Research Abstract |
We set up a database of strategic and organization changes for Japanese retailers, financial institutions, and automobile companies during the period of 1980 and 1997. The basic data for this database consists of the universe of accounts published in newspapers, magazines, and annual reports. Fine-grained text analysis was used to uncover the key characteristics of the changes actions, auch as type of change, location of change, location of change within the organization, outcomes, and espoused goals and rationales. In addition, measures of strategy type, strategic intent and organizational structure were capture. Using this database, we investigated the following topics : (1) the impact of OEO succession on strategic and organizational changes in Japanese companies : Overall OEO succession was not associated with radical strategic and organization changes. The governance structure moderates organization changes (independent of OEO succession) in particular when the firm was affiliated with a main bank and the firm was experiencing severe financial pressure. (2) the consequences of IT for organization design in US and Japanese retailers : In US, IT did predict structure when other variables were controlled, and is strongly associated with increased centralization. In Japan, IT modestly predicts structure in the absence of controls, and is associated with increased decentralization. (3) the framework for understanding changes in marketing practices by European, Japanese and U.S. companies in Sotheast Asia after Economic Crisis : We classified changes in marketing practices into two types : exploration and exploration. We found exploitation more frequently than exploration. Also, the nation state form of capitalism affected the type and direction of changes.