[Publications] Kimura T., Sako K., Tanaka K., Kusakabe M., Tanaka T., Nakada T.: "Effect of mild hypothermia on energy state recovery following transient forebrain ischemia in the gerbil. ; 2002"Exp Brain Res. 145. 83-90 (2002)
[Publications] Nakada T.: "Free convection schema defines the shape of the human brain : Brain and self-organization"Med Hypotheses. 60. 159-164 (2003)
[Publications] Fujii Y., Nakada T: "Cortical Reorganization in Subcortical Hemiparesis : Neural Mechanisms of Functional Recovery and Prognostic Implication"J Neurosurg. 98. 64-73 (2003)
[Publications] Huang K., Watanabe M., Fujii Y., Kwee I.L., Nakada T.: "Gender difference in passive listening to stories : high-field fMRI study using multiple subject analysis based on individual activation maps"Magn Resonance Med Sci. 1. 165-168 (2003)
[Publications] Kwee I.L., Nakada T: "Dorsolateral prefrontal lobe activation declines significantly with age : functional NIRS study"J Neurol. (in press).
[Publications] Nakada T.: "Clinical Experience on 3.0T Systems in Niigata : 1996-2002"Inv Radiol. (in Press).
[Publications] Suzuki K., Kiryu T., Nakada T: "Fast and precise independent component analysis for high field fMRI time series tailored using prior information on spatiotemporal structure"Human Brain Map. 15. 54-66 (2002)
[Publications] Terajima K., Nakada T.: "EZ-Tracing : A new ready-to-use algorithm for magnetic resonance tractography"J Neurosci Method. 116. 147-155 (2002)
[Publications] Yoneoka Y., Kwee I.L., Fujii Y., Nakada T.: "Criteria for normalcy of cavities observed within the adult hippocampus : high-resolution MRI study on a 3.0 Tesla system"J Neuroimg. 12. 231-235 (2002)
[Publications] Nakada T.: "Time to jettison extreme localizationism"Neurosci Res. 43. 91-92 (2002)
[Publications] Yoneoka Y., Fujii Y., Takahashi H., Nakada T.: "Pre-operative Histopathological Evaluation of Meningiomas by 3.0T T2R MRI"Acta Neurochirurgica. 144. 953-957 (2002)
[Publications] Ohkubo M., Kimura T., Matsuzawa H., Matsuda T., Kwee I.L., Nakada T.: "Evaluation of Efficacy of an automated single-voxel proton MRS algorithm on a 3T System"Magn Resonance Med Sci. 1. 121-124 (2002)
[Publications] Ahrens E.T., Narashmhan P.T., Nakada T., Jacobs R.E.: "Small animal neuro-imaging using magnetic resonance microscopy"Progress in NMR Spectroscopy. 40. 275-306 (2002)
[Publications] Nakada T.: "Myths and truths in functional MRI : A basic guide for practitioners"Magn Resonance Med Sci. 1. 89-107 (2002)
[Publications] 中田 力: "聴覚神経学とMRI"神経進歩. 46. 141-146 (2002)
[Publications] 中田 力: "ファンクショナルMRI:何を見ているのか?"脳循環代謝. 14. 1-7 (2002)
[Publications] 中田 力: "Event related functional MR"医学のあゆみ. 200. 1011-1012 (2002)
[Publications] 中田 力: "MRIによる拡散解析:その基礎と臨床"脳神経. 54. 290-297 (2002)
[Publications] 鈴木清隆, 木竜 徹, 中田 力: "ブラインド信号分離とfMRI画像解析への応用"日本ME学会雑誌. 16. 24-31 (2002)
[Publications] 中田 力: "Functional MRI"脳と神経. 54. 874-882 (2002)
[Publications] 中田 力, 藤井幸彦: "高磁場MRI。小林祥泰監修:脳卒中ナヒゲーター"メディカルレビュー社、東京. 389 (2002)
[Publications] 中田 力, 松澤 等: "ADC計算画像。小林祥泰監修:脳卒中ナビゲーター"メディカルレビュー社、東京. 389 (2002)
[Publications] 中田 力: "脳の方程式 ぷらす・あるふあ。"紀伊国屋出版、東京、1-145,2002. 145 (2002)
[Publications] Suwazono S., Pflieger M.E., Nakada T.: "Spatially Interpolated group averaging with 256-channelevent-related potential data. In Hirata K., Koga Y., Nagata K., Yamazaki K. (eds) Recent Advances in Human Bgrain Mapping,"Elsevier, Amsterdam. 395 (2002)