[Publications] A.Ichimiya,K.Hayashi,E.D.Williams,T.L.Einstein,M.Uwaha and K.Watanabe: "Decay of Silicon Mound : Scaling Laws and Description with Continuum Step Parameters"Phys.Rev.Lett. 84. 3662-3665 (2000)
[Publications] K.Hayashi and A.Ichimiya: "Formation and Decay Processes of Three-Dimensional Silicon Islands on the Si(111)7×7 Surface"Appl.Surf.Sci.. 162/163. 37-41 (2000)
[Publications] A.Ichimiya and K.Hayashi: "Thermal Decay of Isolated Single Silicon Mounds on Si(111) Surfaces"Surface Rev.Lett.. 7. 571-576 (2000)
[Publications] 一宮彪彦,林和彦: "シリコン表面に形成されたなの構造の安定性と崩壊"応用物理. 69. 1330-1334 (2000)
[Publications] A.Ichimiya,M.Suzuki and S.Nishida,: "Thermal Relaxation of Isolated Silicon Pyramids on the Si(100)2×1 Surface."Surf.Sci.. (印刷中). (2001)
[Publications] T.Aoyama,Y.Han,A.Ichimiya,Y.Hisada and S.Mukainakano,: "Structural Analysis of 6H-SiC(0001) Surface by RHEED Rocking Curves."Surf.Sci.. (印刷中). (2001)
[Publications] H.Suzuki,H.Nakahara,S.Miyata and A.Ichimiya,: "Surface Morphology of Ga-Adsorbed Si(113) Surface."Surf.Sci.. (印刷中). (2001)
[Publications] Y.Han,T.Aoyama,A.Ichimiya,Y.Hisada and S.Mukainakano,: "(√<3>√3)R30° Reconstruction on Hexagonal 6H-SiC Surface."Surf.Sci.. (印刷中). (2001)
[Publications] Y.Nishikawa,M.Uchiyama,A.Ichimiya: "Analysis of GaAs(001)2×4 Structure by RHEED Rocking Curves."Surf.Sci.. (印刷中). (2001)
[Publications] A.Ichimiya,K.Hayashi,E.D.Williams,T.L.Einstein,K.Uwaha and K.Watanabe,: "Decay of Silicon Mound : Scaling Laws and Description with Continuum Step Parameters"Appl/Surf.Sci.. (印刷中). (2001)
[Publications] T.Emoto,K.Akimoto,Y.Ishikawa,A.Ichimiya,and A.Tanikawa: "Strain near SiO2-Si interface revealed by X-ray diffraction intensity enhancement"Thin Solid Film. 369(1&2). 281-284 (2000)
[Publications] S.Horii,K.Akimoto,S.Ito,T.Emoto,A.Ichimiya,H,Tajiri,W.Yashiro,S.Nakatani,T.Takahashi,H.Sugiyama,X.Zhang,and H.Kawata: "Interface Reconstructed Structure of Ag/Si(111) Revealed by X-ray Diffraction"Surf.Sei.. (印刷中). (2001)
[Publications] T.Emoto,K.Akimoto,Y.Ishikawa,and A.Ichimiya: "Quantitative Evaluation of Strain near Reconstructed Si Surface"Surf.Sci.. (印刷中). (2001)
[Publications] T.Arai and M.Tomitori: "AFM tip sharpening and evaluation by electric field confinement using a metal grid approached to the tip"J.Vac.Sci.Technol. B18. 648-652 (2000)
[Publications] T.Arai and M.Tomitori: "Bias dependence of Si(111)7x7 images observed by noncontact atomic force microscopy"Appl.Surf.Sci.. 157. 207-211 (2000)
[Publications] T.Arai and M.Tomitori: "Simultaneous imaging of tunneling current variation by noncontact atomic force microscopy in ultrahigh vacuum"Jpn.J.Appl.Phys.. 39 Pt 1.(6B). 3753-3757 (2000)
[Publications] Y.Suganuma and M.Tomitori: "Analysis of electron standing waves in a vacuum gap of scanning tunneling microscopy : measurement of band bending through energy shifts of electron standing wave"J.Vac.Sci.Technol.. B18. 48-54 (2000)
