "OFDM信号の干渉除去ダイバーシチ受信方式"電子情報通信学会技術報告. RCS97・6. 9-14 (1997)
[Publications] Sangjo Park: "Theoretical analysis on connectable RBS number and CNR in direct optical switching CDMA radio highway"MWP研究会. 97・7. 80-85 (1998)
[Publications] Sangjo Park: "Polarity-Reversing Type Photonic Receiving Scheme for Optical"IEICE Trans. on Electron. E81-C・8. 462-467 (1998)
[Publications] 中西淳平: "移動通信における階層多値変調を用いた画像伝送方式に関する研究"モバイルマルチメディア通信ワークショップ. 1・9. 7-12 (1998)
[Publications] Minoru Okada: "A Maximum Likelihood Decision Based Nonlinear Distortion Compensator for Multi-Carrier Modulated Signals"IEICE Transaction on Communicaticns. E81-B・10. 737-744 (1998)
[Publications] Masakazu Morimoto: "Robust mobile image transmission using hierchical QAM"Signal Processing, Image Communication. 12・11. 127-134 (1998)
[Publications] Tatsuya Yamaguchi: "Effect of Cell Overlapping in Micro-cellular Mobile Communications Systems"Proc of PWC98. 1・12. 153-160 (1998)
[Publications] Sangio Park: "Proposal of Direct Optical Switching CDMA for Cable-To-The-Air system and its performance analysis"IEICE Trans. Commun.. E81-B・13. 1188-1196 (1998)
[Publications] Yozo SHOJI: "Proposal of Chirp Multiplexing Transform/ Intensity Modulation/Detection System for Radio Highway Networks"IEICE TRNS. FUNDAMENTALS.. E81-A・14. 1396-1405 (1998)
[Publications] Sangjo Park: "Performance analysis of Direct Optical Switching CDMA Cable-To-The-Air network"Proc. of SPIE, optical fiber communication. 3420・15. 20-29 (1998)
[Publications] Katsutoshi Tsukamoto: "Fiber To The Air (FTTA) system using optical cohererice coded multiplexing scheme"Proceeding of MWP'98. 1・16. 83-84 (1998)
[Publications] Yozo Shoji: "Fiber-optic radio access networks using photonic self-synchronized TDM bus link"Proceeding of WPMC98. 1・17. 145-150 (1998)
[Publications] Yasushi Sakamoto: "A Wireless Multimedia Communication System Using Hirarchical Modulation"IEICE Transactions on Communications. E81-B・18. 2290-2295 (1998)
[Publications] Pat SUWONPANICH: "Theoretical CONR analysis on radio-to-optic direct conversion SCM coherent radio-over-fibre system"Optical and Quantum Electronics. 30・19. 1103-1117 (1998)
[Publications] 橋爪厚盛: "COFDMにおけるDFT前合成空間ダイバーシチ受信方式の検討"電子情報通信学会技術研究報告. 98・20. 15-20 (1998)
[Publications] Shozo KOMAKI: "Trends of optically fed wireless communication systems"Optical and Quantum Electronics. 30・21. 1079-1088 (1998)
[Publications] Kazuo Kumamoto: "Higher-Order Bandpass Sampling Spreading Scheme for Direct Optical Switching COMA Radio Highway"Proceeding of CPT'99. Wep-4-1・22. 111-112 (1999)
[Publications] Yozo Shoji: "Experiment of Time Sampling Based Radio-on-Fiber Transmission Toward Photonic TDMA/CDMA Radio Highway Networks"Proceeding of CPT'99. 1・23. 105-106 (1999)
[Publications] 荘司洋三: "帯域標本体を用いた時分割Radio-Fiberリンクの実験的検討"電子情報通信学会第4回マイクロ波フォトニクス研究会. MWP98-20・24. 63-68 (1999)
[Publications] 井上裕二: "OFDMを用いた空間分割多重伝送方式"第3回MoMuCワークショップ. 1・25. 17-22 (1999)
[Publications] Kazuo Kumamoto: "Application of Aliasing Cancelling Scheme for Direct Optical Switching CDMA System with Higher-order Bandpass Sampling"Proceeding of PIMRC99. A4-5・26. 1-8 (1999)
[Publications] Taishi Kagimoto: "Proposal of Radio Packet Photonic Transferring System Using Chirped Optical Pulse for Radio-Highway Network"Proceeding of PIMRC99. A4-5・26. 1-8 (1999)
[Publications] Jumpei Nakanishi: "A Wireless Imaage Transmission System Using Hierarchical Multilevel QAM"Proceeding of PIMRC99. B5-5・28. 1-8 (1999)
[Publications] Yuji Inoue: "A new pre-DFT Space Diversity Reception System for Coded OFDM"Proceeding of PIMlRC99. D7-1・29. 1-8 (1999)
[Publications] Katsutoshi Tsukamoto: "Macro Diversity using Photonic Fed Ubiquitous Antenna Architecture for Road-to-Vehicle Communication System in ITS"Proceedings of WPMC'99. 1・30. 468-473 (1999)
[Publications] Pat SOWONPANICH: "Optimization of Optical Modulation indices in a Cascaded Radio-to-Opic Direct Conversion Radio Highway"1999 MWP Technical Digest. 1・31. 197-200 (1999)
[Publications] Ryo Inohara: "Proposal of Eqlual-Chip-Power Phase Masking Scheme on Coherence Coding CDMA Radio Highway Network"Proceeding of CPT 2000. 1・32. 51-52 (2000)
[Publications] Yukihiro Kadota: "Macro Diversity Effect in Wireless CDMA System by Photonic Fed Distributed Antenna Architecture"The Ist JKJWS on MWP Technical Digest. 1・33. 27-31 (2000)