[Publications] Kushida,K.,Yoshino,K.,Chikatsu,H.,Yamaji,E.,Nagano,Y.,Ishida,T.,Suzuki,S.: "Automated DEM Extraction from Balloon Images of a Tropical Peat Swamp Forest in Narathiwat,Thailand." International Archives of Photogram metry and Remote Sensing. 32(5). 97-104 (1998)
[Publications] Matsumoto,M.,Osaki,M.,Nuyim,T.,Jongskul,A.,Eam-on,P.,Kitaya,Y.,Urayama,M.,Watanabe,T.,Kawamukai,T.,Nakamura,T.,: "Nutritional characterstics of sago palm(Metroxylon sagus)and oil palm(Elaeis guineensin Jacq.)in tropical peat soil." J.Plant Nutri.21. 1819-1841 (1998)
[Publications] Osaki,M.,Watanabe,T.,Ishizawa,T.,Nilnond,C.,Nuyim,T.,Sittibush,C.,Tadano,T.: "Nutritional characteristics in leaves of native plants grown in acid sulfate,peat,sandy podzol,and saline soils distributed in Peninsular Thailand." Plant Soil. 201. 175-182 (1998)
[Publications] Tanit,N.: "Peatswamp forest rehabilitation study in Thailand." Proceeding the International Wolkshop of BIO-REFOR,Brisbane,. 19-25 (1998)
[Publications] Watanabe,T.,Osaki,M.,Tadano,T.: "Aluminum uptake,distribution,and chemical species in Melastoma malabathicum L." Plant Soil. 201. 165-173 (1998)
[Publications] Watanabe,T.,Osaki,M.,Tadano,T.: "Effects of nitrogen source and aluminum on growth of tropical tree seedlings adapted to low pH soils." Soil Sci.Plant Nutr.44. 655-666 (1998)
[Publications] Yamada,Y.,Ueda,T.,Koitabashi,T.,Wada,E.: "Horizontal and vertical isotopic model of lake Biwa ecosystem" Jpn.J.Limnol.59. 409-427 (1998)
[Publications] 玄松南・石井龍一: "マコモの分類と中国における栽培." 農業および園芸. 73(3). 39-42 (1998)
[Publications] 上田真吾・諏訪裕一: "廃水処理に伴うN2O放出量の低減に向けた発生機構の解析." Microbes and Environments. 13. 59-64 (1998)
[Publications] Onthong,J.,Osaki,M.,Nilnond,C.,Tadano,T.: "Phosphorus status of some highly weathered soils in peninsular Thailand and its availability in relation to citrate and oxalate." Soil Sci.Plant Nutr.45. (in press) (1999)
[Publications] Suzuki,S.,Ishida,T.,Nagano,T.,Waijaron,S.: "Influence of deforestation on carbon balance in a natural tropical peat swamp forewst in Thailand.Environ." Control in Biol.(in press) (1999)
[Publications] 松原健司: "東アジアにおける持続的土地利用のための技術開発(研究ノート)" 国際経営・文化研究. 印刷中. (1999)
[Publications] 松原健司・和田英太郎・Boontanon,N.・上田真吾: "ナラチワ県(タイ南部)における生態系と地域住民の食生活-安定同位体比による解析-" 国際経営・文化研究. 印刷中. (1999)
[Publications] Bereulmann,G.,Ogino,K.,Ninomiya,I.,Ashton,P.S.,La Frankie,J.V.,Leffler,U.S.,Weckert,V.,Lieth,H.,Konschak,R.,Markert,B.: "Chemical characterisation of Dipterocarpaceae by use of chemical fingerprinting-a multielement approach at Sarawak,Malaysia." The Science of the Total Environment. 215. 85-100 (1998)
[Publications] Ishizuka,S.,Tanaka,S.,Sakurai,K.,Hirai,H.,Hirotani,H.,Ogino,K.,Lee,H.S.,Kendawang,J.J.: "Characterization and distribution of soils at Lambir Hills National Park in Sarawak,Malaysia,with special reference to soil hardness and soil texture." TROPICS. 8. 31-44 (1998)
[Publications] Kitao,M.,Koike,T.: "Application of chlorophyll fluorescence to evaluate Mn to lerance of deciduous broad-leaved tree seedlings native to northern Japan." Tree Physiol. 18. 135-140 (1998)
