Research Abstract |
Three-dimensional computer graphics visualization plays an indispensable role in effective understanding of complex structure and behavior of target objects in the wide spectrum of disciplines ranging from natural sciences, to humanities and social science. Modular visualization environments (MVEs), which are based on the dataflow paradigm allowing for visual and non-procedural programming, are viewed as the de fact standard of contemporary visualization system. However, it is a difficult task for the general users to select and connect pre-stored modules to create effective application networks, since they are not visualization experts, and do not know how to map their datasets to best graphical forms. In this research, a new MVE, called GADGET, has been developed, which utilizes the set of visualization experts' knowledge and expertise to assist the user to design module networks according to his/her visualization goals. In addition, through the development of an MVE-based workbench, called MWMD, for supporting the design of complex multimedia database queries and a specific information visualization system for campus LAN traffic management, a rich store of knowledge has been obtained to figure out the next- generation visualization system for information mining.