Research Abstract |
We carried out the research on interactive visual programming environment, assuming a parallel logic programming language as our target programming language. In interactive visual programming environment, a user can generate a program by inputting figures directly from a workstation without using texts. He can also execute or debug a program visually. We have developed PP (Pictorial Programming) which are the series of visual pro- gramming environments. ViewPP visualizes program execution using graph drawing algorithms. PP-pad is a programming environment based on an integrated single en- vironment, where a single window is used instead of multi windows. Both of program editing and execution are carried out continuously on the single window. We carried out the research on visual parser generator "Eviss" in order to develop the elementary technique for handling visual systems. Paying attention to the three dimensional display technique, we have proposed three dimensional visual programming system 3D-PP.3D-PP visualizes a program in a 3D manner. Program elements, such as a goal and an atom, are expressed by 3D figures. Program execution is also expressed by the transformation of 3D figures.