[Publications] Oiso, M. et al.: "Differential binding of poptides substituted at a putative C-terminal anchor residue to I-Ag^7β56His57Ser and I-Ag^7β56Pro57Asp" Immunogenetics. (in press). (1998)
[Publications] Fujita, H. et al.: "Evidence that HLA class II-restricted human CD4 ^+ T-cells specific to p53 self peptides respond to p53 proteins of both wild and mutant forms" Eur. J. Immunol.28. 305-316 (1998)
[Publications] Zeki, K. et al.: "Induction of expression of MHC-class-II antigen on human thyroid carcinoma by wild-type p53" Int. J. Cancer. 75. 391-395 (1998)
[Publications] Matsushita, S. et al.: "Evidence for self-and non-self peptide parial agonists that prolong clonal survival of mature T cells in vitro." J. Immunol.158. 5685-5691 (1997)
[Publications] Senju, S. et al.: "Identification of human and mouse GP-1, members of a novel G-protein family." Biochem. Biophys. Res. Comm.231. 360-364 (1997)
[Publications] Kishi, T. et al.: "A murine monoclonal antibody (928) recognizing a new epitope formed with a combination of HLA-DPA1^*0201 and DPB1^*0301 gene products." Human Immunol.56. 114-124 (1997)
[Publications] Kanai, T. et al.: "Immuno-suppressive peptides for ahuman T cell autoreactive to a unique acetyIcholine receptor α subunit peptide presented by the disease susceptible HLA-DQ6 in infant-onset myasthenia gravis." Human Immunol.56. 28-38 (1997)
[Publications] Chen, Y-Z. et al.: "Single residue polymorphism at the DR β37 affects recognition of peptides by T cells." Human Immunol.54. 30-39 (1997)
[Publications] Oiso, M. et al.: "Differential binding of paptides substituted at a putative C-terminal anchor residues to HLA-DQ8 and DQ9 differing only at β57" Human Immunol.52. 47-53 (1997)
[Publications] Yokomizo, H. et al.: "Angmentation of immune response by an analog of the antigenic peptide in a human T-cell clone recognizing mutated Ras-derived peptides" Human Immunol.52. 22-32 (1997)
[Publications] Matsushita, S. et al.: "Partial activation of human T cells by peptide analogs on live APC : Induction of clonal anergy associated with protein tyrosine dephosphorylation." Human Immunol.53. 73-80 (1997)
[Publications] Wakitani, S. et al.: "The relationship between HLA-DRB1 alleles and disease subsets of rheumatoid arthritis in Japanese." Brit. J. Rheumatol.36. 630-636 (1997)
[Publications] Fujisao, S. et al.: "Establishment of an enzyme-linked HLA-peptide binding assay and its application to the datailed peptide motifs for HLA-DR9 (DRB1^*0901)." J. Immunol. Methods.201. 157-163 (1997)
[Publications] Nakamura, H. et al.: "Outcome of radical multiple synovectomy as a novel surgical treatment for refractory rheumatoid arthritis-implication of HLA-DRB1^*0405 in postoperative results" Clin. Exp. Rheumatol.15. 53-57 (1997)
[Publications] Matsushita, S. et al.: "The N-terminal six residues of peptide core sequences suffice for binding to HLA-DR4 (DRB1^*0405) and DR9 (DRB1^*0901) molecules" Immunol. Letters. 55. 150-154 (1997)
[Publications] Inoue, R. et al.: "Identification of Dermatophagoides Farinae-2-derived peptides and class II HLA molecules recognized by T cells of atopic individuals" Int. Archs. Allergy Immunol.114. 354-360 (1997)