[Publications] Y.Suganuma and M.Tomitori: "Evaluation of an electric field over sample surfaces by electron standing waves in a vacuum gap of scanning tunneling microscopy"Jpn.J.Appl.Phys... 39 Pt.1.. 3758-3760 (2000)
[Publications] M.Tomitori,M.Hirade,Y.Suganuma and T.Arai: "An applicability of scanning tunneling microscopy for surface electron spectroscopy"Surf.Sci.. (印刷中). (2001)
[Publications] S.Ichikawa,N.Sanada,M.Shimomura,T.Abukawa,S.Kono,Y.Fukuda: "Electronic states for InAs(111)A-(2x2)S surface studied by angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy"Surrface Science. 454-456. 509 (2000)
[Publications] M.Shimomura,K.Miki,T.Abukawa and S.Kono: "Structures of the "nano-wire" and 2xn phase of Bi/Si(001)"Surf.Sci.. 447. L169 (2000)
[Publications] T.Abukawa,K.Yoshimura and S.Kono: "Assessment of Correlated Thermal Diffuse Scattering as a Direct Structural Method on the Multi-element Surface System of Si(111)√<3>x√<3>-In"Surf.Rev.Lett.,. 7. 547 (2000)
[Publications] T.Abukawa,C.M.Wei,K.Yoshimura,S.Kono: "Direct method of surface structure determination by Patterson analysis of correlated thermal diffuse scattering for Si(001)2x1"Phys.Rev.. B62. 16069 (2000)
[Publications] 河野省三: "光電子回折による半導体表面構造解析"応用物理. 69. 1157 (2000)
[Publications] S.Kono,T.Goto,K.Sato,T.Abukawa,M.Kitabatake,A.Watanabe and M.Deguchi: "Secondary-electron and field-emission spectroscopy/microscopy studies of CVD grown diamond particles"Surf.Sci.. (印刷中). (2001)
[Publications] M.Shimomura,T.Abukawa,K.Yoshimura,J.H.Oh,H.W.Yeom and S.Kono: "Photoelectron diffraction study of the Si 2p surface-core-level-shift of the Si(001)(1x2)-Sb surface"Surf.Sci.. (印刷中). (2001)
[Publications] S.Kono,T.Goto,T.Abukawa,Y.Takakuwa,K.Sato,H.Yagi and T.Ito: "UHV -electron beam evaluation of the CVD diamond particles grown on Si(001), "Diamond & Related Materials. (印刷中). (2001)
[Publications] M.Arita,A.Sasaki,K.Hamada,A.Okada,J.Hayakawa,H.Asano,M.Matsui and H.Takahashi: "Transmission electron microscopy of La0.7Ca0.3MnO3 thin films"J.Magn.Magn.Mat.. 84. 84-90 (2000)
[Publications] 拜山沙徳克,土井正晶,清水利文,松井正顯: "Fe3O4超微粒子の磁気相転移点の粒径依存性"日本応用磁気学会誌. 24(4-2). 511-514 (2000)
[Publications] M.Matsui,M.Doi and N.Shimizu: "Giant magnetoresistance effect of [bcc-Fe(M)/Cu](M=Co,Ni) Multilayers"J.Mater.Sci.Technol.. 16(2). 186-190 (2000)
[Publications] M.Matsui,B.Sadeh,Y.Yamada,K.Iwata,M.Doi,and H.Asano: "Magnetic Properties and Polar Kerr Effect of [γ-Fe/Cu] Multilayers"Surf.Sci.. (印刷中). (2001)
[Publications] L.Li,A.Kida and M.Matsui: "Surfactant Effect of Oxygen in the γ-Fe Growth on Cu(001)-O(2√2x√2) R45° Reconstruction Surface"Surf.Sci.. (印刷中). (2001)
[Publications] L.Lin,A.Kida,K.Koike and M.Matsui: "Surfactant Effect of Oxygen in the γ-Fe Growth on Cu(001)-O(2√2x√2) R45° Reconstruction Surface"Surf.Sci.. (印刷中). (2001)
[Publications] 杉山幹人,早川純,伊藤顕知,浅野秀文,松井正顯,佐久間昭正,市村雅彦: "ハーフメタル強磁性トンネル接合の磁気抵抗効果とその伝導物性"日本応用磁気学会誌. 25巻4-2号(印刷中). (2001)
[Publications] W.Shimada,H.Tochihara,T.Sate and M.Iwatsuki: "Observation of sudden structural-changes of the faulted-halves of the DAS structure on quenched Si(111) by STM"Ultramicroscoy. 82. 103-109 (2000)