[Publications] Komiyama A.,Jintana,V.,Kaimook,M.,Tanapeampool,P.,Havanond,S.,Yamada,M.,Ohnishi,T.,Kato,S.,Sumida,A.: "Dispersal pattern of mangrove viviparous seedlings by water current-Basic concept of the tidal model-." Chubu For.Res.46. 115-116 (1998)
[Publications] Komiyama,A.,Tanapeampool,P.,Havanond,S.,Maknual,C.,Patanaponpaiboon,P.,Sumida,A.,Ohnishi,T.,Kato,S.: "Mortality of cut pieces of viviparous mangrove(Rhizophora apiculata and R.mucronata)sedlings in the field condition." Forest Ecology and Management. 112. 227-231 (1998)
[Publications] Ohnishi,T.,Komiyama A.: "Shoot and root formation on cut-pieces of viviparous seedlings of a mangrove,Kandelia candel(L.)Druce." Forest Ecology and Management. 102. 173-178 (1998)
[Publications] 櫻井克年: "マレーシア・サラワク州・バカムにおける生態系修復を目指した試験造林." 地球環境. 3 印刷中. (1998)
[Publications] Breulmann,G.,Ogino,K.,Markert,B.,Leffler,U.S.,Herpin,U.,Weckert,V.,Konschak,R.,Kikugawa,Y.,Ohkubo,T.: "Comparison of chemical elements in Dipterocarpaceae and Euphorbiaceae from a tropical rain forest in Sarawak,Malaysia." The Science of the Total Environment. 225. 231-240 (1999)
[Publications] Markert,B.,Wappelhorst,O.,Weckert,V.,Herpin,U.,Siewers,U.,Friese,K.,Breulmann,G.: "The Use of Bioindicators for Monitoring the Heavy Metal Status in the Environment." Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry. in press. (1999)
[Publications] Pampasit,S.,Khamyong,S.,Breulmann,G.,Ninomiya,I.,Ogino,K.: "Element concentrations in tree species of tropical hill evergreen forest,Northern Thailand" Tropics. 8 in press. (1999)
[Publications] Pampasit,S.,Khamyong,S.,Breulmann,G.,Ninomiya,I.,Ogino,K.: "Mineral element accumulation in soils and trees in tropical hill evergreen forest,Northern Thailand." Tropics. 8 in press. (1999)
[Publications] 広見 徹・二宮生夫・小池孝良・荻野和彦: "サラワク熱帯雨林におけるフタバガキ科林冠構成種の不均一な気孔開閉による蒸散速度の調節." 日本生態学会誌. 印刷中. (1999)
[Publications] Iwaki,K.,Kato,K.: "Geographical variation of Vrn genotype in wheat caused by the selection for adaptability to winter coldness." Proc.9th Inter.Wheat Genet.Symp.(Canada). 4. 39-41 (1998)
[Publications] Kato,K.,Matsumoto,K.,Washio,T.,Maitani,C.,Nakanishi,M.: "Genetic differentiation among wheat landraces with diverse geographical origin and its characterization by molecular analysis." Proc.9th Inter.Wheat Genet.Symp.(Canada). 2. 240-243 (1998)
[Publications] Wang,O.,Takahashi,H.: "Regional hydrological effects of grassland degradation in the Loess Plateau of China." Hydrological Processes. 12. 2279-2288 (1998)
[Publications] 加藤鎌司・鷲尾建紀・辻本壽: "東アジアのコムギにおける適応と遺伝的分化2.チベット在来品種の春播性遺伝子型及びその地理的変異." 育種学雑誌. 48(別2). 223 (1998)
[Publications] 松本一信・加藤鎌司: "東アジアのコムギにおける適応と遺伝的分化1.ABA応答性遺伝子領域におけるPCR-RFLP多型." 育種学雑誌. 48(別2). 222 (1998)
[Publications] 森崎雅典・福田健二・鈴木和夫: "中国黄土高原に生育する樹種の水分生理特性と降水量傾度." 日本林学会論文集. 109. 337-340 (1998)
[Publications] Wang,O.,Takahashi,H.: "A land-surface water deficit model for arid and semi-arid regions:Impact of desertification on the Loess Plateau,China." Journal of Climate. (in press) (1999)
