[Publications] Y.Hanada and R.Kohno: "Vehicular Spread SpectrumRadar for Multiple Targets Detection Using Multi-beam Antenna" IEICE Transactions on Fundamentals of Electronics,communications and Computer Sciences. E80-A No.12. 2517-2525 (1997)
[Publications] I.Yoshii and R.Kohno: "Bearing Estimation for Wideband Siganls in a Multipath Channel" IEICE Transactions on Fundamentals of Electronics,and Computer Sciences Communications. E20-A,No.12. 2534-2539 (1997)
[Publications] 斎藤秀俊、河野隆二: "多段復号法を用いたトレリス符号化多次元高速周波数シフトキーイング変調方式" 電子情報通信学会和文論分誌A. J81-A,No.1. 129-141 (1998)
[Publications] Ryuji Kohno: "Spatial and Temporal Communication Theory Using Adaptive Antenna Array" IEEE Personal Communications. 28-35 (1998)
[Publications] 武田政弘、花田由紀子、河野隆二: "干渉除去回路を用いたスペクトル拡散路車間通信測距システム" 電子情報通信学会論文誌A. J81-A,No.4. 483-489 (1998)
[Publications] 青柳晴、福地稔栄、遠藤浩、井上圭、石津晴彦、河野隆二: "自動車用76GHz帯スペクトル拡散レーダの角度計測方式の評価" 電子情報通信学会論文詩A. J81-A,No.4. 483-489 (1998)
[Publications] Suk-hee Cho Ryuji Kohno: "Non-proper Variable-to-Fixed Length Arithmetic Coding" IEICE Transactions on Fundamentals of Electronics,Communications and Computer Sciences. E81-A,No8. 1739-1747 (1998)
[Publications] Sung-Chul Kang,Ryuji Kohno: "Multilevel muItiuser Detection System in a Multicell MFSK/FH-CDMA Environment" The Transactions of the S.A.Institute of Electrical Enginerrs. 147-151 (1998)
[Publications] P.van Rooyen,R,Kohno: "DS-CDMA Performance with Maiximum Ratio Combining and Antenna Arrays" ACM Journal on WirelessNetworks,Special lssue on Multiuser Detection in Wireless Communications. Vol.4,No.6. 479-488 (1998)
[Publications] Mari Matsunaga,Ryuji Kohno: "Adaptive Unequal Error Protection Scheme Using Several Convolutional Codes" IEICE Transactions of Fundamentals of Electronics,Communications and Computer Sciences. E81-A,No.10. 2005-2012 (1998)
[Publications] Meizhong Wang,Ryuji Kohno: "A Novel Wireless Multimedia CDMA System Based on Adaptive Chip/Bit Rate Control" IEICE Transactions on Fundamentals of Electronics,Communications and Computer Sciences. E81-A,No.11. 2341-2345 (1998)
[Publications] Ahmed Saifuddin,Ryuji Kohno: "Adaptive Multilevel Code Selection and MUI Cancellation for DS/CDMA over Fading Channel" IEE Proceedings-Communications. (1998)
[Publications] Daisuke Jitsukawa Ryuji kohno: "Single-User Receiver Basedon Orthogonaling Matched Filter Using Multi-Dimensional Lattice Filters for DS/CDMA" IEICE Transactions on Fundamentals of Electronics,Communications and Computer Sciences. E82-A. (1999)
[Publications] M.Takeda,T.Terada,Ryuji Kohno: "Spread Spectrum Joint Communication and Ranging System Using Interference Cancellation between a Roadside and a Vehicle" ICT'98. (1998)
[Publications] Isamu Yoshii,Ryuji Kohno: "Adaptive Spatial & Temporal Optimum Receiver" VTC'98. 341-345 (1998)
[Publications] D.K.Asano,T.Hayashi,Ryuji Kohno: "Modulation and Processing Gain Tradeoffs in DS-CDMA Spread Spectrum Systems" ISSSTA'98. 9-13 (1998)
[Publications] Osvaldo A.Gonzalez,Ryuji Kohno: "A Spread CDMA Slotted ALOHA System with Hybrid ARQ for Satellite Multiple Access" ISSSTA'98. 729-733 (1998)
[Publications] Nobuyuki Kataoka,Ryuji Kohno: "Adaptive Equalizer Including Frequency-Offset Compensator for Multi-Carrier Communication Systems" PIMRC'98. 1076-1080 (1998)