[Publications] W.Shimada,H.Tochihara,T.Sato and M.Iwatsuki: "Model on size/type conversion of stacking-faulted half on quenched Si(111) surface. Domain growth of the DAS structure on a quenched Si(111) surface studied by STM"Surf.Rev.Lett.. 6. 995-1001 (2000)
[Publications] W.Shimada,H.Tochihara,T.Sato and M.Iwatsuki: "Model on size/type conversion of stacking-faulted half on quenched Si(111) surface."Surf.Rev.Lett.. 6. 1037-1043 (2000)
[Publications] W.Shimada,H.Tochihara,T.Sato and M.Iwatsuki: "STM observation of the formation of the smallest DAS domain on a quenched Si(111) surface."Jpn.J Appl.Phys.. 39. 4408-4411 (2000)
[Publications] T.Kato,T.Takajyo,H.Tochihara and W.Shimada: "Effect of step on structural phase transition of Si(111)7x7 surface."Jpn.J Appl.Phys... 39. 4307-4310 (2000)
[Publications] M-S.Chen,D.Terasaki,S.Mizuno,H.Tochihara,I.Ohsaki and T.Oguchi: "Surface structure of Cu(001)-c(2x2)-Mg : A tensor low energy electron diffraction analysis and a first-principles calculation."Surf.Sci.. 470. 53-61 (2000)
[Publications] M-S.Chen,S.Mizuno and H.Tochihara: "Determination of a (2√<2>x√<2>)R45° structure formed by coadsorption of Li and Mg on a Cu(001) surface."Surf.Sci.. (印刷中). (2001)
[Publications] H.Mitani,T.Hayashi,D.Terasaki,M-S.Chen,S.Mizuno and H.Tochihara: "Phase diagram of simple metals on fcc(001) metal surfaces -an application to Mg on Cu-."Surf.Sci.. (印刷中). (2001)
[Publications] 池田淳子,島田亙,水野清義,栃原浩: "走査トンネル顕微鏡によるSi(111)7x7表面上のアイランドとステップ終端部の構造解析"表面科学. (印刷中). (2001)
[Publications] S.Mizuno,M.Imaki and H.Tochihara: "A mixed ordered structure formed by restructuring-type coadsorption of Na and K on Ag(001)."Surf.Sci.. (印刷中). (2001)
[Publications] Shin Imada,Shigenori Ueda,Ranju Uung,Yuji Saitoh,Masato Kotsugi,Wolfgang Kuch,Jorg Gilles,Shishou Kang,Francesco Offi,Jurgen Kirchner,Hiroshi Daimon,Takashi Kimura,Junichi Yanagisawa,Kenji Gamo and Shigemasa Suga: "Metastable Domain Structure of Ferromagnetic Microstructure Observed by Soft X-Ray Magnetic Circular Dichroism Microscopy"Jpn.J.Appl.Phys.. Vol.39. L585-L587 (2000)
[Publications] K.Enomoto,Y.Miyatake,K.Fukumoto,A.Kobayashi,K.Hattori,and,H.Daimon: "Two-dimensional Circularly-Polarized-Light Photoelectron Diffraction for the Analysis of Magnetic and Electronic Properties on Surface"Surf.Rev.Lett.. Vol.7,Nos.5&6. 643-647 (2000)
[Publications] K.Hattori,A.Kobayashi,K.Fukumoto,Y.Miyatake,H.Daimon,M.Kotsugi,S.Suga,T.Nakatani,and T.Matsushita: "Effective magnetic quantum number and effective emitter-scatterer distance obtained from W 4f photoelectron diffraction induced by circularly polarized light on W(110)"Surf.Sci.. (印刷中). (2001)
[Publications] Takagi H,Daimon H,Palomares F.J,Fadley C.S: "New Direct Method of Surface Structure Determination using Circular Dichroism in Photoelectron Diffraction"Surf.Sci.. (印刷中). (2001)
