Research Abstract |
This research aims to reconstruct New Ethics on the basic studies about the classical thoughts and cultures, especially the Hebrew thought Cold Testament ; the thought of Law, prophets, wisdom) and the Greek Fathers' Philosophy (cf.Gregory of Nyssa), wihle comparing them with the contemporary philosophers such as E.Levians, M.Heidogger, Derry etc. The first remarquable result of this research can be seen in the publications of the following books written by the Investigator H.Miyamoto : "Architypos of Otherness"(Sobunsha, 570P, 2001) and "Linguistic Cosmos of the Gospels"(Iwanami, 3009, 2000). In them, Investigator himself has deepend his insight and the thought of others about the subjects such as Hayah Being, Dabar Language, Kenosis Human being, Berit Community, Eikon, Architypos, "Auschwitz" which concern our work for the reconstruction of New Ethics. In addition to the publication of Books and various articles, we continued to publish our "journal of Eikon" which was created by our groupe, that is, many reseachers spread throughout our country. They brought to our research many, new-studies about the Greek and Byzantine culture and thought. Many researchers about the Russian Religious (cf.Soloviyor) and Oriental philosophy (cf.Buddhism) take part in our project. In addition to there works, we are now preparing to publish "Christian Dictionary (Iwanami) which can unify almost all the fields of Christian Culture We can mention at the end of this summary other research results such as symposium meeting, exchange of research materials etc.