[Publications] T.Togo,I.Yoshii,Ryuji Kohno: "Dynamic Cell-size Control According to Geographical Mobile Distribution in a DS/CDMA Cellular System" PIMRC'98. 677-681 (1998)
[Publications] K.WATANABE,I.YOSHII,R.KOHNO: "An Adaptive Array Antenna Using Combined DFT And LMS Algorithm" PIMRC'98. 1417-1421 (1998)
[Publications] H.MAEDA,N.HIRANO,Ryuji KOHNO: "Punctured Convolutional Code for Partial Response Channel" ISITA'98. (1998)
[Publications] Osvaldo A.Gonzalez,Ryuji Kohno: "Adaptive Processin Gain Optimization of the SS ALOIIA/CDMA system with Hybrid ARQ" ISITA'98. (1998)
[Publications] Suk-Hee Cho,Ryuji Kohno: "VF Arithmetic Coding with Error-Detecting Capability" ISITA'98. (1998)
[Publications] Chang-Keun Choi,Sin-Sok Yang,Ji-Hwan Park,Ryuji Kohno: "New Constraction for Improving Contrast in Visual Cryptography" ISITA'98. (1998)
[Publications] Kei KIKUIRI,Ryuji KOHNO: "A Layered Unequal Error-Protection System for Multi-Media Information with Different Importance" ISPACS'98. (1998)
[Publications] S.YAMAKAWA,N.HIRANO,R.KOHNO: "A Method of Joint Decoding for Combined System between Partial Response System and RLL Code Based on RM Code" ISPACS'98. (1998)
[Publications] A.Mochizuki,R.Kohno: "Novel Representation of Progressive Shape Coding of Binary lmage" ISPACS'98. (1998)
[Publications] I.YOSHII,T.YAMADA,K.WATANABE,R.KOHNO,K.MORI,K.FUJIMORI,H.ARAI: "DOA Estimation for 6-Sector Antenna" WPMC'98. (1998)
[Publications] Nobuyuki Kotaoka,Ryuji Kohno: "2-Dimensional Viterbi Equalizer for Multi-Carrier Communication Systems" WPMC'98. (1998)
[Publications] Kazunori WATANABE,I.YOSHII,R.KOHNO: "A Study of An Adaptive Array Antenna Using Combined DFT and LMS Algorithm" WPMC'98. (1998)
[Publications] H.TANAKA,T.KOCHI,M.NAKANISHI,Y.ISHIKAWA,Y.MORI,R.KOHNO: "Narrow-band Interference Rejection using Magnetostatic Wave Filter in DS/SS Communications" WPMC'98. (1998)
[Publications] Mohammad Ghavami,Ryuji Kohno: "Broad-band Beamforming Using Fan Filter Structures with Low Number of Antenna Elements" ICPWC'99. (1999)
[Publications] 実川大介、河野隆二: "ラティスフィルタを用いた直交マッチドフィルタによるシングルユーザ受信機" 信学技法. SST98-112. 121-128 (1999)
[Publications] N.Morinaga,M.Nakagawa,R.Kohno: "New Concepts and Technologies for Achieving Highly Reliable and High-Capacity Multimedia Wireless Communication Systems" IEEE Communications Magazine. Vol.35,No.1. 34-40 (1997)
[Publications] R.Kohno,M.Nakagawa: "International Cooperative Research and Development of Wireless Personal Communications in Asian-Pacific Countries" IEEE Personal Communications Magazine. vol.4,No.2. 6-12 (1997)
[Publications] Ryuji Kohno: "Spatial and Temporal Communication Theory Using Adaptive Antenna Array" IEEE Personal Communications Magazine. 28-33 (1998)
[Publications] 河野隆二: "IMT-2000を支える空間・時間領域の信号処理とその将来-" 1998年電子情報通信学会総合大会講演論文集、チュートリアル講演. TA-3-5. 517-519 (1998)
[Publications] 河野隆二: "ITSを支える情報通信技術動向" 1998年電子情報通信学ソ会サイエティ大会ITSに関する情報通信技術シンポジウム講演論文集. SAD-3-4. 62-65 (1998)
[Publications] 河野隆二: "IMT-2000に向けた無線アクセス技術の動向と展望-干渉除去、アレーアンテナからソフトウェア無線へ-" 1998年電子情報通信学会ソサイエティ大会基礎境界ソサイエティ大会講演論文集. TA-1-1. 279-282 (1998)
[Publications] Ryuji Kohno: "Spatial and Temporal Communication Theory Using Software Antennas for Wireless Communications.Part.3" Wireless Communications-TDMA versus CDMA(S.G.Glisic and P.A.Leppanen Ed.)Kluwer Academic Pubishers, (1997)
[Publications] 谷萩、河野: "情報通信とディジタル信号処理" コロナ社, (1998)
[Publications] 丸林元、中川正雄 河野隆二: "スペクトル拡散通信方式" 電子情報通信学会出版, (1998)