[Publications] R.Kato, M.Fujiwara, Y.Kashimura, J.Yamaura: "Development of Molecular Conductors Derived from Metal Dithiolene Complexes"Synth.Met.. 120. 675-678 (2001)
[Publications] E.Watanabe, M.Fujiwara, J.Yamaura, R.Kato: "Synthesis and Properties of Novel Donor-Type Metal-Dithiolene Complexes Based on 5,6-dihydro-1,4-dioxin-2,3-dithiol(edo) Ligand"J.Mater.Chem.. 11. 2131-2141 (2001)
[Publications] T.Imakubo, A.Miyake, H.Sawa, R.Kato: "Synthesis and Physical Properties of (DIETS)_2[Au(CN)_4] : A New θ-salt with a Unique Donor…anion Network"Synth.Met.. 120. 927-928 (2001)
[Publications] T.Imakubo, N.Tajima, M.Tamura, R.Kato, Y.Nishio, K.Kajita: "A Supramolecular Superconductor θ-(DIETS)_2[Au(CN)_4]"J.Mater.Chem.. 12. 159-161 (2002)
[Publications] H.M.Yamamoto, R.Maeda, J.Yamaura, R.Kato: "Structural and Physical Properties of Conducting Cation Radical Salts Containing Supramolecular Assemblies Based on p-Bis(iodoethynyl)benzene Derivatives"J.Mater.Chem.. 11. 1034-1041 (2001)
[Publications] N.Kojima, W.Aoki, M.Itoi, Y.Ono, M.Seto, Y.Kobayashi, Yu.Maeda: "Charge transfer Phase Transition and Ferromagnetism in a Mixed-Valence Iron Complex, (n-C_3H_7)_4N[Fe^<II>Fe^<III>(dto)_3](dto=C_2O_2S_2)"Solid State Commun.. 120. 165-170 (2001)
[Publications] T.Nakamoto, Y.Miyazaki, M.Itoi, Y.Ono, N.Kojima, M.Sorai: "Heat capacity of the Mixed-Valence Complex{(n-C_3H_7)4N[Fe^<II>Fe^<III>(dto)_3]}_<00>(dto : dithiooxalato) and Phase Transition due to Electron Transfer and Change in Spin-State of the Whole System"Angew.Chem.Int.Ed.Engl.. 40. 4716-4719 (2001)
[Publications] X.J.Liu, Y.Moritomo, A.Nakamura, T.Hirao, S.Toyazaki, N.Kojima: "Photoinduced Phase Transition and Relaxation Behaviour in a Spin-Crossover Fe(II) Complex Nafion-[Fe(Htrz)_3] Film"J.Phys.Soc.Japan. 70. 2521-2524 (2001)
[Publications] T.Manabe, T.Kawashima, T.Ishii, H.Matsuzaka, M.Yamashita, K.Marumoto, H.Tanaka, S.Kuroda, H.Kitagawa, T.Mitani, H.Okamoto, M.Yamashita: "Syntheses and physical properties of quasi-one-dimensional chloro-bridged Ni-Pd mixed-metal MX-chain compounds, Ni_<1-x>Pd_x(chxn)_2Cl_3"Synth.Met.. 116. 415-418 (2001)
[Publications] H.Kishida, K.Fujinuma, H.Okamoto: "Electromodulation spectroscopy in ferroelectric CT complex : TTF-CA"Synth.Met.. 120. 909-910 (2001)
[Publications] T.Manabe, T.Ishii, H.Matsuzaka, M.Yamashita, T.Kawashima, K.Marumoto, H.Tanaka, Y.Itoh, S.Kuroda, H.Okamoto: "Synthesis and physical properties of halogen-bridged Ni-Pd mixed-metal complexes, Ni_<1-x>Pd_x(chxn)_2XY_2"Synth.Met.. 120. 925-926 (2001)
[Publications] T.Manako, Y.Okimoto, M.Izumi, S.Shinomori, M.Kawasaki, H.Kishida, H.Okamoto, T.Fukumura, M.Ohtani, Y.Tokura: "Orientation-controlled epitaxy of A_2CuO_3(A : Sr, Ca) films with large optical nonlinearity"Appl.Phys.Lett.. 79. 1754-1756 (2001)