[Publications] H.Daimon,S.Imada,and S.Suga: "New Direct Method of Surface Structure Determination using Circular Dichroism in Photoelectron Diffraction"Surf.Sci.. (印刷中). (2001)
[Publications] M.Kotsugi,Y.Miyatake,K.Entomoto,K.Fukumoto,A.Kobayashi,T.Nakatani,Y.Saitoh,T.Matsushita,S.Imada,T.Furuhata,S.Suga,K.Soda,M.Jinno,T.Hirano,K.Hattori,H.Daimon: "Construction of two-dimensional photoelectron spectrometer at SPring-8"Rev.Sci.Instrum. (印刷中). (2001)
[Publications] H.Daimon: "Stereoscopic Microscopy of Atomic Arrangement by Circularly Polarized-Light Photoelectron Diffraction"Phys.Rev.Lett.. (印刷中). (2001)
[Publications] H.Minoda,T.Shimakura,K.Yagi,F.-J.Meyer zu Heringdorf and M.Horn von Hoegen: "Formation of hill and valley structure on Si(001) vicnal surfaces studied by spot-profileanalyzing LEED"Phys.Rev.. B61. 5672-5676 (2000)
[Publications] 八木克道: "超高真空電顕法"電子顕微鏡. 35. 50-61 (2000)
[Publications] Y.Tanishiro,T.Suzuki,N.Ishiguro,H.Minoda and K.Yagi: "Energy filtering in UHV reflection electron microscopy"Inet.Proc.Conf.Ser.. No.165. 215-216 (2000)
[Publications] 八木克道: "表面における原子ダイナミックス"学術月報. 53. 1265-1268 (2000)
[Publications] M.Degawa,K.Thuermer,I.Morishima,H.Minoda,K.Yagi and E.D.Williams: "Initial stage of in-phase step wandering on Si(111) vicnal surfaces"Surface Sci.. (in press). (2001)
[Publications] T.Suzuki,Y.Tanishiro,N.Ishiguro,H.Minoda and K.Yagi: "Energy-filtered electron interferometry in Reflection Electron Microscopy"Jpn.J.Appl.Phys.. (in press). (2001)
[Publications] M.Degawa,H.Minoda,Y.Tanishiro and K.Yagi: "New phase diagram of step instabilities on Si(111) vicinal surfaces induced by DC annealing"J.Phys.Soc.Japan. (in press). (2000)
[Publications] D.Degawa,H.Minoda,Y.Tanishiro and K.Yagi: "In-phase step wandering on Si(111) vicinal surfaces : Effect of direct current heating tilted from the step-dwon direction."Phys.Rev.. B-63(in press). (2001)
[Publications] H.Minoda,I.Morishima,M.Degawa,Y.Tanishiro and K.Yagi: "Time evoluion of DC heating induced in-phase step wandering on Si(111) vicinal surfaces"Surface Sci.. (in press). (2001)
[Publications] H.Minoda,T.Sato,K.Yagi,Y.Tanishiro and M.Iwatsuki: "Formation of anomalously sied Si(111)√3×√3 clean surface and its stability"Surface Sci.. (in press). (2001)
[Publications] Y.Peng,T.Suzuki,H.Minoda,Y.Tanishiro and K.Yagi: "High resolution REM studies of Si(55 12) surfaces and their roughening phase transition"Surface Sci.. (in press). (2001)
[Publications] Y.Peng,T.Suzuki,H.Minoda,Y.Tanishiro and K.Yagi: "Au adsorption on Si(55 12) surfaces and facet formation studied by high resolution in-situ REM"Surface Sci.. (in press). (2001)
[Publications] Yukio Yasuda,Osamu Nakatsuka and Shigeaki Zaima: "Interfacial reactions of Ti/ and Zr/Si_<1-x>Ge_x/Si contacts with rapid thermal annealing"Thin Solid Films,. 373. 73-78 (2000)
[Publications] Masaki Wasekura,Makoto Higashi,Hiroya Ikeda,Akira Sakai,Shigeaki Zaima and Yukio Yasuda: "A study on initial oxidation of Si(100)-2x1 Surfaces by coaxial impact collision ion scattering spectroscopy (CAICISS)"Appl.Surf.Sci.,. 159-160. 35-40 (2000)