[Publications] Haibin,S.,Yaxin,C.,Bagen,C.,Akae,T.,Nagahori,K.: "Studies on the spatial variability of soil salt in Hetao Irrigation District." 中日国際学術討論会「農牧業の持続的発展と環境保全」論文集. 66-71 (1998)
[Publications] Okazaki,M.,Kato,M.,Xuesen,M.,Kuixiang,T.: "Ouality of graundwater in salt-affected areas of Nanpi,China." Research Related to the UNESCO's Man and the Biosphere Programme in Japan 1997-1998,Coordinating Committee on MAB Programme. 49-54 (1998)
[Publications] Xu,X.,Abo,M.,Okubo,A.,Yamazaki,S.: "Trehalose as osmoprotectant in Rhodobacter sphaeroides f.sp.denitrificans IL106." Biosci.Biotechnol.Biochem. 62. 334-337 (1998)
[Publications] Yoshimura,E.,Kitai,K.,Yamazaki,S.: "Accumulation of metals and cellular distribution of Al in S.undulata in acidic and neutral streams in Japan." J.Environ.Sci.Health. A33(4). 671-680 (1998)
[Publications] 赤江剛夫・長堀金造・冀北平・朝倫巴根・陳亜新・史海濱・韓綱: "内蒙古河套灌区土壌の凍結と水分・塩分移動." 中日国際学術討論会「農牧業の持続的発展と環境保全」論文集. 291-294 (1998)
[Publications] 長堀金造・赤江剛夫・冀北平・韓綱: "内蒙古・河套灌区における秋季灌漑の事例的調査研究." 畑地農業. 472. 14-20 (1998)
[Publications] 天谷孝夫・西村直正・原徹夫・長堀金造・赤江剛夫・朝倫巴根・韓綱: "内蒙古河套灌区における塩分集積動向から見た灌漑排水管理のあり方." 中日国際学術討論会「農牧業の持続的発展と環境保全」論文集. 287-290 (1998)
[Publications] 毛学森: "水泥硬売覆蓋対塩漬土水塩運動及作物生長発育的影響." 中国農業気象. 19(1). 26-29 (1998)
[Publications] 劉孟雨・但野利秋: "アルファルファ改良的塩類土壌施肥対小麦的効応研究-対小麦生長及産量的影響." 生態農業研究. 6(2). 58-60 (1998)
[Publications] 劉孟雨・但野利秋: "アルファルファ改良的塩類土壌施肥対小麦的効応研究-対小麦生理的持性的影響." 生態農業研究. 6(4). 30-32 (1998)
[Publications] 冀北平・大槻恭一・赤江剛夫・長堀金造: "内蒙古河套灌区における水管理と地域環境." 農業土木学会誌. 66(8). 7-11 (1998)
[Publications] Buheaosier,Takahashi,H.,Kaneko,M.: "Study on classification of saline soil in North China Plain based opn Landsat TM data." Proceedings of Thirteenth International Conference and Workshops on Applied Geologic Sensing,1-3 March,Vancouver,Canada.in press. (1999)
[Publications] Lumbanraja,J.,Syam,T.,Nishide,H.,Mahi,A.K.,Utomo,M.,Sarno,Kimura,M.: "Deterioration of soil fertility by land use changes in South Sumatra,Indonesia(from 1970 to 1990)." Hydrological Processes. 12. 2003-2013 (1998)
[Publications] Salam,A.K.,Katayama,A.,Kimura M.: "Activities of some soil enzymes in different land use systems after deforestation in hilly areas of West Lampung,South Sumatra,Indonesia." Soil Sci.Plant Nutr.44. 93-103 (1998)
[Publications] Arif.M.A.S.,Yusnaini,S.,Setiawan,A.,Tuchida,K.,Katou,T.,Touji,Y.,and Nonaka,M.: "Population of Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi(AMF)by different land use in Sumatra,Indonesia:Comparison of AMF spor numbers in primary forest,secondary forest and field growing coffee and native grass." Soil Sci.Plant Nutr.45. 20-29 (1999)
[Publications] Salam,A.K.,Desvia,Y.,Sutanto,E.,Syam.T.,Nugroho,S.G.,Kimura,M.: "Activities of soil enzymes in different land-use systems in middle terrace areas of Lampung Province,South Sumatra,Indonesia." Soil Sci.Plant Nutr.45. 89-99 (1999)
[Publications] Abe,K.,Takahashi,H.,Suge,H.: "Gravimorphism in rice and barley:promotion of leaf elongation inversion in agravitropically growing plants." Journal of plant Research. 111. 523-530 (1998)
