[Publications] 平啓介: "東京大学海洋研究所の将来展望-海洋研究教育の国際中枢を目指して"月刊海洋. 32,1. 30-34 (2000)
[Publications] 平啓介: "「北朝鮮寒流」・「東朝鮮暖流」の名称提案"海の研究. 9,5. 273-274 (2000)
[Publications] Fujio,S.: "Deep current structure above the Izu-Ogasawara Trench"Journal of Geophysical Research. 105,C3. 6377-6386 (2000)
[Publications] Terazaki,M.: "Feeding of carnivous zooplankton, chaetognath in the Pacific"Dynamics and Charaterization of Marine Organic Matter.Tanoue, E.and T.Hama (editor) , TERAPUB, Tokyo. 257-276 (2000)
[Publications] Terazaki,M.: "Utilization of Biological Data for IODE system in the WESTPAC area"Proceeding of ICWP'99 conference, JODC, Japan Coast Guard. 163-165 (2000)
[Publications] Kawabe,M.: "Interannual variations of sea level at the Nansei Islands and volume transport of the Kuroshio due to wind changes"Journal of Oceanography. 57. 189-205 (2001)
[Publications] Kawabe,M.: "Calculation of interannual variations of sea level in the subtropical North Pacific."Journal of Oceanography. 56. 691-706 (2000)
[Publications] Nagasawa,M.: "Spatial and temporal distribution of the wind-induced internal wave energy available for deep water mixing in the North Pacific"Journal of Geophysical Research. 105,C6. 13933-13943 (2000)
[Publications] Endoh,T.: "Numerical study of the generation and propagation of trigger meanders of the Kuroshio south of Japan"Journal of Oceanography. 56,4. 409-418 (2000)
[Publications] Yanagi,T.: "Seasonal variation in lower trophic level ecosystem of Hakata Bay, Japan."Journal of Oceanography. 56. 233-243 (2000)
[Publications] Yanagi,T.: "Ocean circulation in the Asian marginal seas"ICIWP'99 Proceedings. 1-10 (2000)
[Publications] Ichikawa,H.: "Seasonal variation of heat and freshwater transports by the Kuroshio in the East China Sea."Journal of Marine Systems. 24. 119-129 (2000)
[Publications] 市川洋: "上流域の黒潮の観測"月刊海洋. 32,8. 504-513 (2000)
[Publications] Ichikawa,T.: "Particulate organic carbon and chlorophyll distributions in the East China Sea in June 1998."Proceeding of the JSPS/VCC 10th Joint Seminar on Marine and Fishery Sciences, Malaysia,. 474-483 (2000)
[Publications] Ichikawa,T: "Some characteristics of marine snow in Kagoshima Bay."Proceeding of the 11th JSPS Seminar on Marine Science, Tokyo,Japan (印刷中).. (2000)
[Publications] Suzuki,H.: "A new freshwater crab of the genus _Geothelphusa_Stimpson, 1858 (Crustacea : Decapoda : Brachyura : Potamidae) from Yakushima Island, southern Kyushu, Japan"Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washing. 113,1. 30-38 (2000)
[Publications] Matsuno,T: "Mixing processes and horizontal intrusion around the shelf break in the East China Sea.""Interaction between Estuaries, Coastal Seas and Open Oceans", ed.T.Yanagi, Terra Scientific Pub.. 177-195 (2000)
[Publications] Han,I-S: "High frequency current fluctuations and cross shelf flows around the pycnocline near the shelf break in the East China Sea"Journal of Oceanography. 57. 235-249 (2001)
[Publications] Yoon,J.-H.: "Assimilation of satellite altimeter data with circulation models of the Japan Sea"Proceeding of International workshop on remote sensing of marine environment in the northwest Pacific region. (2000)
[Publications] Varlamov,S.: "Oil spill simulation and prediction in the Japan Sea for planning of oil spill response and marine environment protection operation"Proceeding of International workshop on remote sensing of marine environment in the northwest Pacific region. (2000)