[Publications] N.Ueyama, N.Nishikaws, Y.Yamada, T.Okamura. S.Oka, H.Sakurai, and A.Nakamura: "Synthesis and Properties of Octaethylporphinato (arenethiolato) iron(III) Complexes with Intramolecfular NH…S Hydrogen Bond : Chemical Function of the Hydrogen Bond" Inorg. Chem.37(10). 2415-2421 (1998)
[Publications] Y.Yamada, N.Ueyama, T.Okamura, W.Mori, A.Nakamura: "Polymeric and Dimeric Magnetic Properties of Square Planar Cu(II) Species Controlled by Hydrogen Bond Networks : [Cull{OCO-2,6-(CH3CONH)2C6H3 }2(H2O)].nH2O (n =1,4)" Inorg.Chim.Acta. 275-276. 43-51 (1998)
[Publications] H.Zaima, T.Unryuu, Y.Kousumi, T.Ueno, T.Okamura, N.Ueyama, and A.Nakamura: "Regulation of Electrochemical Properties of Fe(II) and Fe(III) Thiolate Complexes by Hydrogen Bonding with Diamide Additive" Reactive Polymers. 36. 1504-1516 (1998)
[Publications] W.-Y. Sun. N.Ueyama, and A.Nakamura: "Synthesis and Spectroscopic Properties of Iron(II) Complex with Sterically Encumbered Thiolate Ligand : 2,4,6-Triphenylbenzenethiolate" Spectroscop. Lett.31. 871-879 (1998)
[Publications] W.-Y. Sun. N.Ueyama, and A.Nakamura: "Stabilization of Hydrolytically Labile Iron(II)-Cysteine Peptide Thiolate Complexes in Aqueous Triton X-100 Micelle Solution : Spectroscopic Properties Mimicking of Reduced Rubredoxin" Biopolymers. 46. 1-10 (1998)
[Publications] W.-Y. Sun. N.Ueyama, and A.Nakamura: "Electrochemical Mimicking of Reduced Rubredoxin by Iron(II) Complexes of Cysteine Peptide Thiolate in Aqueous Micelle Solution" J.Electroanalyt.Chem.448. 105-109 (1998)
[Publications] T.Okamura, N.Ueyama, and A.Nakamura: "Synthesis and Structures of (Porphinato) (thiolate) gallium(III) Complexes" Chem.Lett.199-200 (1998)
[Publications] T.Okamura, K.Sakaue, N.Ueyama, and A.Nakamura: "An Amide-linked Ferrocene-dimer,[(CH3CONHC5H4) Fe (C5H4CONHC5H4) Fe(C5H4CONHCH3)]. Formation of Inter- and Intramolecular NH---O Hydrogen Bond" Inorg. Chem.37. 6731-6736 (1998)
[Publications] N.Ueyama, J.Takeda, Y.Yamada, T.Okamura and A.Nakamura: "Dinuclear Calcium Complexes with Intramolecularly NH---O Hydrogen-Bonded Dicarboxylate" Inorg.Chem.in press. (1999)
[Publications] T.Okamura, S.Takamizawa, N.Ueyama, and A.Nakamura: "Novel Rubredoxin Model Tetrathiolato Iron(II) and Cobalt(II) Complexes Containing Intramolecular Single and Double NH---S Hydrogen Bonds" Inorg.Chem.37(1). 18-28 (1998)
[Publications] N.Ueyama, T.Hosoi, Y.Yamada, M.Doi, T.Okamura, and A.Nakamura: "Calcium Complexes of Carboxylate-Containing Polyamide with Sterically Disposed NH---O Hydrogen Bond : Detection and the Polyamide in Calcium Carbonate by 13C Cross-Polarization/Magic Angle Spinning Spectra" Macromolecules. 31. 7119-7126 (1998)
[Publications] T.Ueno, T.Nakajima, N.Ueyama, T.Okamura, and A.Nakamura: "Role of a-Helix Conformation Cooperating with NH---S Hydrogen Bond in the Active Site of Cytohrome P-450 and Chloroperoxidase : Synthesis and Properties of [MIII(OEP)(Cys-Helical Peptide)](M=Fe and Ga)" J.Am.Chem.Soc.120. 12264-12273 (1998)
[Publications] N.Ueyama, N.Nishikawa, Y.Yamada, T.Okamura, and A.Nakamura: "Structure and Properties of Tetraphenylporphinate iron(III) Complexes with an Intramolecu-lar NH---S Benzenethiolate or NH---O Phenolate Hydrogen Bond" Inorg. Chim. Acta. 283. 91-97 (1998)
[Publications] N.Ueyama, T.Tsuji, T.Okamura, A.Nakamura: "Bis(tetraethylammonium) bis(2-triflueoroacetylamidatobenzenethiolato-S,N) nickel(II)" Acta Cryst. Sect C. C54. 1424-1425 (1998)
[Publications] (共著)上山憲一他: "元素IIIの新知識" 講談社, 192-209 (1998)