[Publications] Kasahara,M., Nakaya,J., Satta,Y. and Takahata,N.: "Chromosomal duplication and the emergence of the adaptive immune system." Trends Genet.13. 90-92 (1997)
[Publications] Seboun,E., Barbaux,S., Bourgeron,T., Nishi,S., Algonik,A., Egashira,M., Niikawa,N., Bishop,C., Fellous,M., McElreavey,K. and Kasahara,M.: "Gene sequence,localization,and evolutionary conservation of DAZLA,a candidate male sterility gene." Genomics. 41. 227-235 (1997)
[Publications] Hayashi,M., Ishibashi,T., Tanaka,K. and Kasahara,M.: "The mouse genes encoding the third pair of β-type proteasome subunits regulated reciprocally by IFN-γ:Structural comparison,chromosomal localization,and analysis of the promoter." J.Immunol. 159. 2760-2770 (1997)
[Publications] Kandil,E., Kohda,K., Ishibashi,T., Tanaka,K. and Kasahara,M.: "PA28 subunits of the mouse proteasome:primary structures and chromosomal localization of the genes." Immunogenetics. 46. 337-344 (1997)
[Publications] Kasahara,M.: "New insights into the genomic organization and origin of the major histocompatibility complex:Role of chromosomal(genome)duplication in the emergence of the adaptive immune system." Hereditas. 127(special issue). 59-65 (1997)
[Publications] Kohda,K., Matsuda,Y., Ishibashi,T., Tanaka,K. and Kasahara,M.: "Structural analysis and chromosomal localization of the mouse Psmb5 gene coding for the constitutively expressed β-type proteasome subunit." Immunogenetics. 47. 77-87 (1997)
[Publications] 笠原正典: "主要組織適合遺伝子複合体領域は脊椎動物ゲノムにおいて重複している." 臨床免疫. 29. 259-264 (1997)
[Publications] Kohda,K., Ishibashi,T., Shimbara,N., Tanaka,K., Matsuda,Y. and Kasahara,M.: "Characterization of the mouse PA28 activator complex gene family:complete organizations of the three member genes and a physical map of the 〜150-kb region containing the α-and β-subunit genes." J.Immunol.160(in press). (1998)
[Publications] Kirchhoff,C., Osterhoff,C., Kasahara,M. and Ivell,R.: "Molecular biology of sperm maturation -New strategies for male contraception? In:M.Rajalakshmi(ed.):Male Contraception:Present and Future" World Health Organization,Geneva. (in press). (1998)
[Publications] Tanaka,K. and Kasahara,M.: "The MHC class I ligand generating system:Roles of immunoproteasomes and the IFN-γ-inducible PA28 complex." Immunol.Rev.163(in press). (1998)
[Publications] Kasahara,M.: "Origin of the adaptive immune system:insights from the study of the major histocompatibility complex." Immunol.Rev.166(in press). (1998)
[Publications] 山本道子, 笠原正典: "HLA領域の構造・機能・起源" 病理と臨床. 16(印刷中). (1998)
[Publications] 笠原正典: "学会だより.第27回日本免疫学会総会・学術集会." 現代医療. 30(印刷中). (1998)