[Publications] Kobayashi,T.,et al.: "Nuclear targeting activity associated with the amino terminal region of the Borna disease virus nucleoprotein." Virology. 245. 53-64 (1998)
[Publications] Iwahashi,K.,et al.: "Positive and negative syndromes,and Borna disease virus(BDV)infection in schizophrenia." Neuropsychobiology. 37. 59-64 (1998)
[Publications] Shoya,Y.,et al.: "Two proline-rich nuclear localization signals in the amino- and carboxyl-terminal regions of Borna disease virus phosphoprotein." J.Virol.72. 9755-9762 (1998)
[Publications] Kohno,T.,et al.: "Fine structure and morphogenesis of Borna disease virus(BDV)" J.Virol.73 1. 760-766 (1998)
[Publications] Fujinaga,K.,et al.: "Generation of endogenous tumour necrosis factor-a in MOLT-4 cells during the acute replication phase of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 determines the subsequent latent infection." J.Gen.Virol.79. 221-229 (1998)
[Publications] Goto,T.,et al.: "The life cycle of human immunodeficiency virus type 1(review)" Micron. 29・2/3. 123-138 (1998)
[Publications] Saadat,M.,et al.: "Does human immunodeficiency virus type-1 integrate in chromosomes randamly?" Chromosome Science. 2. 5-8 (1998)
[Publications] Tokunaga,K.,et al.: "Enhancement of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 infectivity by Nef is producer cell-dependent" J.Gen.Virol.79. 2477-2453 (1998)
[Publications] Tanaka,T.,et al.: "Establishiment of persistent infection with HIV-1 abrogates caspase-3-dependent apoptotic signaling pathway in U937 cells" Experimental Cell Research. (in press).
[Publications] 鈴木聡子 他: "ヒトサイトメガロウイルス感染による活性酸素産生" 日本臨床「サイトメガロウイルスとHHV6,7-ヒトbヘルペスウイルスの基礎と臨床の進歩-. 56・1. 75-78 (1998)
[Publications] 生田和良: "レトロウイルス科" 医科ウイルス学(大里外誉郎 編). (印刷中).
[Publications] 生田和良: "新しいウイルス性疾患" 医科ウイルス学(大里外誉郎 編). (印刷中).
[Publications] Tobiume,M.,et al.: "Dependence of host cell cycle for activation of HIV-1 gene expression from latency" J.Gen.Virol.79. 1363-1371 (1998)
[Publications] Takahashi,A,et al.: "Decelopment of peptide vaccines inducing production of neutralizing antibodies against HIV-1 viruses in HLA-DQ6 mice" Vaccine. 16. 1537-1543 (1998)
[Publications] Inabe,K.,et al.: "Transmission and propagation in cell culture of virus produced by cells transfected with an infectious molecular clone of bovine leukemia virus" Virology. 245. 53-64 (1998)
[Publications] Kameoka,M.,et al.: "A specific T-cell subset with CD4+/CD38- markers derived from HIV-1 cariers induses apoptosis in healthy donor-derived T-lymphocytes" Virus Res.56. 115-122 (1998)
[Publications] Tokunaga,K.,et al.: "Producer cell-dependent requirement of the Nef protein for efficient entry of HIV-1 into cells." Biochem.Biophys.Res.Commun.250. 565-568 (1998)
[Publications] Saadat,M.,et al.: "Chromosome aberrations in peripheral blood mononuclear cells infected with human immunodeficiency virus type 1(HIV-1)" Chromosome Science. 2. 39-41 (1998)
[Publications] 向井 徹也: "HIVワクチン(将来のワクチン開発に向けて1)" 治療学. 32・12. 31-34 (1998)
[Publications] 生田和良: "ボルナ病" ヒトと動物の共通感染症(丸山務、倉田毅、森田千春 編). (印刷中).
[Publications] 中村百合恵、他: "ボルナ病ウイルス" 医学のあゆみ(新興再興感染症). 185・5. 345-348 (1998)
[Publications] 高橋宏和他: "精神疾患との関連性がみられるボルナ病ウイルス" 臨床検査. 42・6. 694-695 (1998)
[Publications] 庄谷 祐子、他: "ボルナ病ウイルス" 化学療法の領域. 32・1. (1999)
[Publications] 朝長 啓造他: "ヒトの神経を冐す新しいウイルス感染症-ボルナ病ウイルス感染症-" 遺伝. 53・2. (1999)
[Publications] 生田 和良: "新しいウイルス感染症-中枢神経系疾患と関連するボルナ病ウイルス-" LAVEAM. (in press).