[Publications] Osamu Nakatsuka,Tetsuo Ashizawa,Kenri Nakai,Akihiro Tobioka,Akira Sakai,Shigeaki Zaima and Yukio Yasuda: "Dependence of contact resistivity on impurity concentration in Co/Si systems"Appl.Surf.Sci.. 159-160. 149-153 (2000)
[Publications] Hiroyuki Kageshima,Kenji Shiraishi,Hiroya Ikeda,Shigeaki Zaima and Yukio Yasuda: "Selectivity for O adsorption position on dihydride Si(100) surfaces"Appl.Surf.Sci.,. 159-160. 14-18 (2000)
[Publications] Masahisa Okada,Hidetaka Kamioka,Hirofumi Matsuo,Yoshio Fukuda,Shigeaki Zaima,Katsufumi Kawamura and Yukio Yasuda: "Epitaxial growth of heavily B-doped SiGe films and interfacial reaciton of Ti/B-doped SiGe bilayer structure using rapid thermal processing"Thin Solid Films,. 369. 130-133 (2000)
[Publications] Isao Suzumura,Masahisa Okada,Akiyoshi Muto,Yuji Torige,Hiroya Ikeda,Akira Sakai,Shigeaki Zaima and Yukio Yasuda: "Nucleation and growth of Ge on Si(111) in solid phase epitaxy"Thin Solid Films,. 369. 116-120 (2000)
[Publications] Kenji Sato,Yasuyuki Nakagawa,Hiroya Ikeda,Shigeaki Zaima and Yukio Yasuda: "A study on the local bonding structures of oxidized Si(111) surfaces by HREELS"Thin Solid Films,. 369. 277-280 (2000)
[Publications] Daisuke Matsushita,Hiroya Ikeda,Akira Sakai,Shigeaki Zaima and Yukio Yasuda: "Scanning tunneling microscopy/scanning tunneling spectroscopy of initial nitridation process of Si(100)-2x1 surfaces"Thin Solid Films,. 369. 293-296 (2000)
[Publications] Kenji Ohmori,Shigeaki Zaima and Yukio Yasuda: "Trap creation in ultrathin SiO_2 films due to electron injection studied by scanning tunneling microscopy/scanning tunneling spectroscopy"Appl.Surf.Sci.,. 162-163. 395-400 (2000)
[Publications] H.Ikeda,N.Kurumado,M.Sakashita,A,Sakai,S.Zaima,and Y.Yasuda: "Local dielectric characteristics of ultra-thin SiO_2 films formed on Si(100) surfaces"Surface Sci..
[Publications] S.Yuasa,T.Satoh,E.Tamura,Y.Suzuki,H.Yamamori,K.Ando and T.Katayama: "Magnetic tunnel junctions with single-crystal electrodes :A crystal anisotropy of tunnel magneto-resistance"Europhys.Lett.. 52. 344-350 (2000)
[Publications] 横山侑子,重藤訓志,P.Gogol,J.Miltat,A.Thiaville,川越毅,鈴木義茂,小野輝男,新庄輝也,湯浅新治、安藤功兒: "微細加工された強磁性細線の偏光顕微鏡による観察"日本応用磁気学会誌. 24. 555-558 (2000)
[Publications] Y.Yokoyama,Y.Suzuki,S.Yuasa,K.Ando,K.Shigeto,T.Shinjo,P.Gogol,J.Miltat,A.Thaville,T.Ono and T.Kawagoe: "Kerr Microscopy Observation of Magnetization Process in Submicrom Ferromagnetic Wires"J.Appl.Phys.. 87. 5618-5620 (2000)
[Publications] T.Kawagoe,Y.Suzuki,M.Nyvlt,J.Franta and N.Hosoito: "Magnetic domain structure and exchange coupling in epitaxial Fe/FeRh(001) and NiFe/FeRh(001) bilayers"Surf.Sci.. (in press).
[Publications] R.Shinohara,K.Yamaguchi,H.Hirota,Y.Suzuki,T.Manago,H.Akinaga,T.Kuroda,and F.Minami: "Lifetime and Spin Relaxation Time Measurements of Micro-Fabricated GaAs Tips"Japanese Journal of Applied Physics. (in press).
[Publications] 川越毅,鈴木義茂: "スピン偏極走査型顕微鏡の最近の進展"日本金属学会会報(まてりあ). (印刷中).
