[Publications] 似鳥俊明,蜂屋順一,花岡秀人 ほか: "MRIによる冠動脈血流の描出-基礎的検討と初期臨床応用"日独医報. 39. 580-586 (1994)
[Publications] 似鳥俊明,花岡秀人,吉野綾子 ほか: "冠動脈MRアンジオグラフィーの臨床応用-通常動脈撮影との比較と検査時間短縮化の検討-"日医放会誌. 55. 670-676 (1995)
[Publications] T.Nitatori,J.Hachiya,T.Korenaga,H.Hanaoka and A.Yoshino: "Clinical application of Coronary MR angiography. Studies on shortening of time for Examination"Proceedings of the Society of Magnetic Resonance 1995. volume3. 1390 (1995)
[Publications] T.Nitatori,J.Hachiya,T.Seki,Y.Kassai: "Fast MR imaging of abdomen : Application of the QD body coil and low refocusing flip angle"Radiation Medicine. 13. 285-289 (1995)
[Publications] 似鳥俊明,横山健一,蜂屋順一: "胸部の高速MRIとEPI"画像診断. 16. 1094-1104 (1995)
[Publications] 似鳥俊明: "MRI-短時間撮像法の進歩と小児への適応"小児放射線学会誌. 12. 52-56 (1996)
[Publications] 似鳥俊明: "高速撮像法によるMR angiography-IVR応用への基礎知識を中心に-"日本血管造影・インターベンショナルラジオロジー学会誌. 11. 50-53 (1996)
[Publications] 似鳥俊明,蜂屋順一: "臨床講義"MR angiographyの基礎知識""日本医事新報ジュニア版. 53. 1996 (1996)
[Publications] 似鳥俊明,横山健一,蜂屋順一: "MRアンギオグラフィーによる低侵襲的血管イメージング"日独医報. 41. 797-801 (1997)
[Publications] 似鳥俊明,横山健一,蜂屋順一: "New Vascular Imaoing ; MRI-血管病変の形態診断における役割-"画像診断. 17. 29-38 (1997)
[Publications] 似鳥俊明,横山健一,蜂屋順一: "MR angiographyによる冠動脈動態の評価"日本臨床. 55. 638-640 (1997)
[Publications] Hideaki Yoshino,Toshiaki Nitatori,Eisai Kachi.Kohei Yano.Masato Taniuchi,Junichi Hachiya and Kyozo Ishikawa: "Directed proximal magnetic resonance coronary angiography compared with conventional contrast coronary angiography."The American J.of Cardiology. 80. 514-518 (1997)
[Publications] Toshiaki Nitatori: "Coronary MR angiography ; Clinical application of 2D segmented turbo FLASH and 3D navigator echo FLASH."International Symposium : Non-invasive vascular imaging 1997.Book of Abstracts. 31-32 (1997)
[Publications] 似鳥俊明,横山健一,蜂屋順一: "Cardiac MRIの現状と展望:冠動脈のMRアンジオグラフィー:初期臨床応用における問題点とその可能性"日医放学会誌58(総説). 58. 2-6 (1998)
[Publications] 似鳥俊明,横山健一,蜂屋順一: "冠動脈のMRアンジオグラフィー:撮像法と通常撮影法との比較を中心に"臨床面178-184. 14. 178-184 (1998)
[Publications] Toshiaki Nitatori,Kenichi Yokoyama,Junichi Hachiya,Tsuneaki Seki,Hideaki Yoshino and Kyozo Ishikawa: "Difference in imaging accuracy of 2D coronary MRA according to the severity of stenosis-a study of 170 clinical cases"Proceedings of the International Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine Sixth Scientific Meetin. 850 (1998)
[Publications] Toshiaki Nitatori,Kenichi Yokoyama,Tsuneaki Seki,Junichi Hachiya,Hideaki Yoshino,Kyozo Ishikawa: "Three-dimensional (3D) coronary MR angiography with respiratory gating and multiplanar reconstruction"Asian Oceanian J of Radiology. 3. 11-14 (1998)
[Publications] Toshiaki Nitatori,Kenichi Yokoyama,Junichi Hachiya,Hideaki Yoshino,Atsushi Watanuki,Kyozo Ishikawa: "Comparison of 2D coronary MR angiography with conventionl angiography"Asian Oceanian J of Radiology. 3. 15-19 (1998)
[Publications] Toshiaki Nitatori,Kenichi Yokoyama,Junichi Hachiya,Ayako Yoshino,Norio Yamakami,Shichiroh Katase,and Tomoaki Ichikawa: "Fast dynamic MRI of aortic arch dissection : flow assessment by subsecondal imaging"Radiation Medicine. 17. 9-14 (1999)
[Publications] Toshiaki Nitatori,Hideaki Yoshino,Kenichi Yokoyama,Junichi Hachiya,and Kyozo Ishikawa: "coronary MR angiography-a clinical experience in Japan."J of Magnetic Resonance Imaging. 10. 709-712 (1999)
[Publications] 似鳥俊明,横山健一,蜂屋順一: "MRAによる冠動脈狭窄病変スクリーニングの意義"臨床画像. 15. 1473-1478 (1999)
[Publications] 横山健一: "Gd-DTPA持続注入法による3次元coronary MR angiographyの冠動脈血派信号描出能および狭窄病変に対する診断能の検討"日磁共医会誌. 19. 336-344 (1999)
[Publications] Toshiaki Nitatori,kenichi Yokoyama,Ayako Yoshino,Norio Yamakami,Shichiroh Katase,Tsuneaki Seki,and Junichi Hachiya: "Ultrafast magnetic resonance imaging in medicine"ELSEVIER,Amsterdam. 4 (1999)