[Publications] Kuromi,H. & Kidokoro,Y.: "The optically determined size of exo/endo cycling vesicle pool correlates with the quantal content at the neuromuscular junction of Drosophila larvae" J.Neurosci.(in press).
[Publications] Zhang,D.,Kuromi,H.& Kidokoro,Y.: "Synaptic transmission at the Drosophila neuromuscular junction;Effects of metabotrophic glutamate receptor activation." Jpn.J.Physiol.(in press).
[Publications] Zhang,d.,Kuromi,H.& Kidokoro,Y.: "Activation of metaboropic glutamate receptors enhances synaptic transmission at the Drosophila neuromuscular junction." Neuropharmcol.(in press).
[Publications] Kuromi,H.& Kidokoro,Y.: "Two distinct pools of synaptic vesicles in single presynaptic boutons revealed in a temperature-sensitive Drosophila mutant." Neuron. 20. 917-925 (1998)
[Publications] Saitoe,M.,Koshimoto,H.,...& Kidokoro,Y.: "Distribution of functional glutamate receptors in cultured embryonic Drosophila myotubes revealed with focal release of L-glutamate from caged compound by..." J.Neurosci.Meth.80. 163-170 (1998)
[Publications] Umbach,U.A.,Saitoe,M.,Kidokoro,Y.,et al.: "Attenuated influx of calcium ions at nerve endings of csp and shibire mutant Drosophila" J.Neurosci.18. 3233-3240 (1998)
[Publications] Deitcher,D.L.,Ueda,A.,...,Kidokoro,Y.et al.: "Distinct requirements for evoked and spontaneous release of neurotransmitter are revealed by mutations in the Drosophila gene neuronal-synaptobrevin" J.Neurosci.18. 2028-2039 (1998)
[Publications] Kajiwara,R.,Sand,O.,Kidokoro,Y.,et al.: "Functional organization of chromaffin cells and cholinergic synaptic transmission in rat adrenal medulla" Jpn.J.Physiol.47. 449-464 (1997)
[Publications] Yoshihara,M.,Rheuben,M.B.,& Kidokoro,Y.: "Transition from growth cone to functional motor nerve terminal in Drosophila embryos." J.Neurosci.17. 8408-8426 (1997)
[Publications] Ciani,S.,Nishikawa,K.& Kidokoro,Y.: "Permeation of organic cations and ammonium through the glutamate receptor channel in Drosophila larval muscle." Jpn.J.Physiol.47. 189-198 (1997)
[Publications] Saitoe,M.,Tanaka,S.,Takata,K.& Kidokoro,Y.: "Neural activity affects distribution of glutamate receptors during neuromuscular junction formation in Drosophila embryos" Develop.Biol.184. 48-60 (1997)
[Publications] Kuromi,H.,Yoshihara,M.& Kidokoro,Y.: "An inhibitory role of calcineurin in endocytosis of synaptic vesicles at nerve terminals of Drosophila larvae" Neurosci.Res.27. 101-113 (1997)
[Publications] Iino,M.,Ciani,S.,...& Kidokoro,Y.: "Permeation properties of Na^+ and Ca^<2+> ions through the mouse ε_2/ζ_1 NMDA receptor channel expressed in Xenopus oocytes" J.Memb.Biol.155. 143-156 (1997)
[Publications] Rheuben,M.B.,Yoshihara,M.& Kidokoro,Y.: "Ultrastructural orrelates of neuromuscular junction development.in “Neuromuscular Junction in Drosophila"eds.Vivian Budnik et al." Landes Bioscience.(in press),