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[Publications] 徳山 英一: "日本周辺海域の地質構造マッピング"地質ニュース. 541. 10 (1999)
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[Publications] T. Gamo: "Global warming may have slowed down the deep conveyor bellt of a marginal sea of the nothwestern Pacific"Japan Sea. Geophys. Res. Lett.. 26. 3141-3144 (1999)
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[Publications] 望月 公廣: "海台の地殻構造と沈み込み帯での運命"月刊地球. 号外23. 149-159 (1999)
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[Publications] 長沼 毅: "ベントナイト微生物学-地球深部研究および地層処分研究への応用の一例"海洋. 号外19. 133-138 (1999)
[Publications] Takahashi, K.: "Paleoceanographic changes and present environment of the Bering Sea"In : Dynamics of the Bering Sea, Loughlin, T. R. ,and K. Ohtani, Eds.. ,University of Alaska Sea Grant, Fairbanks, Alaska. 365-385 (1999)
[Publications] 徐 垣: "21世紀の地球深部堀削計画-堆積学と関連し現状とその未来-"月刊地球. 245. 769-772 (1999)
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[Publications] 松田博貴: "浅海域における海洋堀削"月刊地球. 21(11). 679-710 (1999)
[Publications] 酒井 治孝: "滑り落ちたヒマラヤ--エベレスト頂上直下の低角正断層の正体"科学. 69. 787-789 (1999)
[Publications] Kaiho, K.: "Evolution in the test size of deep-sea benthic foraminifera during the past 120 m.y."Mar. Micropaleontol. 37. 53-65 (1999)
[Publications] 後藤秀作: "海底下長期温度測定による海底堆積物の熱拡散率の推定とその応用"物理探査. 52(3). 199-213 (1999)
[Publications] Okada, H.: "Neogene and Quaternary calcareous nannofossils from the Blake Ridge Sites 994,995 and 997"Proc. ODP, Sci. Results. 164. in press (2000)
[Publications] Tatsumi,Y.: "The petrology of an melilite-olivine nephlinite from Hamada, SW Japan"J.Petrology. 40. 497-509 (1999)
[Publications] Takizawa,S.: "Dilatant clayey microstructure in the Barbados decollement zone"Journal of Structural Geology. 21. 117-122 (1999)
[Publications] 富士原 敏也: "房総半島の地磁気異常"海洋科学技術センターJAMTEC深海研究. 14. 467-476 (1999)
[Publications] Masuda, F.: "Contributions to sequence stratigraphy from the Quaternary studies in Japan"The Quat. Res.. 38(3). 184-193 (1999)
[Publications] Nakamura, A.: "Joint focal mechanism determination with source-region station corrections using short period body wave amplitude data"Bull. Seismolog. Soc. America. 89. 373-383 (1999)
[Publications] Niitsuma Nobuaki: "Rupture and delamination of arc crust due to the arc-arc collision in the South Fossa Magna, central Japan"The Island Arc. 8. 441-458 (1999)
[Publications] 小泉 格: "クバプロ、東京、検証・日本列島-自然、ヒト、文化のルーツ"第13回「大学と科学」公開シンポジウム組織委員会(編). 181 (1999)
[Publications] 石橋 純一郎: "海底熱水系という窓から地下生物圏を観る"海洋. 号外19. 5-8 (1999)
[Publications] Tsunakawa, H.: "Further application of the deconvoluction method of post-depositional DRM to the precise record of the"Earth Planets Space. 51. 169-174 (1999)
[Publications] 保柳 康一: "砕屑性堆積物からなる陸棚-浅海でのODP堀削-第174A次航海ニュージャージー沖海水準変動の例-"月刊地球. 21. 741-746 (1999)
[Publications] Fontolan, G.: "Cicli climatici recenti nei sedimenti marinidel Mere di Ross. (Climatic cycles of Recent and Sediment records from the Ross Sea, Antarctica)"Rapporto sulla Campagna Antartica Estate Australe 1998-99. 235-266 (1999)
[Publications] Ikehara,M.: "K. Kawamura, N. Ohkouchi and A. Taira, Organic geochemistry of greenish clay and organic rich sediments since early Miocene from Hole 985A, Norway Basin"Proceedings of the Ocean Drilling Program, Scientific Results. 162. 209-216 (1999)
[Publications] Aita Yoshiaki: "Non-Tethyan Triassic Radiolaria from New Zealand and northeastern Siberia. in De Wever, P. & Caulet, J.-P.(eds.)"InterRed VIII, Paris/Bierville 8-13 septembre1997, Geodiversitas. 21(4). 503-526 (1999)
[Publications] Kuroda T.: "Temporal variations of biogenic components since late Pleistocene at the northen California Margin, Site 1020, ODP Leg 167"Scientific Results of the Proceedings of the Ocean Drilling Program. 167. (2000)
[Publications] 北里 洋: "ライザー深海堀削による地下独立微小生物生物生態系 SliMes(Subsurface L ithoautotrophic Microbial Ecosystems)の研究---環境の創成と微生物進化---"原子力バックエンド研究. 5(2). 13-19 (1999)
[Publications] Iryu, Y: "Biogeochemical contrasts between mid-Cretaceous carbonate platforms and Cenozoic reefs"The Island Arc. 8. 475-490 (1999)
[Publications] 日野 亮太: "日本列島周辺のプレート境界域の地殻構造"地質ニュース. 541. 11-16 (1999)
[Publications] 徳山 英一: "東海沖の海底活断層"東京大学出版会. 350 (1999)