[Publications] Y. Suda,K. Ebihara,K. Baba,H. Abe,A. M. Grishin: "Crystalline silicon nitride thin films grown by pulsed YAG laser deposition"NanoStructured Materials. 12. 391-394 (1999)
[Publications] 山里将朗,A.M.Grishin,山形幸彦,池上知顯,蛯原健治: "PLD法により作製したPZT/YBCO/MgOヘテロ構造薄膜の分極反転機構"電気学会論文誌. 119-A・1. 118-123 (1999)
[Publications] 青木振一,池上知顯,蛯原健治: "グラファイトターゲットのレーザーアブレーションによるCNx薄膜の作製"電気学会論文誌. 119-A・6. 796-801 (1999)
[Publications] 池上知顯,丸田和彦,山形幸彦,蛯原健治: "PLD法によるTiN成膜における高電圧パルス印加のプラズマプルームへの影響"電気学会論文誌. 119-A・6. 860-865 (1999)
[Publications] 中宮俊之,池上知顯,蛯原健治: "有限要素法によるパルスレーザー照射グラファイトの熱解析"電気学会論文誌. 119-A・7. 1045-1050 (1999)
[Publications] 青木振一,池上知顯,蛯原健治: "KrFエキシマレーザを用いたグラファイトアブレーションのレーザプラズマプルーム特性"電気学会論文誌. 119-A・7. 1059-1064 (1999)
[Publications] R. M. Mayo,J. W. Newman,A. Sharma,Y. Yamagata,J. Narayan: "Electrostatic measurement of plasma plume characteristics in pulsed laser evaporated graphite"J. Appl. Phys.. 86・5. 2865-2871 (1999)
[Publications] Y. Yamagata,A. Sharma,R. M. Mayo,J. W. Newman,J. Narayan,K. Ebihara: "Optical emission study of ablation plasma plume in the preparation of diamond-like carbon films by KrF excimer laser"J. Appl. Phys.. 86・8. 4154-4159 (1999)
[Publications] Y. Suda,T. Nakazono,K. Ebihara,K. Baba,S. Aoqui: "Pulsed laser deposition of carbon nitride thin films from graphite targets"Carbon. 36・5/6. 771-774 (1999)
[Publications] K. Ebihara,F. Mitsugi,M. Yamazato,Y. Yamagata: "Diamond-like carbon film deposition on PZT ferroelectrics and YBCO superconducting films using KrF excimer laser deposition"Composites, Part B. 30. 685-689 (1999)
[Publications] S. Aoqui,K. Ebihara,T. Ikegami: "Excimer laser ablation process characteristics for carbon nitride and diamond-like films preperation"Composites, Pars B. 30. 691-698 (1999)
[Publications] F. Mitsugi,T. Ikegami,K. Ebihara,J. Narayan,A. M. Grishin: "The colossal magnetoresistive La-Sr-Mn-O film by pulsed laser deposition"Transactions of the Materials Research Society of Japan. (in print).
[Publications] F. Mitsugi,Y. Yamagata,T. Ikegami,K. Ebihara,J. Narayan: "Properties of pulsed laser deposited Y-Ba-Cu-O film coated by Pb-Zr-Ti-O and diamondlike carbon"Advances in Superconductivity XI(Proceedings of the 11^<th> International Symposium on Superconductivity). 2. 1301-1304 (1999)
[Publications] M. Yamazato,A. M. Grishin,Y. Yamagata,T. Ikegami,K. Ebihara,J. Narayan: "Superconducting YBa_2Cu_3O_<7-x>-ferroeletric PbZr_<0.52>Ti_<0.48>O_3 heterostructures for a field effect transistor and a nonvolatile memory device"Advances in Superconductivity XI (Proceedings of the 11^<th> International Symposium on Superconductivity). 2. 1305-1308 (1999)
[Publications] S. Aoqui,T. Ikegami,K. Ebihara: "KrF Laser Plasma Plume Properties During Carbon Nitride Thin Film Preparation"Proceedings of the 14^<th> International Symposium on Plasma Chemistry. 3. 1117-1122 (1999)
[Publications] K. Ebihara. S. Aoqui,T. Ikegami,Y. Yamagata,J. Narayan: "KrF excimer laser deposition process for ferroelectric PZT and diamond-like carbon thin film preparation"Proceedings of the 14^<th> International Symposium on Plasma Chemistry. 3. 1687-1692 (1999)
[Publications] Y. Yamagata,A. Sharma,T. M. Mayo,J. W. Newman,J. Narayan,K. Ebihara: "Plasma diagnostics during pulsed laser deposition of diamond-like carbon"Proceedings of the 6^<th> International Conference on Composite Engineering (ICCE-6). 907-908 (1999)
[Publications] Y. Suda,K. Ebihara,K. Baba,H. Abe,A. M. Grishin: "Plasma diagnostics during pulsed laser deposition of diamond-like carbon using single crystal graphite and amorphous carbon"Proceedings of 1999 MRS Fall Meeting, Boston, USA. U12.4(in print). (1999)