[Publications] H.Kishida, M.Ono, K.Miura, H.Okamoto, M.Izumi, T.Manako, M.Kawasaki, Y.Taguchi, Y.Tokura, T.Tohyama, K.Tsutsui, S.Maekawa: "Large third-order optical nonlinearity of Cu-O chains investigated by third-harmonic generation spectroscopy"Phys.Rev.Lett.. 87. 177401 (2001)
[Publications] W.Fujita, K.Awaga, H.Matsuzaki, H.Okamoto: "Room-Temperature Magnetic Bistability in Organic Radical Crystals : Paramagnetic-Diamagnetic Phase Transition in TTTA"Phys.Rev.B. 65. 64434-64443 (2001)
[Publications] S.Iwai, S.Tanaka, K.Fujinuma, H.Kishida, H.Okamoto, Y.Tokura: "Ultrafast Optical Switching from an Ionic to a Neutral State in Tetrathiafulvalene-p-Chloranil (TTF-CA) Observed in Femtosecond Reflection Spectroscopy"Phys.Rev.Lett.. 88. 057402 (2001)
[Publications] 岸田英夫, 岡本 博: "強相関一次元系の巨大非線形光学応答"固体物理. 36. 125-137 (2001)
[Publications] 岡本 博, 岸田英夫: "強相関一次元遷移金属化合物における巨大非線形光学応答"化学と工業. 54・5. 579-584 (2001)
[Publications] M.Enomoto et al.: "Magnetic Properties of Mixed Triangle-Based Ladder (C_1TET-TTF)(FeBr_4)_<1-x>(FeCl_4)_<x2>"Bull.Chem.Soc.Jpn.. 74・3. 459-470 (2001)
[Publications] K.Enomoto et al.: "Magnetic and Electronic Properties of(DMET)_2FeBr_4"Synth.Metals. 120・1-3. 977-978 (2001)
[Publications] M.Enomoto et al.: "Magnetic Properties of Mixed Crystal(C_1TET-TTF)(FeBr_4)_<1-x>(FeCl_4)_x"Synth.Metals. 121・1-3. 1800-1801 (2001)
[Publications] A.Miyazaki et al.: "Structure and Physical Properties of Squarate Salts of EDT-TTF Derivatives"Synth.Metals. 120・1-3. 939-940 (2001)
[Publications] K.Okabe et al.: "Electronic and magnetic properties of π-d interaction system : (EDTDM)_2FeBr_4"Mol.Cryst.Liq.Cryst.. (in press). (2002)
[Publications] A.Miyazaki et al.: "π-d interaction-based molecular magnets in TTF-type salts"Mol.Cryst.Liq.Cryst.. (in press). (2002)
[Publications] A.Kobayashi, H.Tanaka, H.Kobayashi: "Molecular Design and Development of Single-Component Molecular Metals (Feature Article)"J.Mater.Chem.. 9. 2078-2088 (2001)
[Publications] S.Uji, H.Shinagawa, A.Kobayashi et al.: "Magnetic Field Induced Superconductivity in Two-dimensional Conductor"Nature. 410. 908-910 (2001)
[Publications] L.Balicas, J.S.Broloks, A.Kobayashi et al.: "Superconductivity in an Organic Insulator at Very High Magnetic Field"Phys.Rev.Lett.. 87. 067002-1-4 (2001)
[Publications] S.Uji, H.Shinagawa, A.Kobayashi et al.: "Fermi Surface Studies in the Magnetic-Field-induced Superconductor λ-(BETS)_2FeCl_4"Phys.Rev.. B64. 024531-1-5 (2001)
[Publications] 小林昭子, 田中寿, 小林速男: "1種類の分子だけでできた金属"現代化学. 7. 59-66 (2001)
[Publications] 岡本 博: "新しい磁気と光の科学"講談社 サイエンティフィック. 28(41-68) (2001)