[Publications] Chang,Y-C.,Ma,J.F.,Matsumoto,H.: "Mechanisms of Al-induced iron chlorosis in wheat(Triticum aesticum)Al-inhibited biosynthesis and secretion of phytosiderophore." Physiol.Plant.102. 9-15 (1998)
[Publications] Ezaki,B.,Gardner,R.C,Ezaki,Y.,Kondo,H.,Matsumoto,H.: "Protective roles of two aluminum(Al)induced genes,HSP150 and SED1 of Saccharomyces cerevisiae,in Al and oxidative stress." FEMS Microbiology Letters. 159. 99-105 (1998)
[Publications] Ikegawa,H.,Yamamoto,Y.,Matsumoto,H.: "Cell death caused by a combination of aluminum and iron in cultured tobacco cells." Physiol.Plant.104. 474-478 (1998)
[Publications] Iwamoto,M.,Maekawa,M.,Saito,A.,Higo,H.and Higo,K.: "Evolutionary relationship of plant catalase genes inferred from exon-intronstructures:isozyme divergence after the separation ofmonocots and dicots." Theor.Appl.Genet.97. 9-19 (1998)
[Publications] Jan,F.,Matsumoto,H.: "Early effects of aluminium on nutrients(K,Ca,and Mg)status of different root zones of two rice cultivars." Proc.International Symposium of Biotechnology and Biodiversity.Oxford and IBH Pubulishing Co.New Delhi.in press. (1998)
[Publications] Ma,J.F.,Hiradate,S.,Matsumoto,H.: "High Al registance in Buckwheat.II.Oxalic acid detoxifies aluminium internally." Plant Physiol.117. 753-759 (1998)
[Publications] Mano,Y.,Takeda,K.: "Genetic resources of salt tolerance in wild Hordeum species." Euphytica. 103. 137-141 (1998)
[Publications] Matsumoto,H.,Ezaki,B.,Sasaki,M.: "The mechanisms of Al toxicity and tolerance in higher plants." Proc.International Symposium of Biotechnology and Biodiversity.Oxford and IBH Publishing Co.New Delhi.in press. (1998)
[Publications] Shirako,Y.: "Non-AUG translation initiation in a plant RNA virus genome:a forty-amino-acid extension is added to the N-terminus of the soil-borne wheat mosaic virus capsid protein." Journal of Virology. 72. 1677-1682 (1998)
[Publications] Shirako,Y.,Strauss,J.H.: "Requirement for an aromatic amino acid or histidine at the N terminus of Sindbis Virus RNA polymerase." Journal of Virology. 72. 2310-2315 (1998)
[Publications] Suge,H.,NIshizawa.,Takahashi,H.,Takeda,K.: "Inheritance of the first internode elongation due to deep-seeding and ethylene treatment in wheat." Breeding Science. 48. 151-157 (1998)
[Publications] Takano,M.,Fujii,N.,Higashitani,A.,Nishitani,K.,Hirasawa,T.,Takahashi,H.: "Endoxyloglucan transferase cDNA isolated from pea roots and its fluctuating expression in hydrotropically responding roots." Plant and Cell Physiology. 40. 135-142 (1998)
[Publications] Taketa,S.,Takahashi,H.,Takeda,K.: "Genetic variation in barley of crossability with wheat and its quantitative trait loci analysis." Euphytica. 103. 187-193 (1998)
[Publications] Watanabe,N.: "A method to distinguish leaf colour variation in Syrian barley." J.Genet.Breed.53 in press. (1998)
