[Publications] H.Befu: "Globalization : Some Theoretical Critique in Consideration of Asian Cases"The New Millenium Smiles : Inheritance, Harmony, Creation (The First Academic Conference.'98 Kyongju World Culture Expo) I-7.. 1-9 (1998)
[Publications] H.Befu: "Japan Outside Japanh"Perspectives of Japanese Studies in Baltic Area : Past and Future. 187-197 (1998)
[Publications] 別府春海: "日本のグローバル化と人的拡散"南山大学人類学研究所通信. 7号. 2-6 (1998)
[Publications] H.Befu: "Imagining Japan"Romanian Journal of Japanese Studies. Vol.1. 16-170 (1999)
[Publications] H.Befu: "English Language Intellectural Imperialism"Kanda University of International Studies Mewsletter : Intercultural Communication. NO.37. 1 (2000)
[Publications] 別府春海,井上順孝,宮永国子,W.Smith: "シンポジウム「グローバル化する日本の宗教」"京都文教大学人間学研究所『人間学研究』. Vol.1. 55-64 (2000)
[Publications] H.Befu: "Globalization as Human Dispersal"Globalization and Social Change in Contemporary Japan (J.Eades, T.Gill, and H.Befu eds.). 17-40 (2000)
[Publications] H.Befu: "Globalization of Japan : Its Implications for the Globalization Model"Japan in a Comparative Perspective (International Research Center for Japanese Studies International Symposium 12). 189-201 (1998)
[Publications] H.Befu: "Global Context of Japan outside Japan"Globalizing Japan (H.Befu and S.Guichard-Anguis eds).. (印刷中).
[Publications] 別府春海: "グローバリゼーション論再考"京都文教大学人間学部研究報告. 第二集. 1-9 (2000)
[Publications] 別府春海: "人的拡散としてのグローバリゼーション"京都文教大学人間学研究所『人間学研究』. Vol.1. 1-13 (2000)
[Publications] 別府春海: "グローバル・ジャパン"京都文教大学人間学研究所『人間学研究』. Vol.1. 197-198 (2000)
[Publications] T.Bestor: "How Sushi Went Global"Foreign Policy. 54-63 (2000)
[Publications] T.Bestor: "Networks, Neighborhoods and Markets"Urban Life : Readings in Urban Anthropology (Melch and Zonner eds.). (印刷中).
[Publications] T.Bestor: "Wholesale Sushi"Theorizing the City (Setha Low ed.). 201-242 (1999)
[Publications] T.Bestor: "Making Things Clique : Cartels, Coalitions, and Institutional Structure in the Tsukiji Wholesale Seafood Market"Networks, Markets, and the Pacific Rim : Studies in Strategy (W.M.Fruin ed.). 154-180 (1998)
[Publications] William Kelly: "The Adaptability of Karaoke in the United Kingdom"Karaoke Around the World : Global Technology, Local Singing (T.Mitsui and S.Hosokawa eds.). 83-101 (1998)
[Publications] William Kelly: "Training for Leisure : Karaoke and the Seriousness of Play in Japan"Japan at Play (J.Hendry and M.Ravieri eds.). (印刷中).
[Publications] 白石さや: "マンガ・アニメのグローバライゼージョン"変容するアジアと日本-アジア社会に浸透する 日本のボピュラーカルチャー(五十嵐曉郎 編). 317-349 (1998)
[Publications] 白石さや: "文化人類学と大衆文化"『文化人類学のフロンテイア』綾部恒雄 編. (印刷中).
[Publications] 白石さや: "おやじの肖像-インドネシアの国民伝統を生きた人々"『男性論』西川祐子,荻野美穂 編. 352-377 (2000)
[Publications] 白石さや: "海を越えたドラえもん"『アエラムック-童話がわかる』鶴見俊輔 編. 94-97 (1999)
[Publications] 白石さや: "ドラえもんと行くアジアの旅"旅の文化研究所研究報告. NO.8. 49-62 (1999)
[Publications] 白石さや: "グローバル化する日本のマンガとアニメ"Robot-ism:1950-2000:鉄腕アトムからAIBOまで(伊東順二 編). 52-53 (2000)
[Publications] 白石さや: "アメリカの若者文化とマンガ・アニメ"『ぱろる』. 11号. 125-130 (1999)
[Publications] Saya Shiraishi: "Japan's Soft Power : Doraemon Goes Overseas"Network Power : Japan and Asia (P.J.Katzenstein and T.Shiraishi eds.). 234-272
[Publications] Saya Shiraishi: "Doraemon goes Abroad"Japan Pop! Inside the World of Japanese Popular Culture (T.J.Craig ed.). 287-308 (2000)
[Publications] Merry White: "Ladies who Lunch : Young Women and the Domestic Fallacy in Japan"Food in Asia (K.Cwiertka ed.). (印刷中).
[Publications] Merry White: "Tastemaps and Trendqueens : How Young Women Learn"Cuisine, Consumption and Culture : Food in Contemporary Japan (T.Bestor and V.Lyons-Bestor eds.). (印刷中).
[Publications] Masae Yuasa: "Globalization and Flexibility in the Textile/Apparel Industry of Japan"Asia Pacific Business Review. (印刷中).
[Publications] J.Benson,P.Debroux,and M,.Yuasa: "In Pursuit of Flexibility : The Transformation of Labour-Management Relations in Chinese Enterprises"Changing Workplace Relations in the Chinese Economy (M.Warner ed.) London : Macmillan,. 77-99 (2000)
[Publications] J.Benson,P.Debroux,M,.Yuasa and Y.Zhu: "Flexibility and labour management : Chinese manufacturing enterprises in the 1990s"International Journal of Human Resource Management. Vol.11,No.2,. 183-196 (2000)
[Publications] J.Eades,T.Gill,and H.Befu eds.: "Globalization and Social Change in Contemporary Japan"Trans Pacific Press. 295 (2000)
[Publications] H.Befu and S.Guichard-Anguis eds.: "Globalizing Japan"Routledge(印刷中).