[Publications] Ishikawa, T. et al.: "Human T cell response to antigen peptides of japanese cedar pollen (Cry j 1)" Int. Archs. Allergy Immunol.113. 255-257 (1997)
[Publications] Matsuoka, T. et al.: "Dermatophagoides farinae-1-derived peptides and HLA molecules recognized by T cells from atopic individuals" Int. Arch. Allergy Immunol.112. 365-370 (1997)
[Publications] Nishimura, Y. et al.: "Molecular analyses of HLA class II - associated susceptibility to subtypes of autoimmune diseases unique to Asians" Internatl. J. Cardiol.(in press). (1998)
[Publications] Nishimura, Y. et al.: "Peptide-based molecular analyses of HLA class II - associated susceptibility to autoimmune diseases" Int. Rev. Immunol.(in press). (1998)
[Publications] 西村 泰治: "免疫応答とその制御-最近のトピックスオーバービュー" 現代医療. 29. 580-592 (1997)
[Publications] 西村 泰治: "HLAと疾患" 診断と治療. 85. 613-624 (1997)
[Publications] 西村 泰治, 他: "コナヒョウヒダニ主要アレルゲンDerfIにおけるヒトT細胞エピトープの同定ならびに、そのアナログを用いたT細胞応答の修飾" 日本職業アレルギー学会雑誌4. 2. 27-36 (1997)
[Publications] 藤田 博, 他: "MHC結合ペプチド" 医学のあゆみ. 181. 651-652 (1997)
[Publications] 藤田 博, 他: "抗原のプロセッシング" 医学のあゆみ. 181. 472-473 (1997)
[Publications] 西村 泰治: "カラー図説 : MHC分子の構造と機能" 日本臨床. 55. 1318-1325 (1997)
[Publications] 西村 泰治: "HLAクラスII結合性ペプチドの構造モチーフと自己免疫疾患" 日本臨床. 55. 1384-1396 (1997)
[Publications] 西村 泰治: "慢性関節リウマチ(RA)の遺伝要因" 医学のあゆみ. 182. 501-508 (1997)
[Publications] 西村 泰治: "序論" 最新医学. 52. 1843-1845 (1997)
[Publications] 西村 泰治: "MHCクラスII分子と自己免疫疾患とのかかわりあい" 最新医学. 52. 1846-1857 (1997)
[Publications] 金井 隆幸, 他: "神経免疫疾患" 最新医学. 52. 1872-1880 (1997)
[Publications] 田畑 博巳, 他: "膵疾患" 最新医学. 52. 1858-1866 (1997)
[Publications] 西村 泰治: "MHC結合ペプチド" BIO Clinica. 12. 731-738 (1997)
[Publications] 西村 泰治: "HLAの分子構築と免疫応答" 最新医学. 52. 2022-2031 (1997)
[Publications] 松下 祥, 他: "アレルゲン同定への戦略" 臨床免疫. 29. 308-313 (1997)
[Publications] 松岡多香子, 他: "抗原ペプチド免疫療法" 医学のあゆみ. 180. 79-84 (1997)
[Publications] 西村 泰治: "免疫系による腫瘍細胞の識別" 神経免疫研究. 10. 3-11 (1997)
[Publications] 西村 泰治: "HLAと免疫疾患" 病理と臨床. (in press). (1998)
[Publications] Tanaka, Y. et al.: "Effect of mAbs to T-cell and adhesion structures on a proliferative responses of a CD4^+ T cell clone with a paracrine growth property" In proceedings of 6th international Workshop and conference on Human Leukocyle Differentiation Antigens Japan 1996, 111 (1997)
[Publications] 西村 泰治: "「移植・腫瘍免疫とヒト主要組織適合抗原(HLA)」 新外科学大系 追補2" 中山書店, 14 (1997)
[Publications] 西村 泰治: "「抗原のプロセッシングとT細胞への提示機構」 最新内科学大系 プログレス4" 中山書店, 24 (1997)
[Publications] 西村 泰治: "「HLAクラスII結合性ペプチドの構造モチーフと自己免疫疾患への感受性」 箱根シンポジウム7 アポトーシス細胞接着分子肝疾患とHLA" 中外医学社, 12 (1997)
[Publications] 西村 泰治: "「MHCクラスII結合性ペプチドの構造モチーフを手がかりとした自己免疫現象を誘導する自己抗原ペプチドの同定」 細胞科学" 財団法人 細胞科学研究財団, 10 (1997)
[Publications] 西村 泰治: "「HLAと疾患感受性」 免疫のしくみと疾患 平野俊夫 編" 羊土社, 14 (1997)
[Publications] 西村 泰治: "「(3)免疫応答と寛容」 免疫のフロンティア「免疫寛容」 多田富雄 他編" 医学書院, 35 (1997)
[Publications] 西村 泰治: "「HLAの構造・機能と疾患感受性」 臨床免疫学 狩野圧吾、宮坂信之、湊 長博 編" 朝倉書店, 5 (1997)
[Publications] 西村 泰治: "「T細胞による抗原認識」 免疫生物学 翻訳分担 (ImmunoBiology、Janeway Travers 監訳 笹月健彦)" 南江堂, 48 (1997)
[Publications] 西村 泰治: "「遺伝子多型の統計学的解析法」 分子病態学解析法" 中外医学社, 8 (1997)