Research Abstract |
We have conducted three types of studies which correspond to the study one, two, and three. Our research results consist of 7 papers whose summaries are shown as follows. RESEARCH RESULTS (1), (5) Illusory correlation studies such as Hamilton & Gifford(1976) have suggested that minority members of the smaller group are likely to be overestimated their number, and influence the group impression. But in Japan, these effects are likely to be overshadowed by more predominant and indigenous variable ; negativity bias toward smaller groups. We have found that when the stimulus groups are just like aggregates or collection of individuals, Hamilton type of results are observed, whereas the stimulus groups' "entitativity" is high, the Japanese type of results are obtained. [These results correspond to the Study two.] RESEARCH RESULT (2) In this study, we have tested the hypothesis that the same list of opinions toward a social issue (e.g., social suitability of nuclear electronic power) is cognitively more deeply processed when it is assumed to be obtained as a group consensus, compared to aggregates of individual opinions. We have partial support of this hypothesis. [Study three] RESEARCH RESULTS (3), (4) In these studies, we have tested the hypothesis that the threshold of perceiving "groupness" would be higher when the perceivers are collectivist that individualist. Through the ratings of "groupness" of computer animation of groups of human, fishes, boxes of varying degrees of dispersion, we found that the results support our hypothesis. [Study one] RESEARCH RESULTS (6), (7) In these studies, our basic premise that the social perception and behavior in western society is more individual-based, inter-independent, while those in eastern society is based on more relation-oriented, interrelated, and interdependent attitude. [These results correspond to all three studies conceptually]