Research Abstract |
The aim of this study is to clarify signaling pathway for the regulation of cell cycle that depends on protein-protein interactions regulated by SH2-phosphotyrosine binding or SH3-proline bindings, under the international collaborative study. Advance of recent study revealed that cell growth cycle is regulated by a variety of intracellular signaling pathway that activated by tyrosine phosphorylation of cellular proteins. Up to date, two types of signaling pathway, positive and negative ones, that regulate cell growth were identified. In this study we mainly focused on a transmembrane glycoprotein, SHPS-1. SHPS-1 appears to have a function as a docking protein that reclutes the tyrosine phosphatase, SHP-2 which seems to be required for the cell growth. Despite for its unique structure, however, the function of SHPS-1 in cell growth remains largely unclear. in this study, we showed that cell transformation by v-src substantially suppresses the expression of SHPS-1 protein. In contrast, overexpression of exogenous SHIPS-1 in v-src-transformed cells virtually suppresses anchorage-independent growth of the cells.