Research Abstract |
The OX40 molecule was first identified as an activated T lymphocyte marker in rats. cDNA has revealed that OX40 is a member of the nerve growth factor superfamily. In general, human OX40 expression is seen at the follicular mantlezone and germinal center of lymphoid tissue and activated lymphocyte when stimulated with lectin or infected with human T cell leukemia virus-1 (HTLV-1), where its expression in normal tissues remains unclear. To study the expression and biological function of OX40, we examined various human tissues and cell lines by northern blot, western blot and histochemistry. OX40 mRNA was detected in HTLV-1 infected HUT102 and MT-2 cell line, in contrast to other cell lines, such as skeletal muscle, lung, liver, kidney and nerve tissue where there were no detectable signs. 1.3Kb mRNA was found in the normal fetal tissue, heart, skeletal muscle, spleen and the thymus. In addition, 2.4Kb mRNA was detected in the heart and skeletal muscle . The appearance Of 2.4Kb mRNA suggests that the existence of a variant form of OX40 in the heart. The analysis is being performed now. OX4OL(ligand)mRNA was expressed in HUVEC(vein endothelial cell ), TIG-2M (fetal muscle), TKS-1 (Kaposi sarcoma), fetal normal heart and skeletal muscle. Both species OX40 and OX4OL appear to be co-expressed in heart and skeletal muscle suggeste a functional role for the OX40 system in these organ. Immunohistochemistry showed staining of OX40 intra-cellular domein antibody in the normal featal heart and myocadial infact tissues but normal adult heart was showed no staining. This result is an important step in understanding the role of OX40 in the heart.