[Publications] T.Kan,K.Mitsukawa,T.Ueyama,M.Takada,T.Yasue and T.Koshikawa: "Secondary Ion Emission Processes of Sputtered Alkali Ions from Alkali/Si(100) and Si(111)"Surf.Sci.. 460. 214-222 (2000)
[Publications] 越川孝範: "イオン散乱法"ぶんせき. 21-25 (2000)
[Publications] M.Yamamoto,T.Koshikawa,T.Yasue,H.Harima and K.Kajiyama: "Formation of Size Controlled Ge Nanocrystals in SiO2 Matrix by Ion Implantation and Anneling"Thin Solid Films,. 369. 100-103 (2000)
[Publications] S.Maruno,T.Murano,T.Kurokawa,N.Mikami,A.Tomikawa,M.Nagata,T.Yasue and T,Koshikawa: "Effects of Oxygen Vacancy Diffusion on Leakage Characteristics of Pt/(Ba0.5Sr0.5) TiO3/Pt Capacitor"Jpn.J.Appl.Phys.. 39. L416-L419 (2000)
[Publications] T.Koshikawa,T.Yasue,M.Jalochowski and E.Bauer: "Dynamic LEEM Observation of Cu Nanostructure Formation Processes on Si(111) with and without Hydrogen"Proc.of IUMAS 2000,Eds. D.B.Williams and R.Shimizu, (Instutute of Ohys. Publishing). 250-251 (2000)
[Publications] T.Yasue,T.Koshikawa,M.Jalochowski and E.Bauer: "Dynamic LEEM Observation of Cu Nanostructure Formation Processes on Si(111) with Hydrogen"Surf.Rev.Letters,. 7. 595-600 (2000)
[Publications] A.Kraus,M.Hanbucken,T.Koshikawa and H.Neddermeyer: "Strain Relief of Si(111)7x7 by Hydrogen Adsorption"Appl.Surf.Sci.. (in press). (2001)
[Publications] T.Yasue,T.Koshikawa,M.Jalochowski and E.Bauer: "Dynamic Observation of Formation of Thin Cu Layer on Clean and Hydrogen-terminated Si(111) Surfaces"Surf.Sci.. (in press). (2001)
[Publications] T.Koshikawa,T.Yasue,M.Jalochowski and E.Bauer: "Cu Nano-islands Formation on Si(111) Surfaces by Hydrogen Termination Observed by Low Energy Electron Microscopy"Proc.of Japan-Russia Seminar on Semiconductor Surfaces,. (in press). (2001)
[Publications] T.Koshikawa,T.Yasue,M.Jalochowski and E.Bauer: "Dynamic Observation and Structure Analysis of Nano-Structures of Cu on Si(111) by using Low Energy Electron Microscopy"Proc.on Nanomeeting. (in press). (2001)
[Publications] 越川孝範,安江常夫,菅武: "二次イオン生成過程-電子トネリングモデルと結合破壊モデル-"質量分析. (印刷中). (2001)
[Publications] Hideaki Sakata,Morimi Oosawa,Ken Matsuba,Nobuhiko Nishida,Hiroyuki Takeya,Kazuto Hirata: "Imaging of a Vortex Lattice Transition in YNi_2B_2C by Scanning Tunneling Spectroscopy"Phys Rev.Lett.. 31. 1583-1586 (2000)
[Publications] H.Sakata,M.Oosawa,K.Matsuba,N.nishida,H.Takeya,K.Hirata: "Imaging of Vortex Lattice in Single Crystal YNi_2B_2C"Physica. C341-348. 1015-1018 (2000)
[Publications] Hideaki Sakata,Nobuhiko Nishida,Masato Hedo,Kenji sakurai,Yoshihiko Inada,Yoshichika Onuki,Etsuji Yamamoto,Yoshinori Haga: "Scanning Tunneling Microscopy and Spectroscopy of CeRu_2"J.Phys.Soc.Jpn.. 69. 1970-1973 (2000)
[Publications] Nobuhiko Nishida,Toshitaka Fujiki,Katsuhiko Okada,Hideyuki Ikeda: "Anomalous increase of superconducting transition temperature in a-Nb ultra-thin film systems over-deposited by metals or semiconductors"Physica. B284-288. 1950-1951 (2000)
[Publications] Nobuhiko Nishida,Shin-ichi Kaneko,Hideaki Sakata,Hisayoshi Kajiwara,Masashige Matsumoto,Takashi Mochiku,Kazuo Hirata,Tadashi Kambara: "Studies of boundary effects and symmetry of Cooper Pairing in Bi_2Sr_2CaCu_2O_x by LT-STS"Physica. B284-288. 967-968 (2000)
[Publications] S.Kaneko,Y.Ono and N.Nishida: "Columnar Defect-Induced Strain and Superconductivity In Bi_2Sr_2CaCu_2O_x by LT-STS/STM"Surface Sci..
[Publications] K.Moritani,M.Okada,T.Kasai and Y.Murata: "Hydrogen Adsorption and Reaction on the Ir{100}-(1×5) Surface"Surf.Sci.. 445. 315-326 (2000)
[Publications] M.Okada,K.Moritani,M.Nakamura,T.Kasai and Y.Murata: "Hot-Atom Mechanism in Hydrogen Exchange Reaction on the Ir{100} Surface"Chem.Phys.Lett.. 323. 586-593 (2000)
[Publications] K.Fukutani,Y.Murata,J.Brillo,H.Kuhlenbek,H.-J.Freund and M.Taguchi: "Electronic Structure of a Pt-Ge Surface Alloy"Surf.Sci.. 464. 48-56 (2000)