[Publications] Watanabe,N.,Miura,H.: "Diversity of amylose content in Triticum durum and Aegilops tauschii.Proc.9th Internatl." Wheat Genet.Symp.4. 291-293 (1998)
[Publications] Watanabe,N.,Noda,Y.,Goto N.,Miura,H.: "Variation for apparent amylose content of endosperm starch in Triticum durum and Aegilops squarrosa." Euphytica. 101. 283-286 (1998)
[Publications] Yamamoto,Y.,Hachiya,A.,Hamada,H.,Matsumoto,H.: "Phenylpropanoids as a protectant of aluminum toxicity in cultured tobacco cells." Plant Cell Physiol.39. 950-957 (1998)
[Publications] Yeo,U.D.,Soh,W.Y.,Nakagawa,N.,Sakurai,N.,Takeda,K.: "Long-term effects of several biochemical and physical factors on cellulose biosynthesis in callus and suspension culture of normal and mutant barley(Hordeum valgare L.)strains producing less cellulpse." Journal of Plant Biology. 41(3). 219-226 (1998)
[Publications] Zheng,S.J.,Ma,J.F.,Matsumoto,H.: "Continuous secretion of oraganic acids is related to aluminium resistance during relatively long-term exposure to aluminium stress." Physiol.Plant.103. 209-214 (1998)
[Publications] Zheng,S.J.,Ma,J.F.,Matsumoto,H.: "High Al resistance in Buckwheat.I.Al-induced specific secretion of oxalic acid from root tips." Plant Physiol. 117. 745-752 (1998)
[Publications] 呉基日・武田和義: "ムギ類赤かび病菌における薬剤耐性の突然変異." 岡資研報. 5(1). 47-60 (1998)
[Publications] 佐藤雅志: "北ラオスの焼畑の村から." みやぎ国際ホォーラムin石巻報告書.みやぎ国際協力フォーラムin石巻実行委員会編. 4-6 (1998)
[Publications] 三吉一光・佐藤雅志: "イネ種子の休眠性-インド型イネと日本型イネの比較." 遺伝. 52. 74-79 (1998)
[Publications] 西沢武明・菅洋・高橋秀幸: "コムギの深播き適応性:タクネコムギの系譜について." 日本作物学会東北支部報. 41. 61-62 (1998)
[Publications] 西沢武明・菅洋・東谷篤志・高橋秀幸: "コムギの深播き適応性の品種間差異とエチレン反応性の関連について." 日本作物学会東北支部報. 41. 57-59 (1998)
[Publications] Chang,Y-C.,Ma,J.F.,Iwashita,T.,Matsumoto,H.: "Effect of Al on the Phytosiderophore-mediated solubilization of iron and uptake of iron-phytosiderophore complex in wheat(Triticum aestivum)." Physiol.Plant.in press. (1999)
[Publications] Chang,Y-C.,Yamamoto,Y.,Matsumoto,H.: "Enhancement of callose production by a combination of aluminum,iron in suspension-cultured tobacco(Nicotiana tabacum)cells." Soil Sci.Plant Nutr.in press. (1999)
[Publications] Ezaki,B.,Sivagura,M.,Ezaki,Y.,Matsumoto,H.,Gardner,R.C.: "Acquisition of aluminum tolerance in Saccharomyces cerevisiae by expression of the BCB or NtGDI1 gene derived from plants." FEMS Microbiology Letters. 171. 81-87 (1999)
[Publications] Watanabe,N.: "Genetic control of the long glume phenotype in tetraploid wheat by homoeologous chromosomes." Euphytica. in press. (1999)
[Publications] Watanabe,N.,Nakada,E.: "Seasonal variation of leaf colour in Syrian barley and its association with photosynthetic rate." Cereal Res.Commun.27 in press. (1999)
[Publications] Yamaguchi,Y.,Yamamoto,Y.,Ikegawa,H.,Matsumoto,H.: "Protective effect of glutathione on the cytotoxicity caused by a combination of aluminum and iron in suspension-cultured tobacco cells." Physiol.Plant.in press. (1999)
[Publications] Abe,M.,Kawamura,R.,Higashi,S.,Mori,S.,Shibata,M.,Uchiumi,T.: "Transfer of the symbiotic plasmid from Rhizobium leguminosarum biovar trifolii to Agrobacterium tumefaciens." J.Gen.Appl.Microbiol.44. 65-74 (1998)
