[Publications] E.Bagarinao,K.Pakdaman,T.Nomura,and S.Sato: ":Time series-based bifurcation diagram reconstruction" Physica D. (in press).
[Publications] Shimokawa T.,Pakdaman K.,Sato S.: "Time-scale matching in the response of a leaky integrate-and-fire neuron model to periodic stimulation with additive noise" Physical Review E. (in press).
[Publications] Shimokawa T.,Rogel A.,Pakdaman K.,Sato S.: "Stochastic resonance and spike timing precision in an ensemble of leaky integrate and fire neuron models" Physical Review E. (in press).
[Publications] P.Lansky,S.Sato: ":The Stochastic Diffusion Models of Nerve Membrane Depolarization and Interspike Interval Generation." Journal in Peripheral Nervous Systems. (in press).
[Publications] K.Yoshino,T.Nomura,K.Pakdaman,S.Sato: "Synthetic analysis of periodically stimulated excitable and oscillatory membrane models" Physical Review E. 59(1). 956-969 (1999)
[Publications] Capurro A.,Pakdaman K.,Nomura T.,Sato S.: "Aperiodic stochastic resonance with correlated noise." Physical Review E. 58. 4820-4827 (1999)
[Publications] Takanobu Yamanobe,K. Pakdaman,Taishin Nomura,Shunsuke Sato: "Analysis of the response of a pacemaker neuron model to transient inputs" Biosystems. 48. 287-295 (1998)
[Publications] E.Bagarinao,T.Nomura,K.Pakdaman,and S.Sato: "Generalized one-parameter bifurcation diagram reconstruction using time series" Physica D. 124. 258-270 (1998)
[Publications] Y.Maeda,K.Pakdaman,T.Nomura,S.Doi,S.Sato: "Reduction of a model for an Onchidium pacemaker neuron" Biological Cybernetics. 78. 265-276 (1998)
[Publications] 野村泰伸: "FitzHugh-Nagumo方程式の結合系が示す非線形ダイナミックス" BME. 12(5). 37-48 (1998)
[Publications] T.Nonura,M.Kobayashi,J.Kozuka,S.Sato: "Coordinated Responses of Limb Movement during Human Bipedal locomotion to External Perturbation" Proc.of the 20th Ann.Int.Conf.of the IEEE Eng.in Med.and Biol.Soc.20. 2422-2425 (1998)
[Publications] 坂本修一,野村泰伸,佐藤俊輔: "歩行運動に伴う力学的エネルギー消費量の評価" 第13回生体生理工学シンポジウム論文集. 133-136 (1998)
[Publications] 中島崇量,小林誠,野村泰伸,佐藤俊輔: "二足歩行運動の外乱に対する応答とその力学系モデル" 第13回生体生理工学シンポジウム論文集. 125-128 (1998)
[Publications] 下川哲也,K.Pakdaman,佐藤俊輔: "Noise induced synchronization and array enhanced stochastic resonance in neuron models" 統計数理研究所共同研究リポート. 114. 65-72 (1998)
[Publications] E.Bagarinao,K.Pakdaman,T.Nomura,and S.Sato: "A study on reconstructing bifurcation diagrams using time series from randomly forced maps" 統計数理研究所共同研究リポート. 114. 46-55 (1998)
[Publications] 山野辺貴信,K.Pakdaman,野村泰伸,佐藤俊輔: "甲殻類伸長受容器の非線形ダイナミクス" 電子情報通信学会技術研究報告. MBE98-14. 93-100 (1998)
[Publications] 田辺誠司,K.Pakdaman,佐藤俊輔: "ノイズ存在下におけるLeaky Integrate-and-Fire神経モデルのアンサンブルのダイナミクスとパルス入力に対する応答" 信学技報. 41-48 (1998)
[Publications] E.Bagarinao,T.Nomura,K.Pakdaman,and S.Sato: "Learning dynamical systems by neural networks" ICONIP98 Proceedings. 1. 225-228 (1998)
[Publications] T.Nomura,M.Kobayashi,T.Nakashima,S.Sato: "Phase-dependent Walking Rhythm Reset and Bilateral Leg Coordination during Human Gait" Proc.of 5 international conference on neural information processing'98. 1196-1199 (1998)
[Publications] H.Fukai,Y.Maeda,K.Pakdaman,T.Nomura,S.Sato: "Double impulse solutions in reduced Hodgkin-Huxley model" Proc.of 5 international conference on neural information processing'98. 1263-1266 (1998)
[Publications] 淺井義之,野村泰伸,佐藤俊輔: "Z_{2}+Z_{2}対称性をもつ退化した分岐問題の不偏開折" 信学技報. NLP98-16. 57-64 (1998)
[Publications] 深井英和,前田義信,K.Pakdaman,野村泰伸,佐藤俊輔: "Hodgkin-Huxley方程式の分岐構造が簡約化によって受ける影響" 信学技報. NLP98-15. 49-56 (1998)
[Publications] 山野辺貴信,K.Pakdaman,野村泰伸,佐藤俊輔: "甲殻類伸長受容器の非線型ダイナミクス" 信学技報. MBE98-15. 93-100 (1998)
[Publications] 小林誠、小塚淳、野村泰伸,佐藤俊輔: "二足歩行運動の外乱に対する左右脚の協調的な応答" 信学技報. MBE98-15. 101-108 (1998)
[Publications] 吉野公三,野村泰伸,K.Pakdaman,佐藤俊輔: "周期パルス入力を受ける興奮性・振動性膜モデルのダイナミクス" 信学技報. NLP98-12. 25-32 (1998)
[Publications] 下川哲也,K.Pakdaman,野村泰伸,佐藤俊輔: "Leaky Integrate-and-Fire神経モデルにおける確率共振" 信学技報. NLP98-13. 33-40 (1998)
[Publications] 竹内英二,山野辺貴信,K.Pakdaman,野村泰伸,佐藤俊輔: "甲殻類伸長受容器の数理モデル" 信学技報. MBE98-13. 85-92 (1998)