Research Abstract |
The histo-blood group ABO-related antigens are carried by at least four different core structures (type 1 chain, Galbetal-3GlcNAcbeta1- ; type 2 chain, Galbeta1-4GlcNAcbeta1- ; type 3 chain, Galbeta, 1-3GalNAcalpha.1- ; type 4 chain, Glcbeta1-3GalNAcbeta1-). Blood group antigens are found not only on red blood cells but also in secretions and in some tissues. Two alpha(l, 2)fucosyltransferase, which form the H antigens, are present in human tissues and regulate the expression of ABO antigens. The presence or absence of the type 1 hlood group substances in secretion is regulated by the FUT2-encoded enzyme (Se enzyme) and is classified as the secretor or nonsecretor phenotype. The expression of the type 2 blood group antigens in the erythrocyte membranes is regulated by the FUT1-encoded eczyme (H enzyme). We have previously measured the H type 1 and H type 2 substances in human saliva using synthetic oligosaccarides as the standard substances and found that the concentration of H type 2
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chain in saliva was about 5-10% that of H type1 chain. We have also immunohistochemically determined the differences in distribution of H type 1 and H type 2 antigens in human submandibular gland using specific monoclonal antibodies (MAbs), in which we demonstrated the distribution of H type 1 chain in mucous cells and in duct cells and of H type 2 chain in duct cells and in vascular encothelial cells. However, no H type 1 and no H type 2 chains were demonstrated in the serous cells of the submandibular gland. Recently, we used MAb anti-H MBrl, which is defined as a breast cancer-associated antigen and is specific for H type 3/4 antigens, and have demonstrated that the H type 3/4 chains were expressed mainly in the serous cells, with their expression dependent on the secretor status. From these results, we need to determine the distributions of H and Se enzymes. We tried to make peptide antibodies for H enzyme and Se enzyme. We used a peptide (#132-147, APEVDSRTPWRELQLH) for the H enzyme and that (#17-3 1, VQQRLAKIQAMWELP) for the Se enzyme, and we obtained antibody for each peptide. We are characterizing both peptide antibodies at present. Less