[Publications] Sasakawa,H.,Hiyoshi,T.: "Fine structure and spatial arrangement of Frankia vesicles in the root nodules of some actinorhizal plants growing in Japan." Microb.Environ.13. 137-142 (1998)
[Publications] Sasakawa,H.,Kawai,H.,Takahashi,N.,Tanigawa,S.: "Isolation of Frankia from the root nodules of Elaeagnus macrophylla and Alnus sieboldiana and their infectivities to the host plants." Microb.Environ.13. 143-148 (1998)
[Publications] Tange,T.,Harada,K.,Kojima,K.,Sasaki,S.: "Responses of three dipterocarp species to light regime." Proceedings of the Japan Academy. 74. 206-209 (1998)
[Publications] Terakado,J.,Saito,A.,Sasakawa,H.,Usui,K.,Yoneyama,T.: "Cyclic nucleotides in Frankia and symbiotic nodules." Ann.Bot.81. 771-774 (1998)
[Publications] Uchiumi,T.,Abe,M.,Higashi,S.: "Integration of the temperate phage ΦU into the putative tRNA gene on the chromosome of its host Rhizobium leguminosarum biovaar trifolii." J.Gen.App.Microbiol.44. 93-99 (1998)
[Publications] Uchiumi,T.,Kuwashiro,R.,Miyamoto,J.,Abe,M.,Higashi,S.: "Detection of the leghemoglobin gene on two chromosomes of Phaseolus vulgaris by in situ PCR linked fluorescent in situ hybridization(FISH)" Plant Cell Physiol.39. 790-794 (1998)
[Publications] Wu,B.,Nioh,I.: "Some characteristics of bacteria isolated from the ectomycorrhiza of Chinese Pine inoculated with Cenococcum graniforme." Microb.Environ.13. 17-21 (1998)
[Publications] 染谷孝: "培養できない土壌細菌の謎に迫る." 生物工学. 76(3). 131 (1998)
[Publications] 染谷孝: "Viable but non-culturable(VBNC)微生物をめぐる最近の研究動向." 土と微生物. 51(1). 80-81 (1998)
[Publications] 奈良一秀・宝月岱造: "樹木-外生菌根菌共生系におけるリン酸の動態." 日林論. 109. 287-288 (1998)
[Publications] 宝月岱造: "外生菌根菌の利用-環境と調和した森林再生にむけて-." 遺伝. 52(11). 48-53 (1998)
[Publications] 宝月岱造: "森林生態系の隠れた役者-樹木と外生菌根菌の共生系-." 蛋白質核酸酵素. 43(7). 1246-1253 (1998)
[Publications] Oishi,R.,Nioh,I.,Hayatsu,M.,Nioh,T.,Limtong,P.: "Isolation and characterization of aerobic chemoorgano-trophic bacteria isolated from the roots of Lepironia articulata(reedgrass)grown in strongly acidic sulfate soil in south Thailand." Microb.Environ.14 in press. (1999)
[Publications] Wu,B.,Watanabe,I.,Hayatsu,M.,Nioh,I.: "Effect ectomycorrhiza on the growth and 15N-labeled nitrogen uptake and transport of Pinus tabulaeformis seedlings under water stressed conditions." Biol.Fert.Soils. 28. 136-138 (1999)
[Publications] 小島克己・丹下健・益守眞也・甲斐健太郎・〓間岳・松根健二・橋本徹・山ノ下卓・大沢裕樹・則定真利子・八木久義・佐々木恵彦: "熱帯荒廃地の環境ストレスと樹木の反応." 地球環境. 印刷中. (1999)
[Publications] 染谷孝・犬伏和之・山本啓之・加藤憲: "土壌・水圏におけるViable but non-culturable(VBNC)微生物の解析手法の進歩と課題." 土と微生物. 53(1) 印刷中. (1999)
[Publications] Kume,G.,Yamaguchi,A.,Taniuchi,T.: "Age and growth of the cardinal fish Apogon semileneatus from Tokyo Bay,Japan." Fisheries Sci.64. 921-923 (1998)
[Publications] Subyakto,Kajimoto,T.,Hata,T.,Ishihara,S.,Kawai,S.,Getto,H.: "Improving Fire Retardancy of fast growing wood by coating with fire retardant and surface densification." Fire and Materials. 22. 207-212 (1998)